War Fucking War
af morton_h, the blogger
The Poetry of General Grammar:
Who is it for - Who is it against?
Who are to die - Who are to live?
Who pay for it - Who earn from it?
Who yearn for it - Who turn from it?
Who are responsible - Who are irresponsible? (not contradictory)
Who are the perpetrators - Who are the victims?
Who are the liars - Who are the idiots and the believers?
What are the means - What are the goals?
What are the strategies - What could be the counter-strategies?
What are the weapons - What could be the defences?
What are the lies - What is the Truth?
Where does it come from - Where does it go?
Where are the war mongerers - Where are the peace warriors?
Where does it begin - Where does it end?
Where is the battle field? - Where is the place of reconciliation?
Where is the battle field? - Where is the place of reconciliation?
Where do we see the burning grounds - where do we see the healing grounds?
When did it once begin - When will it ever stop?
When were we betrayed - When will we fathom the nature of the betrayal?
When is it too soon - When is it too late?
When do we shut up and ignore - When do we cry out and accuse?
The Poetry of Logic:
Why is it going on - Why don't we stop it?
Why are we being betrayed - Why don't we refuse the betrayal?
Why does it never seem to end - Why don't we even believe in an end?
The Poetry of Rhetoric
How has it become possible - How could something else become possible?
How is it brought about - How could the bringing about be intercepted?
How is it sold - How is it bought?
The Dark Ages and the Heavens
Obviously there is a lot of general grammar to be done. It seems to be where questions should be concentrated. Just crying out the big WHY? is understandable but quite frankly: completely useless. It ends up being pathetic as a desperate prayer of a religious idiot crying out for his god to dump the meaning of life in a parachute from heaven above. So instead of asking the heavens why this place is a place of eternal war, we should ask ourselves why and how we have alowed war to emerge and perpetuate itself.
Don't get me wrong. Asking the heavens can be most useful. There may very well be celestial reasons for a Dark Age with war, misery and stupidity on this planet. Stupidity may even be a precondition for war. By asking the Heavens I mean searching for reasons outside our physical, social, genetic, behavoural, political and other normal spheres, that effect human consciousness and behavour.
I will give you an example of Asking the Heavens. What if the Indian astronomer and sage - they even called him an Avatar, a Bodhisattva - Sri Yukteswar Giri was right? He described the cyclical phenomenon of the Great Year as being produced by our sun Helios interfering with its sister, the star Sirius. The ancient Egyptians called this heavenly relationshiop for Osiris and Isis. In the course of 24.000 years the two stars form giant spiralling elipses around the galactic plane. They are what astronomers today are discovering to be the most common state in the Cosmos: a binary solar system. Indeed the phenomenon can be verified by science by the change of color of the star Sirius from red to blue, meaning that instead of moving away from our solar system it is now (re)aproaching. Ancient astronomers describe Sirius as a red star. It is called the red shift and is a well accepted phenomenon among astronomers. But since Yukteswar is a scientist in the Vedic tradition, which is different from the Western positivistic science that for only 400 years has excluded consciousness from the cosmic equation, he describes the cycle of the Great Year as both a physical and a spiritual phenomenon. The human consciousness is in this ancient tradition of science (veda meaning knowledge) affected by the changes in the energetic field of the two suns. We have for about 2000 years been in the lowest energetic state of the Great Year, that the Vedic tradition calls the Kali Yugaand Plato calls the Age of Iron. We may just call it the Dark Age.
And has this Age not been dark in so many ways? Has it not been filled with wars, ignorance, poverty, plagues, false religions/idologies, suppression and subversion? Some would say filled with Black Magic, and I shall not object to that. Some would even attribute it to certain occult traditions by many names such as the Sabbatean Kabbalism, the Death Cult of Saturn as thoroughly described by scholars like David Livingstone. And has the Age of Iron not been filled with iron for swords, spears, arrow heads, guns, cannons, cannons on wheels and cannons on wings?
The next age is according to Plato the Age of Copper or Bronze. Copper would be more correct, since bronze is not a pure metal forming a platonic solid. What is the quality of copper? It is electricity. The age we are moving into now - and has been doing so since the 400 years transition period started around the year 1600 - will be characterized by the rediscovery of the subtle energies. What we in fact will rediscover is the energy of the Sun or the energy of the Black Hole / White Hole. Notice the term rediscover, for the discoveries has been known to man before.
