Trump & Q -Pied Pipers For The New World Order Agenda + Intro
'OK Q people - time to hold the tricksters accountable. Q tricked the liberty movement into a side show while the deep state got the keys to the candy store. Hope porn works....FASAB 56 proves that Brandon Smith right' - Catherine Austin Fitts, 5. january 2019 Among the figures who have been promoted by QAnon as heroes resisting the "deep state" include Blackwater founder Erik Prince, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former Mayor of New York City turned Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.' - Pro-Trump conspiracy-spinner "QAnon" calls for readers to PROMOTE regime change in Iran - sott, june 2018 [That regime change in Iran is in accordance with murderous Neocon Zionist policies does not seem to bother Trumpists and Qanus followers...oh my, cognitive infiltration PSYOPS works] |
11. jan. 2019. In the first installment of this multi-part series, Trump Expanding the Empire, Abby Martin debunks the notion that Trump is an anti-interventionist president, outlining his first two years of aggressive foreign policy that has expanded US wars and occupations. From the biggest military budget in history, to removing its restrictions to “bomb the hell out of” Iraq and Syria, to ramping-up brutal economic sanctions, to becoming America's 'Arms Salesman-In-Chief.'
Intro and analysis (not so much an intro as a long complementary addition to Brandon Smith's piece below :-): There are so many anomalies and contradictions with Trump, many specific bullet points which the trumpist cult crowds are largely completely unaware of, his biography, his honey trap-pedophile specialist mentor, Roy Cohn, his many connections to the rabid Zionists and mafia, Rothschild connections, chabad connections, how Cambridge Analytica and PsyGroup waged psychological digital warfare campaigns for him, etc. - all of which absolutely cannot be explained away by 99% arbitrary associations and coincidence theory. [1]
This has resulted in a new form of iliteracy on the alternative level, primarily among newcomers among the so-called truth movements, but also some veterans. A co-opting of the truth movements through psychological operations. Most veterans are not deceived in spite of the trumpist simulacra, what I call fake awakening, fake rabbit holes, limited hangouts, cognitive honey traps to hook the already awakened by mimicry. 4th generation warfare and cognitive infiltration.
Roy Cohn pedophile honey trap operator was crucial to Trump's life. They met in the 70s (Cohn says in 1980, however, that he had known Trump for 15 years). Cohn was Trump's mentor and lawyer. They were close friends, and Trump was deeply dependent on Cohn's counseling every single day, talking 15-20 calls times a day. Cohn was also a fearsome lawyer for Senator Joe McCarthy. He was the great-inquisitor of McCarthyism. Cohn was notoriously infamous for his shameless morality, deeply infiltrated in and lawyer for the mob, friend of Meyer Lansky. Cohn ran the extortion operations for the CIA, which involved pedophilia. Cohn was crazy about Trump and took him under his wings. Roy Cohn was in the Permindex board, whose name goes back to the murder of John F. Kennedy, which was a front for the CIA and / or Mossad. Roy Cohn was the sworn enemy of the JFK and Kennedy family, but also deeply involved in GLADIO, like Steve Pieczenik, Kissinger's protégé. Roy Cohn told the legendary NYPD detective, James Rothstein (who arrested Watergate agent Frank Sturgis who was also a member of Operation 40) that he openly used child prostitution for extortion of politicians - the very well-known method of intelligence services and other dark-men have used again and again to control high-ranking people. Among other things. Jared Kushner's father was sentenced and imprisoned for using this technique (Jared Kushner is Trump's son-in-law)
“Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up”
– ‘The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska’
All these mafia and high-crime connections to Trump - Mossad, the mafia, Meyer Lansky, Roy Cohn, the CIA, Epstein, Felix Sater, and much more - etc...Trump's biography is jampacked in a DIE-HARD HARDCORE degree that is incredible in the extreme with intel and mob monsters. Much is well documented ever since the 60s.
* Billionaire and mafia operator, Tevfik Arif, who was Trump's partner for many years. Arif was arrested for prostitution and human trafficking with underage girls. Arif is deeply connected with hardcore Zionists and supports the Chabad Mafia with large sums of money (including both Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump - officially Cbabad, which caused Trump to give Israel permission to expand the illegal settlements in Israel). Arif was long-standing partner with Trump, Trump's best-known projects, such as the Bayrock Group headquartered in Trump Tower. Trumps criminal pedophile connections are widespread and crowded to the bursting point with high-crime aspects big time. Trump's mafia connections for decades are well known. The Russian and Jewish mafia in New York has always dealt big time with Trump!
* George Nader, pedophile for decades, was imprisoned as a pedophile in 2003 in Prague, but worked in Trump's presidential transition team. Nader was also a backdoor channel between Israel and the Saudis, and met in the Trump Tower in December 2016 with Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince, Mohammed bin Zayed, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi who is the de facto head of United Arab Emirates (and as Nader was an advisor for). , et al.
* John Casablanca, notoriously sexual predator, constantly boning minors. Trump was close friend of Casablancas, who was notoriously known as a sex monster, and was the founder of the modern model industry, the Elite model agency (model agencies are also used as a front for recruiting for sex trafficking according to Europol). Trump was notoriously known for hitting on the younger side, like Epstein. Trump also got his daughter, Ivanka Trump, under Casablanca's wings as a model - Ivanka was then 13 (or 15) years old.
