The Darth Vader Empire & Skynet...coming to a town near you
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Front Cover from Dot-Connector Magazine # 1 2009. Download PDF here |
by ChaosNavigator
"We live in a time that a science fiction book would refer to as 'that time when everything had already changed, only people were too scared, too ignorant or too arrogant to understand and they pretended and acted as if everything was still normal and it wasn't."
- Libbe HaLevy
"Coming events cast their shadows before."
- Thomas Campbell
Preface: As I have written many times: Gloomy reflections, mind-boggling changes and forecasts don't seem to reach the majority, less so have an impact, are drowned in the information overload, sense bombardment, indifference, ignorance, confusion, hedonism, narcissism, defeatism, egotism, normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance, densensitization,etc. (which is the reason why articles such as this one might be ignored), and are far worse than depicted by most mainstream media or ignored/suppressed by most mainstream corporate media and therefore; most of us won't act before we are forced to by immediate circumstances in the event of breakdown scenarios.
Result: The unprepared will be in dire straits and only the minority groups with foresight, awareness, pro-active visions are - as minimum prerequisites – prompted to act now before it becomes necessity. And few have.....
The Internet Reformation itself is providing a new revolutionary narrative in the midst of confusion and censorship. But we have much more power than we think. We just need to wake up. People ARE waking up and great change beyond belief is coming.
Again: Never before has the survival of our species been dependent upon your awakening and activism! It's all happening NOW: Revision, reformation, revolution, renaissance - in the midst of breakdowns and breakthroughs.
It only takes a few moments to share an article, but the person on the other end who reads it might have his life changed forever
- Investment Watch
Bulletpoints - a short status list:
American people (and Europeans to a lesser extent) have been
participants in their very own Milgramexperiment being conducted by their government since 9/11. Since the
passage of the Patriot Act, the government continues to demand that
its citizens increase the voltage in the name of security. The
following list has been verified many times. Since 2001 (and before)
the Orwellian and insane developments and measures have included:
The NSA Actually Has A Program Called SKYNET — And It’s Terrifying, february 16 2016
Warrantless domestic surveillance. - You Won't Believe What's Going On with Government Spying`- Washington's Blog Secret 'Minority Report' Tech In ALL Post-2010 iPhones
NDAA - Obama signing NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) into law; The authority to indefinitely detain American citizens without trial. detainment of american citizens without due proces,The Suspension of Habeas Corpus in America , the militarization of law enforcement, the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act , etc. As in Weimar Germany, fundamental rights and freedoms are repealed under the pretext that democracy is threatened and must be protected. - The inauguration of the police state USA 2012
"Supreme Court refuses to stop indefinite detention of Americans under NDAA" - RT, "Supreme Court Denies NDAA Lawsuit - PANDA , 'Indefinite Military Detention and the NDAA' | CounterPunch, 'Lost and Stolen Liberty for Police State Security' | Global Research
30.000 drones are planned for domestic use flying over US territory, and the conditioning of people to accept these, and in time weaponized (has happened on initial test grounds but secretized in most part) Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress - Washington Times and drones civil liberties - Digital Journal and DHS to start testing drones over US for 'public safety' “It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States,” wrote Holder. -Rand Paul stops confirmation of CIA director due to drone killings of americans- RT
Update july 2016: Robot killers, anyone!? Use of police robot to kill Dallas shooting suspect believed to be first in US history -
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ordered a total of + 1.6 billion bullets for domestic use, of which + 450 million are hollow point bullets, (banned in war by various conventions, designed for maximum damage with one shot: Killshot, bought for use inside the USA. 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? - Forbes, 'DHS won't explain its order of 450 million hollow point bullets' - RT. The real numbers are much higher now as many different agencies have done the same.
The ability to search telephone calls, emails, financial matters especially involving foreign individuals, and medical records for people who are “suspected” of endangering the country.
Color coded risk levels designed to keep citizens fearful of non-existent terrorists.
Pre-emptive invasion of foreign countries
Committing U.S. forces to war without a declaration of war by Congress as mandated in the U.S. Constitution.
Assassination of people on presidential kill lists.
Extermination of “suspected” enemies by predator drones.
Camera systems monitoring the movements of Americans in cites and streets across the United States.
Torture of detainees in camps outside of the United States.
Executive orders giving the President the ability to unilaterally disregard the U.S. Constitution and take control of private industries. 'How President Obama Could Be Swept Away With His Executive Orders That Defy Congress And The Courts' - Forbes
Allowing the very bankers that destroyed the worldwide economic system to blackmail the American taxpayers into handing them $700 billion. $700 Billion Bank Bailout Was a Lie, it was Secretly $7 Trillion
Not prosecuting one Wall Street criminal after the largest Ponzi control fraud in the history of the world.
Cameras and listening devices on public transit and other public locations."On buses, cameras are watching and listening" - Washington Post, 10 Examples Of How “Big Brother” Is Steadily Creeping Into Our Daily Lives", “19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Giant Surveillance Grid“.
Military exercises conducted in U.S. cities in order to condition the masses. - 'Conducting Desensitizing Exercises' - Infowars
Very serious attempts to control and censor the internet through SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, TPP, CISPA, now TPP.
The use of tragic mass murders by mentally defective young men on psychotropic drugs to disregard the 2nd Amendment and disarm American citizens.