The Dark Age has been the Age of Oblivion. It was where humanity forgot, what it was capable of. The Planet Earth is like living on the slopes of an active volcano. Once in a while it will erupt and destroy the civilisation that faithfully and obliviously has dwelled in its vicinity. Nature performs the Great Ctrl+Alt+Delete, the reboot or even re-installation of the system. This is the installation guide. Welcome to Humix. Please set the user name and password ... oh no, not this again, we already did this before!
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Did the hole of oblivion occour by a cyclical scheme, by accident or by design? |
Even if we disregard certain big-scale cataclysmic events, be they cosmic destructive impacts or as some would claim: star-war-like destructions between cosmic civilisations on and about Planet Earth, the natural cycles of The Ages, the Great Year in itself on its lowest level performs a state of oblivion, a big-scale Dark Night of the Soul.
There is a reason, why this Age, or as the Vedics call it: this Yuga is called Kali Yuga. Understand this: the Dark Age is named after a Dark Goddess, Kali Ma, the Dark Mother that devours human flesh in obscene rituals. This was the age, where human beings forgot, what the essence of their own humanity was. We the human beings forgot the morals, we forgot the wisdom, we forgot the knowledge, we forgot the technology, we forgot the resposibility ... in the Age of Kali, we forgot what it meant to be human. Therefore in the Age of Kali everything was upside down, and the essence of humanity was explained in inhuman terms. Notice how certain ideologies, that feed on war and destruction, want to descibe The Human Being as basically evil and destructive, as a primitive and fierce animal, sometimes even with an emphasis on why this destructive being should be destroyed! In arguments of counter-destruction there will re-appear arguments of pro-destruction. Very, very confusing and disturbing! The certain ideologuers and their ideologies have projected their own evil characteristics onto the rest of humanity as a justification for mass extinction and genocide. And this, of course, is totally outside the scope of normal people to comprehend, since this is a sick and perverted mindset of the psychopaths that have come to run The World.
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Some say that cream rises to the top. I say shit floats. |
Forgive then the people for not understanding the mindset of this class of psychopaths, for it is truly alien to any sound human morality and existence. This explains why war and misery has been going on for millennia. The mindset behind it is so fucking incomprihensible to human beings as a general, that, when being introduced and presented to the mindset in one form or another most people will say: It cant be!The presence of evil, which is a very real thing, is nonetheless ignored by most people. We all have experienced lonely madmen, but the presence of a deeply organized network of evil running our reality .. no way! And yet this network is being revealed on a daily basis, the amount of its evil doings are piled up and the extend of its lies and frauds are non-deniable. You would think.
Except of course if you are living in a bubble of denial, which is absolutely possible. But this denial used to be easy, since mainstream was almost flawless and undisturbed. The information was not out there and noone really were talking about it. There was no alternative to mainstream, although people that bought into the political left used to believe, that they formed an alternative, which they didn't. Today total denial takes an actual efford, since the reality is cracking and absurdities are taking over.
Political left - where to even begin?
Mentioning the political left, the liberals: their state of denial is immense. They are so entirely lost in translation of reality wrapped up in their dinosaur designer-ideology, that they will never for the rest of their lives be able to understand, what hit them. Right now they are litteraly applauding their own destruction. Unfortunately they are pulling everyone else down. The brainwash of leftism by political correctness is total og totalitarian in a most poisonous way.
One recent and illustrious example was the election in Denmark for or against a phenomenon maybe not known to people outside this tiny and privilegded country called the Danish legal reservations towards the EU, meaning that Denmark reserves its rights to deviate from the EU on certain legal issues. Which is totally healthy and reasonable especially seen in the light of what has happened in the EU in the form of economic empoverishment of the Southern European countries, huge unemployment, a flood of organized mass immigration, events of terror where factions inside the police are participating while politicians are lying to their people in order to take away the last civil rights, enormous amount of corruption and priviledges for EU-politicians and -technocrates, participation i financial- and trade-war agains Russia/Ukraine. Just to scratch the surface. But the political left today is backing up this monstrous machine!
They have totally forgotten, that they used to be critical towards this Empire building project and have now totally given themselves over to its totalitarianism. Not surpricing, actually, since the essence and foundation of Socialism from the very beginning was totalitarian. Not surprising either, that there is a syncronisation between monopoly capitalism and liberal ideologies/marxism. There was never a contradiction, and the whole Russian Revolution was organized and funded by Wall Street oligarks. The thing about this cunning ideology is, that it has been able to feed people with a belief system of being in opposition and forming an alternative, and that this illusion has been so die hard, that the liberals of even today believe, they have something else and something good to offer to the world. Their ideology is stone dead and yet it still lives on, now morphing into its supposed contradiction.