Duran: "QAnon has posted some remarkable predictions proving his “authenticity” as someone working inside the Trump Administration…
* QAnon predicted Trump’s Twitter shutdown
* QAnon predicted an incident with a helicopter at a Rothschild estate in the UK two days before it happened
* QAnon posted original photographs taken from Air Force One. Timestamps and flight paths match the POTUS Trump’s recent trip to Asia. One photo appears to have been taken while flying over North Korea.
* QAnon has posted key phrases that the President used in future tweets, with many of his phrases and terminology independently confirmed as belonging to military intelligence.'
Palantir (Peter Thiel, et al.), Cambridge Analytica (Bannon, Mercer, et al.), PsyGroup, Pro-Zionists, Cicada 3301 ('Follow the white rabbit and other memes arose long time before October 2017), traces to Israel (which is congruent with Q's Pro-neocon whitewashing and omissions on Israel, that Q will eventually spill the beans on Israel in the end, very convenient for eternal goofy waiting and misleading while the destruction continues.
Proof #Qanon Takeover had Israeli Ties. Corsi, CodeMonkeyz, UnirockTV
Datamining and crowdsourcing, and other key people, etc. point to the PSYOP
a) Perhaps 1% succes in predictions in drops out of more than +3000 drops that exist and that
b) Q speaks in the concepts that the truth movement already knows, is the cause for the confirmation bias via cognitive anchoring that makes Q-masturbators buy the 99% as if the whole package was gospel, i.e. also the 'truth'.
In other words; give some truth so that the rest will also be perceived as truth. Because some things were real, one interprets the other things (what to think of Trump) as "proof" of the truth value of ideology and intent, that these are also true and real, which is a psychologically intentional strategy from the PSYOPS units.
As I wrote often: Qanons believe that Q is a 'true patriot' because of very few succesful predictions, BUT in fact, it is merely evidence that Q has insider knowledge, but the Qanon disciples interpret it as 'proof' that Trump and the Q team are fighting The Deep State, a logical fallacy (Post hoc ergo propter hoc) and the psychological essence of this operation.
The conviction then hijacks the world view of the duped conspiracy theorists: It is Qanon's version of reality that feeds and shapes their perception, ie. 'How the internal power struggle looks within The Deep State', 'Trump is a hero', 'who the central figures are', 'what to fight for', 'what rabbit holes to research', etc. Basically, what to think and think about Deep State, Trump, etc.
The Qanon operation is not a classical LARP (as it is a PSYOPS in addition) but has the unmistakable signs of being psychologically structured as a extremely addictive LARP with all the suspense, dopamin hits, and other addict elements to it (this is well-known among Q followers).
I noticed an immediate and very typical rationalization by a Q-anon follower in a comment section last year:
"So what if Q is a LARP. The amount of real research and knowledge spawned from Q's actions still make it a great thing. If Q was a psyop, what purpose would it serve evil actors to have everyone suddenly digging for the truth and exposing hidden agendas, secret alliances of power and countless rabbit holes of corruption everywhere? Q doesn't give us answers. Q just asks the right questions and steers us to do our own research. It really matters not who Q is. The gained knowledge we have all acquired by our own doing has lead to this great awakening and huge increase in numbers. THAT is the real treasure and that is what's important. Whether this administration actually drains the swamp or not, there are now exponentially more of us than a few years ago, and we have even greater understanding. This does not serve to benefit anyone wanting to pacify and lure us into enslavement, but quiet the contrary."
The commentator got it all wrong while being half right. It's the other way around; it's AFTER the fact. A limited hangout operation is exactly done and damage control because the truth was ALREADY out, the awakening was ALREADY exponentially happening long before Trump stole the talking points. The very original definition of a limited hangou:
A “limited hangout” is spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their wall of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting – sometimes even volunteering – some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case' [that's why Trump morphed into the spokesperson for the truths that was already out, he said what people in the awakening wanted to hear...and broke all promises afterwards)
- Victor Marchetti, CIA executive assistant
'The movement was becoming a decentralized threat to the globalist agenda, a threat that could not be easily quantified or dominated because it had no identifiable leadership. We were a movement based on knowledge and individual action. The liberty movement was winning ground in every conceivable arena, from the dismantling of the mainstream media through alternative platforms...Something had to be done...Trump didn’t create that wave, the liberty movement did that for him, he just rode it into the White House. ...Trump then proceeded to load up his presidential cabinet with elitists and globalists as soon as he was elected. These very same cabinet members and advisers went on to attend globalist meetings like the secretive Bilderberg Group AFTER Trump had been elected. People like Rothschild banking agent and Commerce Secretary Wilber Ross who officially attended in 2017, or [Palantir operative] adviser Peter Thiel who officially attended in 2018....So, the question arises — how do we continue to fight against the 4th Generation warfare being levied against us? '
- Brandon Smith, Understanding The Tactics Of Subversive Globalism
"So what if Q is a LARP. The amount of real research and knowledge spawned from Q's actions still make it a great thing. If Q was a psyop, what purpose would it serve evil actors to have everyone suddenly digging for the truth and exposing hidden agendas, secret alliances of power and countless rabbit holes of corruption everywhere? Q doesn't give us answers. Q just asks the right questions and steers us to do our own research. It really matters not who Q is. The gained knowledge we have all acquired by our own doing has lead to this great awakening and huge increase in numbers. THAT is the real treasure and that is what's important. Whether this administration actually drains the swamp or not, there are now exponentially more of us than a few years ago, and we have even greater understanding. This does not serve to benefit anyone wanting to pacify and lure us into enslavement, but quiet the contrary."