TSA (responsible for security in American airports and other areas) thugs molesting little old ladies and young children to desensitize citizens to gestapo like tactics and treat them like criminals. - TSA | American Civil Liberties Union
Government partnering with Facebook, Apple, Google and other corporate entities to monitor, censor, and report the activities of citizens to the authorities.
The use of public schools to teach children what to think rather than how to think. Thought control is vital to an agenda of keeping the masses fearful and pliable. -'Common Core' Nationalizes and Dumbs Down Public School`-Ron Paul
Government agencies (FBI, ATF) creating terrorist plots, luring young dupes into the plots, providing fake explosives, and then announcing with great fanfare they have foiled a terrorist plot (New York Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. - April 28, 2012 ) Land Destroyer: NYT: FBI Hatches Terror Plots The Guardian: 'Government agents 'directly involved' in MOST high-profile US terror plots' - 2014
“See something, Say something” government media campaign designed to make citizens paranoid and fearful."
(Department of Homeland Security) Purchased 2,700
Light-Armored Tanks
documents western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to
manipulate online discourse - inject all sorts of false
material onto the internet using social sciences and other
techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate
outcomes it considers desirable
systems monitoring the movements of Americans in cites and streets
across the United States.
Spies On Innocent People Via Webcams, Laptops, Xbox -
The Guardian
NSA Intercepts Laptops Purchased Online to Install Malware - The
7.1 Million Americans in Prisons So Corporations Can Profit (CNN, Fareed Zakaria, 15th of may, 2013)
CIA's drug trafficking, cocaine, opium.
The use of false flag state-sponsored terror operations to manipulate populations and subvert countries
The 9/11 official explanation as a false narrative, constant phony wars against terror as pretext for terrorwars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.)
US, western intelligence agencies, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, Saudiarabia, etc. actively support ISIS and Al-Qaeda to get rid of Assad. Has been established as a fact massively by now on multiple occasions.
USA aiding the illegal coup in Ukraine supporting fascist takeover and the destruction of the country
Demonization af Russia - extreme lies (The Big Lie). NATO-troops in Eastern-Europe, exstremely dangerous and aggresive developments.
FEMA camps can be misused to imprison dissidents. Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II - Washington Examiner
Radical changes and breaches in nuclear doctrines and international agreements; 'preventive' tactical nukes, the insane Samson Option, etc.
Democide, massmurder and genocide" - democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century." -"Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder."
The constant dumbing down and perception management of populations through media monopoly and what to think - in schools, universities, etc.
COINTEL, assassinations, high-tech electromagnetic weapons
Big Pharma - +200 billion dollar industry, monopoly, economic death -necromanic profit for shareholders via patents, cancer industry, vaccines, 3rd leading cause of death is medicine and doctors.
Fractional Reserve Banking, money created out of nothing by private banks and debt slavery in the extreme, and Booms and Busts by central banks wreaking untold suffering.
Secret Weather weapons, HAARP, Chemtrails
Climate change (anthropogenic) is an elite-fabricated lie, so is Peak oil, and overpopulation.
Untold destruction of the environment, 50% of animal species extinct
Systematic suppression of cancer cures and free energy since the start of the 20th Century. See this also
Transhumanism and its rampant progression - a double-edged sword and shadowside of the post-human (un)human
Extreme sexual assaults on children, widespread pedophilia among politicians and elites, human sex trafficking
Mainstream Media as mouthpiece for massive propaganda lies, censorship, omissions - populations subjected to massive untruths and manipulations since WW1 up to present day
Infiltration and coercion of the press
The chemical stealth destruction starting in the 20th Centrury continuing - destruction of the biosphere, nature and environment, contamination of water, air and earth, fracking, etc.
Radioactive contamination, Chernobyl, Fukushima, secret nuclear leaks, nuclear waste, etc.
Increased rate and severity of eruptions, volcanoes, earthquakes, nature catastrophes, anomalies, etc.
Very serious water draughts and shortages, water wars, etc.
Biologically destructive EMF, WiFi, cell phone and tower mast radiation, electrosmog and smart meters being censored and whitewashed as 'safe' by corporations and governments
Monsanto's monstrous record of GMO, attempts to patent all life, genetic destructive artificial impact on food, animals, all life. Hijacking FDA, etc.
Corporatocracy/Oligarchy is the norm - democracy is a lie
Destructive powerful entities influencing politics behind the scenes: Bilderberg, Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, DARPA, Google (is Evil), Zionism, Blackwater, Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius, +3000 elite think tanks, TPP, etc. - in other words a dystopian Darth Vader empire
Perception management, rearrangement of chairs on the deck of the Titanic civilization; damage kontrol, inane hedonistic orchestration of the dance on the upper decks of 'Titanic' (entertainment zombiefication) - while some of the lower decks are burning ('You party while the house is burning' - Krishnamurti), etc., etc., etc......
probable future collapse of the stock market and global meltdown
The list would fill many many pages, this one is short, not extensive, is NOT 'pessimism', is not fiction (I really hoped it was, but isn't - do your homework!), is not 'doom porn', but reality assessment.The situation is worse than described.
See also: War, Terrorism and the Global Economic Crisis in 2015: Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, December 25, 2015
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