Leftist people are highly reactionary. In Denmark there is a right wing party, Danish People Party, that is against EU and mass immigration with quite a lot of success. This party for its part have some issues that for sure can be discussed, but how do all the left wingers behave accordingly? They appraise the EU and want more mass immigration as though the Swedish example of severe masochistic self destruction was not clear enough! They can't make a single thought for themselves anymore, but have to form their opinion based on the opposite of the opinion of people, they have agreed on hating. The majority of Danes nonetheless voted NO to the total(itarian) EU-harmonisation, and not surprisingly the leftists, the culture marxists, the intellectual snobs were bad losers and unable to recognize, that the majority of the Danes for some reason or another did not feel safe about the EU-project. Sickness did not recognize health.
Which brings us back to War-Fucking-War. The same brainwashed leftwingers are the best supporters of the whole neo-con, neo-imperialistic game going on especially in the Middle East. They supported the NATO-aggression all the way back to Afghanistan. They yelled and cheered when NATO bombed Serbia in the 90'ties and totally supported the destruction of Libya a few years ago and Syria today. They even supported the neo-nazi-fascist coup i Ukraine, believe it or not! Danish fighter jets have been joining the Americans in paving the way for ISIS by not hitting them. They have participated in destroying Libya and are now participating in Mali in order to annoy the Chinese - which is what the whole AfriCom campaign is all about. Libya was about preventing Gadaffi and the project with his neighbouring countries from forming an African currency, the new African Dinarbacked by Libyan gold reserves independant on American-Saudi petro-dollar and the IMF selfproclaimed right to destroy and enslave national economies of the World at will. Gaddafi disappeared, Libya disappeared and the Libyan gold disappeared!
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And if you believe this to be apprailsal of right-wingers, as they appear on the scene, you may think twice. |
The left wingers in Denmark supported the totalitarian killing of the Freedom of Information Act. They supported the selling out of the national Danish Energy Company DONG Energy to the financial gangster syndicate, Goldman Sachs. They supported the Transatlantic Partnership, that now allows the globalist cartels to sue any European government should it dare to demand, that a globalist corporation follows national law and eg. stops its filthy pollution - which is regarded as an obstacle for 'free' trade! There is no decency or moral compass left in the left - maybe that's why they are called 'the left', since all wits has left their brains ...
Which leads to the conclusion, that War-Fucking-War and the global phenomenon of leftism and liberal thought are closely connected if not indistinguisable. Which again leads back to The French Revolution, the mother of all revolutions. Left just meant in days of TFR, that those representatives in the French Parliament before 1789, that were pro-monarchy, sat in the right side, and those against sat in the left side. France thus have a centuries old tradtion for terror as a political weapon and a mean for controlling the masses by scaring the shit out of them. Today this tradition has been revived in a most perfidious manner.
War-Fucking-War is the War OF Terror. The enemy is not some bunch of fanatic mercenaries with false beards somewhere in the outskirts of civilisation. The enemy of the States that are hosting the real terrorists, is you, we, the people. Controllers, infil-traitors inside the French government have co-planned the - most probably fake - terror event in Paris. The purposes were the same as always.
First: to steal the civil rights from the people
Secondly: to engage the country in direct war.
Both with the consent of the people in a state of fear, where they will be willing to accept the otherwise unacceptable. The socialist French government thus acts according to its own tradition of revolution with terrorism just as the later development, the actual realisation of the revolutionary thought: the Russian Revolution and the Sovjet Union, governed for 70 years by terror. When the Russian Writers Guild, Literaturnaya Rossiya,gained access to the KGB archives in 1992, the real numbers of people killed by the revolution was 147 million!Which is in Russia alone. Add to that the Chinese revolution with another 100 million. Add to that the World Wars planned and instigated by the very same oligarcy that payed for the Russian Revolution in order to destroy the Russian Tsardom, that financed the Young Turks to destroy the Ottoman Empire, that fired the shot in Sarajevo by proxy to destroy the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and the German Reich - an unfinished business that took another World War to finish.