The commentator got it all wrong while being half right. It's the other way around; it's AFTER the fact. A limited hangout operation is exactly done and damage control because the truth was ALREADY out, the awakening was ALREADY exponentially happening long before Trump stole the talking points. The very original definition of a limited hangou:
A “limited hangout” is spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their wall of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting – sometimes even volunteering – some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case' [that's why Trump morphed into the spokesperson for the truths that was already out, he said what people in the awakening wanted to hear...and broke all promises afterwards)
- Victor Marchetti, CIA executive assistant
'The movement was becoming a decentralized threat to the globalist agenda, a threat that could not be easily quantified or dominated because it had no identifiable leadership. We were a movement based on knowledge and individual action. The liberty movement was winning ground in every conceivable arena, from the dismantling of the mainstream media through alternative platforms...Something had to be done...Trump didn’t create that wave, the liberty movement did that for him, he just rode it into the White House. ...Trump then proceeded to load up his presidential cabinet with elitists and globalists as soon as he was elected. These very same cabinet members and advisers went on to attend globalist meetings like the secretive Bilderberg Group AFTER Trump had been elected. People like Rothschild banking agent and Commerce Secretary Wilber Ross who officially attended in 2017, or [Palantir operative] adviser Peter Thiel who officially attended in 2018....So, the question arises — how do we continue to fight against the 4th Generation warfare being levied against us? '
- Brandon Smith, Understanding The Tactics Of Subversive Globalism
is important to note that Trump is NOT draining the swamp of elitism in
Washington D.C. The public is so focused on who Trump gives the boot
they are forgetting to pay attention to the institutions that never
leave. .............Trump is an interesting case as far as this 4th
generation warfare is concerned. Never in modern times has a
president’s rhetoric been so openly hostile to the globalists, while at
the same time harboring those very same globalists within his
administration. Never before has a fabricated battle between the White
House and globalization as an ideology been used as a distraction from
globalism itself. This is something entirely new. The issue is something
I warned about consistently before Trump was even elected, and it is
the reason I predicted that he would become president. Trump, in my view
according to the evidence so far, is controlled opposition.'
- Brandon Smith via Zero Hedge
- Brandon Smith via Zero Hedge
The Cardinal Rule in Controlled Oppositions is always - in order for them to be accepted by the opposition - that they give much truth, otherwise they will be shunned. In Alex Jones case there was 80% truth, 20% distortion (the percentage ratio is approx) by omissions and lies. The Qanon became much more vague and ambiguous at the beginning of 2018, giving enormous ambiguity in interpretation, even though this ambiguity was ignored.
Both failed unambiguous predictions and more vague formulations have, for example. resulted in Q-disciples seeing what does not exist, i.e. where you adapt the landscape to the map (the conditioned mindset conditioned by Q) - fx: Q-disciples have tried to explain Obama's reappearances as a copy, a double / look-a-like, cause Q claimed he was arrested.
This is just one of several grotesque adaptations of 'territory to map' error (error in logical typing). Q-disciples are convinced that Trump and Mueller collaborate secretly against Clinton, that Iran and Clinton are collaborating on secret nuclear tech, why it is necessary for Trump to attack Iran (a Neocon target). It creates a world view that is a chimera, a Frankenstein's monster that is illiterate with regard to Trump's real connections and many many other real rabbit holes about the Deep State. It presents knowledge that is very limited in relation to what has happened and what is going.
Trump is only briefed on certain things in this, as his handlers - as always - use compartmentalization, ie. one part of an operation does not know what the other is doing, as a countermeasure to leakage, compromised assets. The same principle can also explain that Q uses person replacement behind the keyboards, since Q is divided into phases (Cicada 3301 to 4chan to 8chan) unless Q was hacked. But why do Q-disciples continue to follow Qanon if they know he has been hacked, not least called for regime change against Iran?

Qanon post above - this only 6 days before CIA-supported MEK terrorists were complicit in inciting riots in Iran (MEK are John Boltons proxies, USA support them) which broke out from the 25th to the 28th of june 2018. Who also wants war against Iran? Neocons & Israel! What’s Trump’s administration infested with? Neocons! Which country does Trump support more than any previous president? Israel! The Deep State is not opposed to Trump - Q is pro-Trump and anti-Iran, Trump is anti-Iran and pro-neocon. Q is a Neocon PSYOP!

Q also wrote this 6 days before Bolton began as National Security Advisor on April 9, 2018)

Notice also how 1) Qanon acts as Agent Provocateur to the unknowing public and harms the truth movements through collectivist set-up as a cause for association, ie. that the media equate Qanons and all conspiracy theorists per se for subsequently shooting them down in the mainstream media ine the eyes of the oblivious reader.VIDEO (Washington Post, February 20, 2019) Many mainstream people who have not taken the step out of The Matrix will dump all so-called conspiracy theory as being false due to Qanon's false theories (they throw the baby out with the bathing water).
Many observe that the Qanon movement is currently deeply frustrated and split , especially after Qanon has been very silent in 2019, which has caused threats of violence. It is nothing new; a Qanon parked his armored car at the Hoover dam in 2018, another Qanon follower has recently murdered his brother with a sword, etc.
"One man parked his self-made car on the bridge next to the Hoover Dam. Another occupied a cement plant in Tucson, convinced it was involved in an international child sex-trafficking ring."
2) At the same time, truth movements are split internally due to Qanon, in conflict, divide & conquer, using hell of lot of energy to investigate false rabbit holes, sent out on insanely time-wasting goose chase, etc. and
3) The empire has turned (some of) its enemies into its unwitting friends (minus the majority of veterans in the truth movements). The Qanon-infected become unaware of their role as the empire's PR agents. Many dissidents have bought the entire Qanon package, ie. they are led to believe in the giant untruths of the PSYOP operation due to the true parts and limited hangouts, which are the prerequisite for hook, line and sinker on the limited hangout, cognitive honeypot hooks, fallacy of composition, etc., thereby becoming carriers of the cognitive meme virus.
Diabolically clever and murky triple problem-reaction-solution!
The Empire's fake websites also mask as grassroots (astroturf) - controlled oppositions like Newspunch website AKA Agent Provocateur, Baxter Dmitry AKA Sean Adl, posts limited truth (honey pot) but injects lies that are used by the establishment to character assassinate and discredit the truth movements and legitimize censorship.
The de facto events of Trump's actions, constituted by a long consistent trail of events in harmony with Swamp Creatures and Neocons, show a historical deep track which is historically and in terms of unequivocal characteristics incompatible/ incommensurable with what Q says (words).
To cling to such words as true because of 1% hitrate in predictions vis-a-vis the opposite track of de facto actions, connections, etc. is contradictory and mutually exclusive in the extreme. It can't be done.
People wait and wait, providing alibi for empire through Trump via Tom Clancy stories (as they think he is 'fighting' the Deep State).
The only reason people think that it's warranted to wait and wait and wait is because of the carefully constructed hope PSYOP by design, giving empire infinite patience (and passivity) on the pro-Trumpist grassroots level.
After Trump lost credibility and his base began to see through him, they introduce this LARP PSYOPS Qanon operation in 2017 for cognitive infiltration, providing more false alibi for Trump's destructive actions via Q's damage control, perception management and manipulation (with all the right buttons, NLP-techniques, datamining, etc - same people intertwine, Palantir, PsyGroup, Cambridge Analytica, Cicada as breeding and test ground, etc.). The trail with the pre-phase of Q and 'Follow the white rabbit' goes back to 2015, Israeli names (I suspect the same teams as creators of Flat Earth PSYOPS), even the crowdsourced the memes came out of Cidada and (and Cambridge Analytica probably), 'The Storm', 'Drain the Swamp', etc.
The quintessential thing is that the negative things under Trump are so many and so far consistent with his background and connections.
NB! The remote very dim hope for Qanons is that they constantly will wait and wait for the last resort of fulfilment of the promised end result (by now religious deliverance): That 'white hats' will come US to rescue under Trump at the very last moment (arrests of Deep State insiders, tribunals, indictments, Martial Law, etc.)
That expectation and (IMO deliberate PSYOPS-calculated) procrastination proces of waiting and hoping ad nauseam is so unrealistic by now, considering 2 years of 98% of de facto negative orders and actions under Trump.
The promise hinges on Q-like narratives [read: words where very few predictions came to pass] while actions (and inaction) under Trump de facto override words by far, in the extreme.
‘Cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity........In the most effective form of infiltration, therefore government officials would participate anonymously or even with false identities’ - Truth Czar, NSA-advisor professor Cass Sunstein
Professor David Ray Griffin says that this ‘cognitive diversity' - which Cass Sunstein thinks is the most effective form of infiltration' via online-agents - will create antagonism, in-fight, broken friendships, division, and perhaps lead to dissolution of conspiracy theorists and truth movements (which Q has done partially)
![]() |
Internal document was leaked from GCHQ, the British equivalent of the NSAClues like 'exploit prior beliefs' are selfevident. 'Present story fragments' (Q's crumbs fx.), 'Swap the real for the false and vice versa' Notice how mimicry/imitation and playing on pre-existing beliefs (cognitive consonance) are the source of PSYOPS manipulators' success. Qanon's method fits neatly into the table above with 'exploitation of previous beliefs' under the 3rd row first category; 'Sensemaking': 1. 'exploit prior beliefs', 2. 'present story fragments' (Q's 'crumbs') 3. repetition creates expectation (both are precisely Q's history and Qanon's audience response par excellence ). See also second row from above under 'Perception'. The end result is inversion in the last row of the 3rd row; 'Swap the real for the false' - Iran’s regime must go according to Q, while Neocons, Zionists and war criminals such as John Bolton, Allan Dershowtz, Erik Prince and other Swamp creatures are the whiewashed. Inversion indeed. Same goes for controlled opposition, Alex Jones who always said that military tribunals were bad, and suddenly under Trump they are good. ![]() 'What will happen when the lights go out and the grid goes down in the future? With worst-case scenarios like FEMA and Continuity of Government, Martial Law, internet breakdowns, economic breakdown scenarios etc. many of the minds of Q-die-hards, Alex Jones disinfo warriors, etc. who are hijacked by this abominable weaponization of conspiracy theorists against their own flock - we are talking about millions - will be locked in their mental state of mind, thus still hijacked with much less possibility of revision after the internet restrictions take effect and highly susceptible for further manipulation by TPTB. During such scenario they will misled by their own minds and Deep State operatives in the real world as ' foot soldiers' as their minds are still captured in Q-arrested development and they would be used against the real patriots and truth movement on the ground against the real enemies of the Deep State. The Q and Trump narrative will lead to treason and Deep State killing many people, their rights?.' - 11th of july 2018 - Trump - National Emergency & Deep State Attorney General announced within 24 hours |
'These operations are only the visible and publicly-admitted front of a vast array of military and intelligence programs that are attempting to influence online behaviour, spread government propaganda, and disrupt online communities that arise in opposition to their agenda. That such programs exist is not a matter of conjecture; it is mundane, established, documented fact. In 2014, an internal document was leaked from GCHQ, the British equivalent of the NSA. The document, never intended for public release, was entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations” and bluntly stated that “We want to build Cyber Magicians.” It then goes on to outline the “magic” techniques that must be employed in influence and information operations online, including deception and manipulation techniques like “anchoring,” “priming” and “branding” propaganda narratives. After presenting a map of social networking technologies that are targeted by these operations, the document then instructs the “magicians” how to deceive the public through “attention management” and behavioural manipulation.' -
The concepts of 'sensemaking' and 'perception' in the scheme above are vital clues of how fx. a Qanon PSYOPS operation is working in the minds of both mind controller and mind controlled. Datamining with selfreferential loops, copy-cat'ing the alternative worldview of dissidents for subsequent cognitive anchoring and trust, i.e. telling people what they want to hear (and having a spokesman representing an alternative worldview, especially in Trump's election campaign) was done through datamining and Cambridge Analytica, PsyGroup, Palantir, the Alt-right movements, Breitbart, etc. [3]
Notice that Qanon tries to whitewash the worst neocon pro-israeli monsters of the empire but says virtually nothing about Israel's EXTREME increasing fascism. It makes perfect sense when Qanon is traced by digital forensics to Israel AND by Q's trajectory and comments as Pro-Zionistic-Neocon, AND that Trump is the best president Israel OFFICIALLY ever had - AND consistent with Trump's Neocon ACTIONS.
Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company - 2013
"Another prediction weeks before it happened: Trump accepting the Golan heights belonging to Israel will become much more official within months (Genie energy, Jacob Rothschild, Ruper Murdoch, Dick Cheney, etc.)"
But we knew it since at least 2013. The 'conspiranoid' optic is 'prophetic' time and time and time again..
Trump signs declaration recognizing Israel's sovereignty over disputed Golan Heights
What words from some Robert David Steele'sque or Benjamin Fuckford'sque military hopium ProTtrumpian narrative would change de facto proof-in-the-pudding destructive actions? It would not!
I don't need some COINTEL whistleblower to tell me how to think about Trump, I SEE the FRUITS of the ACTIONS, the characters, follow the money, etc.
The criteria for a successful theory in PRACTICE is consistency (among other things) :
a) the pro-Israeli Zionist Neocon administration with which Trump is infected (Bolton, Abrams, Mnuchkin, Ross, Pompeo, Barr, Carlyle group, etc. etc.)
b) the ACTIONS; criminalizing criticism of Israel by official decree (attack on the 1st amendment without precedent in modern US history), the Jerusalem embassy, etc. Another prediction: Trump accepting the Golan heights belonging to Israel will become much more official in 2019 (Genie energy, Jacob Rothschild, Ruper Murdoch, Dick Cheney, etc.), and many more abominable things ....CONSISTENT with the above and dark empire...
c) the Israeli mafias connections to Trump, his biography, etc. and many many more much more murky current and past connections to Rothschild, Chabad, etc. Does anybody really think that the greatest supporter of Trump, Adelson, is not in perfect alignment with Rothschild?
The real story is Israel-gate, not Russia-gate (at least on minimum 2 levels - if there are narratives where Iran is colluding with Israel fx. it is surely NOT the cartoonish Q-narrative)
Comical Qanus Ali 3D chess theory cannot in the long run give alibi or 'legitimacy' to Deep State Neocon nominations, increasing NON-STOP swamp creature infestations, Dark State expansion, or Israel's carte blanche, and its genocide forever...
'It's not Trump doing it' Qanons say - every time the Empire commits anothet iniquity - of course they can't do anything. With Trump the script changed (Cambridge Analytica, PsyGroup and Peter Thiels alphabet Palantir), just like with the transition of Bush to Obama but US actions are more Neocon than ever. Trump will be the fall guy by Deep State design and the East-West conflict might be engineered to pave unsuspecting way for dollar collapse, SDR and much much much more centralization:
'The facade of Donald Trump as a “populist candidate” is quickly ending. His cabinet is loaded with think-tank ghouls and banking elites, so this should come as little surprise. But there are still some analysts out there that naively believe that Trump is playing “4D chess” and that he is not the pied piper he now appears to be. What I see is a president that claimed during his campaign that he would “drain the swamp” of elites, then stacked his cabinet with some of the worst elites in Washington D.C. What I see is a president who argued against Fed stimulus measures and the fake stock market during his campaign, and who now has attached himself to the stock market so completely that any crash will now be blamed on him no matter the facts. What I see is a willing scapegoat; a president that is going to fail on purpose. - The Global Economic Reset Begins With An Engineered Crash
The New World Order might happen through the planned destruction of the West through the rise of the East, China
Which is why Trump's bellicose talk against China - while outsourcing and industrializing China, i.e empowering China at the expense of deindustrializing USA BIG time - shows the actual trajectory and truth (among many things) in spite of all Trump talk ... actions speak louder than words. AND the other trajectory which is consistent with what James Corbett does not talk about BUT is consistent with the same false USA-China dialectics; how Israel steals and transfers United States hi-tech secrets and weapons technology to China BIG time - and that Trump also is a pawn for the Chabad Mossad mafia, all in all a huge behind-the-veil treason in an engineered dialectics which Anthony Sutton showed in parallel long time ago
All his contacts and almost all actions show how reality is COMPLETELY different than Qanon-like narratives. Everything that Trump has done has met my expectations; the DE FACTO continuation of empire, more evil, more destructive than Bush and Obama (ask Ron Paul and his Institute), and all the constant twisted wishful thinking equilibrist acrobat interpretations cannot make me eat the menucard instead of the dinner (error in logical typing).