All very well documented, but not by the Empire of Envyitself, the British Empire and the later American Empire. Their history of the 'Great' wars is a giant piece of deceitful, manipulated whitewashing of their own crimes against humanity. War-Fucking-War will go on as long as the true history is filled with lies and fraud. As the historian Laura Knight-Jadczyk says (parafrased): History is one of the most important things to know. Without profound and real knowledge of history, it will repeat itself, since people will not know how to recognize the reappearance. Which is absolutely true and confirmed by the cattle in front of the abattoir -like apathy by which the populations of the West right now seem to accept the implementation of the Third World War.
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Israeli bombings of a defenseless people i the Gaza Strip. |
We can pinpoint the exact day and hour, that terror became an accepted political instrument. Not that is was new to mankind, not that its means and goals were not well rehearsed down through the centuries. But with 9/11, state terrorism arrived on a new level and a new piece of technology was introduced. In the future, the start of Third World War will probably be identified with this event. The series of wars in the Middle East were planned to follow, and we don't have to theorize, we have it from the horses mouth. It is all - except of course 9/11 itself - admitted in documents and broadcasted in prime time media by top politicians and leading military officers.
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Former NATO general as the horses mouth |
We only have to mention general Wesley-Clark's remark in a TV-interview, where he revealed the plan from the US War Room to destroy seven countries in five years in the Middle East. And the countries he mentionend have either been destroyed or attempted destroyed today, perhaps except Lebanon, which was already destroyed by the Israelis in the 80'ties, and Iran although being destroyed by sanctions which is also a form of warfare, and a severe and direct one too. Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Syria have all been destroyed. Except Syria has not been totally destroyed, but the Americans, the Saudis, the French and the Israelis are working on it daily with their instrument of terror called ISIS. And now the British have joined with Cameron's deceitful twisting of the very British Parliament, that clearly said NO a year ago. The method once again was: LIES!
Lies and post-democracy, which is the method of un-syncing all important political decisions from public influence. The EU is a post-democratic project. That the Danish government felt, it had to ask its people whether to give up the last piece of national sovereignty is just a hint, that democracy is in fact dying and in some places already dead. This governement wouldn't have done it, if the ruling parties had not arrogantly felt, that it could easily win. Which it did not.
Democracy in the EU does not exist more than as a ritual. The EU Parliament simulates democracy and has no power, whereas the EU Commission is non-democratic and has all power. Democracy has become this kind of theatre and the politicians have now detached themselves from the people of their countries to a degree, where MP's no longer serve as spokesmen or representatives for the people nor do they care whether they do. They will find ways of not asking what people think, since they regard the democratic proces as an obstacle to decision making.
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This is not democracy. This is the closed circle of plutocracy, oligarcy and neo-feudalism. |
In Western post-democracy corruption is now a rule, not an exception. It may very well be a kind of subtle corruption but nonetheless a corruption. One way is by compromise. If a politician has a dark side, a flawed personal character, a perversion, some severe mistakes from his past, he/she is regarded as the perfect tool for The Powers. That is why pedophilia is so common among the British Establishment. The last two General Secretaries of NATO had a dark past. The former Danish prime minister, Fogh-Rasmussen most probably was a pedophile, and the Norwegian Stoltenberg most probably was complicit of the mass murder of youngsters at Utöya by knowing about it, a most dirty piece of political handwork with the usual lone patsy, Breivik, taking the blame. Both GS's were rewarded for doing a service to the Powers and were placed on a chair, where terrorism and organized mass murder were a daily task for their enjoyment.
In the US it is easier simply to buy and sell politicians like stock on the stockmarked. Every single politician in Washington DC is bought by the mob that runs the country - except right now for Donald Trump, that swims in money and therefore cannot be bought, which is utterly entertaining :-) The guy has other issues eg. with zionism, but till now he has said things that no-onedares to say in a country run by the Chicago Mob, Wall Street, the Zionists and the Military-Industrial Complex.
The post-democracy operates within these organs. No-one gets inside that is not cleared for readiness to suck the big dick of The-Babel-Tower-of-Power. The power-political institutions of post-democracy operate as masonic filters. In The Lodge, the people on the floors only have knowledge and understanding on a filtered need-to-know-basis. The closer you get to the top, the more you know, AND at the same time the more you are compromised, meaning any wrong stop will be a risk of the life of you and your family. They say about the Chicago Mob: If you cross the mob, you will be killed. If you cross the Chicago Mob, they will kill your dog, then your children, then your wife, and THEN they will kill you.Mafia, Lodge, Power Politics - all the same.
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