The REALITY on the ground, the timeline of events proving Deep State expansion in the extreme, the nominations, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaraqua, the constant EXTREME sanctions on Russia, etc. are CONSISTENT with Trump's connections ( the past and current fruits of that particular Neocon and Chabad tree [and the powers behind them] - NOT with other trees!. Qanons rely on a few posts, at least minimum 99% failed - on romantic but lethal WORDS based on an insiders few predictions BUT are contradicted by 99% failed precitions and expansion of empire, the expansion of the police state, etc.
Q was promoted by 100 mainstream media outlets within a span of 24-48 hours in august 2018. Alex Jones was banned on several platforms 2 days after that Q promotion.
'CNN and Youtube are coming after us. They are going to come after him [Alex Jones]. like a beta test, and then they are going to come after the rest of us'
- Adam Green, 2. april 2018, Christopher Bollyn Calls Alex Jones a Zionist "Gatekeeper"
Dangerous subversive figures are not given rampant promotion unless they are controlled by the empire. When Milo Yiannopoulos went to Australia, tickets sold were meager. Australian outlets gave him negative PR. Suddenly his tour was booked over and over again as a smashing success. Promotion...
Astroturfing was used where huge but partially false support via bots and false twitter counts, etc. generated psychological suggestibility.' This point cannot be overstated! Astroturf is fake grass roots. Fake grass roots that posts comments, posts ect, fooling you into thinking that an independent person is speaking and making you feel like an outsider. Or they shove so much confusing information into the mix that you disregard everything, even the truth.
'Another “DARPA document that details the Pentagon’s plans for influencing opinions in the social media space is called “Social Media in Strategic Communication.” DARPA’s goal, according to their own website, is “to develop tools to help identify misinformation or deception campaigns and counter them with truthful information.” Exactly what tools were developed for this purpose and how they are currently being deployed is unclear. But Rand Walzman, the program’s creator, admitted last year that the project lasted four years, cost $50 million and led to the publication of over 200 papers. The papers, including “Incorporating Human Cognitive Biases in a Probabilistic Model of Retweeting,” “Structural Properties of Ego Networks,” and “Sentiment Prediction using Collaborative Filtering,” make the thrust of the program perfectly clear. Social media users are lab rats being carefully scrutinized by government-supported researchers, their tweets and Facebook posts and Instagram pictures being analyzed to determine how information spreads online, and, by implication, how the government and the military can use these social media networks to make their own propaganda “go viral.” As worrying as this research is, it pales in comparison to the knowledge that governments, militaries and political lobby groups are already employing squadrons of foot soldiers to wage information warfare in the social media battlespace.
Qanon is such if not identical PSYOP with very specific socially engineered pro-trumpist soundbytes like 'wait, patience, he can't get killed, must play his cards right, 3D-4D chess, extreme ambiguity a la we can never really know, etc. ( I've personally noted many social engineered people play the same standardized 5 or 6 identical Pro-Q rationalizations and apologisms for Trump like perfect stereotypes)
One of the secrets of the film, The Matrix, is that the ‘real world’ ‘outside’ the matrix was also a simulation, another layer created by the Architect in order to keep track of rebels and prevent them from escaping the matrix for real, and uphold the power structure…providing what I call ‘false awakenings’ and misleading rabbit holes mistaken for real ones, just like the architects planned.
One of the many signs of this in The Matrix is that the stronghold of the rebels is called 'Zion' - in reality a trap. (Why Zion is another simulated reality)
Solaris, by Stanislaw Lem, tells the story of humans encountering a non-human intelligent ocean on a far planet, and in humanity’s attempts to communicate with it, the Other presents each member of the space ship’s crew with a completely realistic, living person from their past to interact with, showing that the Other knows more about each crew member than each crew member knows about himself. The humans get self-referential loops and find out nothing much about the alien intelligence, in other words. They are all far too involved, and soon totally absorbed, in the “real hallucinations” to coin a phrase, they are presented with, to find hardly any perspective on what’s happening. The being défends itself by turning the enemy’s attention on the enemy itself.
The Q movement is a highy addictive and refined Cicada 3301-like PSYOPS created LARP through mimicry, live lelements siphoned via datamining, and trust is created via mimicry, mimicry is created through datamining, datamining is creating new convictions through already existing beliefs (exploit prior beliefs), present story fragments (Q’s “crumbs”) and so forth. The worldview (sensemaking) is inverted in the end; swap the real for the false & vice versa (military tribunals will be used against the Deep State is a giant hope porn lie, an inversion. The truth is that military tribunals will be used against the people or in any case; COG, FEMA and REX 84 is part of the old blueprint and still operational, now cloaked and inverted.
One of Cass Sunstein's methods is that the intelligence agencies fabricate their own conspiracIes for cognitive infiltration of activists and dissidents [2]
As a thumb rule (or in general) one acknowledges that which is in accordance with the indoctrination, schooling, conditioning, the map, and filters away – consciously of subconsciously - that which is not on the map. And more radically: You mistake the map for the territory (what the epistemologist, Gregory Bateson, named ”error in logical typing” which amounts to ”eating the menu card instead of the dinner.”)
Most often people will desperately hold on to their old double-think in order to rid themselves of uncertainty and anxiousness. In the words of Mark Passio: willfull ig-norance
The Qanon and Infowars provide limited hangouts and false maps through cognitive anchoring via hope porn and mimicry of the already known talking points of the truth movement, and THEN twisting it in their own favor through astroturf and PSYOPS. The new willful ignorance in the alternative community is that they DONT LOOK at the RAMPANT anomalies of Trump which BOTH mainstream and much of the alternative media ignore.
Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, Mark Passio, William Engdahl, James Corbett, Derrick Broze, Brandon Smith, Catherine Austin-Fitts, and many others clearly see Trump as a fake rebel in favor of the Deep State (posing as antagonist - and the media create confirmation bias).
This is overall a clinically cerebral assessment void of any emotional content, and based on much research pro et con.
Trump did exactly what the unfooled truth movements expected - expanded the empire as the new emperor with a different script - and thus there is no disappointment. Only Trumpists are disappointed. The empire has turned some of its enemies into its friends. They unwittingly cheer for the empire via The Emperor´s New Clothes. They are now the new Obamanites in cognitive dissonance confronted with criticism of the new idol.
There is very much to say about this new type of artificially induced iliteracy among the grassroots - nitty-gritty knowledge is being overrided by pre-digested pro-Trump 'Walmart conspiracy theory' posing as real - certain things which are being almost completely ignored by Trump rationalizers and followers, but for now, this is just another article below by truthers not gone astray.
Interpretations like Korea reconciliation with Trump being the cause is patently insane according to the Russians and most of the original truth movements, the same with ISIS and Syria, Mexico, Pakistan, etc. It's selective cherry picking, falsities, hope porn, etc. - in a way that's delberately weaponized hope porn. At the same time the damage under Trump and very negative underexposed very specific Rabbit Holes being ignored or blacked out.
Everytime Trump is doing something in accordance with the Deep State 'it can't be Trump' cause 'it must be the Deep State' - and vice versa; anytime there is something seemingly positive 'it must be Trump, the rebel'. In such scheme of cognitive ambiguity, Trump can't do much wrong in the eyes of Qanon and Trumpists. It's a cognitive binary scheme in which the balls fall into ones basket of Qanon followers' preference.
A third option - that trump and Q are 4. gen warfare against the people ... does not really exist on the radar of Trumpists, the same very reason that much information about Trump (chabad conncections, Roy Cohn, etc.) is invisible on the Q radar, which means a conspiracy iliteracy regarding Trump is created through the fale conspiracy via informaton overload, so that the real syllabus about Trump is hidden.
The axiomatic assumption about Trump as the rebel fighting against the Deep State creates enormous confirmation bias where negative events - which otherwise would be seen as in accordance with Deep State interests - are interpreted as a Rorshach test.
Rationalizations are uniform and standardized: Clinton would be worse as an excuse for continued overkill by the empire. “Trump can’t do much, he would be killed” as an excuse for continued overkill by the empire. 3D-4D chess is used as an excuse for continued overkill by the empire, etc. as it can never be Trump himself or Trump as a Deep State puppet. All those “explanations” and justifications seem to be deliberately engineered and injected into the minds of Trumpists. Their thoughts are not their own although it seems they are the result of own research. This is the result of pre-suasion and 4. gen. warfare.
Ex-CIA 'whistleblowers' are part of this continuing usurpation of the truth movements, along with people being duped, army of astroturf psyop warriors posing as grassroots to sway people in favor of Trump as 'rebel' etc.
I have been aware of Trumps executive order about military tribunals since summer 2018. I don't expect US to do other things than regroup cause the agenda is the same old Neocon blueprint. I also expect sealed indictments to be a limited hangout and PSYOP and that the military tribunals will be used against the truth movements.
During a live radio interview with George Noory on Coast 2 Coast AM on August 9, 2017, Alex Jones openly stated that he worked for U.S. Special Operations Command in a secret military psychological operation to assist Donald Trump in becoming President of the United States.
” These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.”
For now it's hope porn that the bad guys will be arrested. We heard hope porn from Drake, Benjamin Fullfuck and David Suckcock for years....waiting for Godot is part of the PSYOPS along with very standardized, very specific pro-trumpist engineered reactions. How diabolically cruel and ironic that duped truth warriors unwittingly are now influenced by CIA and Mossad writing the script as astroturfers. AGAINST THEIR OWN!
Qanon, Jerome Corsi [4], Alex Jones - super pro-trump and Mossad big tme - and PSYOP brigades are exerting cognitive infiltration of the truth movements. The enemies of empire are now friends with it..the gigantic irony, having succeeded in diluting and polluting conspiracy theory, so much of it has become disney land deep state designed "Walmart" conspiracy theory, just like planned. Dilute, disrupt, deceive, divide & conquer, etc. ...
It's no coincidence that William Barr, the CIA monster behind Iran-Contra and Bush Senior, right now is nominated as Attorney General when military tribunals can be unleashed. The timng is thought-provoking as Rex 84 (FEMA, Martial Law, etc.) was revealed during the Iran-contra hearings...[5]
Just the fact that Alex Jones zealously is advocating military tribunals under Trump is a giant red flag. Video evidence: From 10:13
NB! Although the following section by Caitlin Johnstone is addressed to the insane mainstream journalists who claim that Trump is Putin's puppet it is an EQUALLY VALID point to be addressed to the Trumpist Q-anon cult members who claim that Trump is fighting against the Deep State:
'Are they ready to shut the fuck up? That would be great, but this is just the latest escalation in a steadily escalating new cold war, and these blithering idiots didn't shut the fuck up at any of the other steps toward nuclear holocaust. They didn't shut the fuck up after Trump's capitulation to the longstanding neoconservative agenda to arm Ukraine against Russia. They didn't shut the fuck up after Americans killed Russians in Syria as part of their regime change occupation of that country. They didn't shut the fuck up when this administration adopted a Nuclear Posture Review with greatly increased aggression toward Russia and blurred lines between when nuclear strikes are and are not appropriate. They didn't shut the fuck up when Trump started sending war ships into the Black Sea "to counter Russia's increased presence there." They didn't shut the fuck up when this administration forced RT and Sputnik to register as foreign agents. They didn't shut the fuck up when this administration helped expand NATO with the addition of Montenegro, at the assigning of Russia hawk Kurt Volker as special representative to Ukraine, at the shutting down of a Russian consulate in San Francisco and throwing out Russian diplomats in August of last year, when Trump threw out dozens more diplomats in response to shaky claims about the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, or when he implemented aggressive sanctions on Russian oligarchs. Why would they shut the fuck up now?
-“Putin’s Puppet” Advances Nuclear Missile Escalations Against Putin
AND the list above is short! The list is MUCH longer and worse.Just a few more additions out of countless:
Trump's recent US monumental break and withdrawal from the nuclear weapons INF treaty, his WAR footing, his recent crazy full sanctions on Iran, the current GIGANTIC NATO war exercises in Norway next to Russia, the Jerusalem embassy and Trump's unprecedented carte blache to Israel's continuing genocide, Trump's continuing support to the terrorists in Syria ( Why Are We Siding with Al-Qaeda? Ron Paul, 11. september 2018), Trump's continuing drone mass murder ( Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years,), Trump's insane bellicose actions against Venezuela, Nicaraqua, Bolivia, etc. Trump's name in Epstein's black book (new documentary), his insane mob and Roy Cohn biography, the crazy hipocricy ( Democrats' bewildering decision to hand President Trump more surveillance powers ), No Doubt About It: The Deep State Is Real and Trump Is Its Latest Tool, 23. juli 2018, and other Facts That Trump Supporters Just Can't Face 26 sep. 2018 , the support for Saudi massmurder and famine of 20 MILLION people in Yemen - a de facto GENOCIDE, etc, etc.... The list is CRAZY long....
The longer the list grows, the more Comical Ali, the more irrational the Trumpist cult gets as his actions - NO MATTER HOW INSANE - can never never never never never ever be Trump's own doing since he is a 'victim' of the Deep State that he is 'fighting' against, but he can never ever the mouth of Sauron. A very very convenient alibi for destructive continuing actions while spewing WORDS in the opposite direction....
To the Trump cultists, it does NOT matter if Trump's actions are in complete alignment with the Deep State and the Neocons! It can ONLY be rationalized, It can never be HIS destructive actions cause they live by Q's and Trump's WORDS and other Trumpists' HOPE PORN and confirmation bias, wishful thinking. ' Trump will soon arrest the Deep State', soon, have faith, tomorrow, the storm, trust the plan, etc. Wait...wait just a bit more...wait...tomorrow they will be arrested - and time flew by with more war and police state, media circus, divide and conquer while the Trumpists cheered and thus protected him because of the 'Deep State in-fight'.
This has resulted in paralysis, cognitive infiltration and usurpation of conspiracy theorists, confusion and the Trumpists' Schizophrenia Worldview (the truth of course is that The Deep State has colonized many conspiracy theorists' worldview via Q-like confirmation bias, 4th gen. warfare cointel against the people, divide and conquer and cognitive infiltration.)
Besides; DeFango, one of the very few (but highly eccentric) geniuses who solved Circada 3301, the hardest crypto LARP in the world, admitted that he wrote half of Qanon's questions at the Defcon conference 2017 3 months BEFORE Qanon took off. The whole thing is a very extensive (and therefore 'convincing') HIGHLY addictive LARP and criminal PSYOPS.
Proof #Qanon Takeover had Israeli Ties. Corsi, CodeMonkeyz, UnirockTV
BTW: Codes are fake:
“Researcher Mark Burnett is a world authority on passwords. Think I’m kidding? He has collected millions of passwords over the last couple of decades, and has written a book about the real-life password analyses he has done...... ...As he explains in a thread on Twitter, Mark Burnett has analysed some of the posts from Q and believes that segments which appear to be designed to look like “serious spy communications” may actually be generated by someone just “randomly” bashing away at their keyboard. Although, when viewed by an expert like Burnett, perhaps not as truly randomly as Q might like to think: Almost all the characters either alternate between left/right hand or are right next to each other on the keyboard…
So I want you to all type along: 2-8-2-1-2-9-8-3-8-2-1-2-8-1-7-2-3-9-u-7-2-1 and if you split them apart by left/right hand, you get this: 2212321123121 and 88988879y7 Now looking at the other code: AB-aKd&Egh281Q you see that they are almost all on the same keyboard row The funny thing about people is that even when we type random stuff we tend to have a signature. This guy, for example, likes to have his hand on the ends of each side of the keyboard (e.g., 1,2,3 and 7,8,9) and alternate…
- Bad news conspiracy theorists. QAnon codes are just a guy mashing his keyboard

Its arguably the most divisive wedge among the truth movements so far (much
more than Flat Earth), creating incrowd splitting, severe conflict and
defriending, polarization, etc. It's creating a climate of
ultra-paranoia, and accusing truthers for being controlled oppositions
and controlled oppositions for being truthers. A fractal chaos of
confusion and discord, a kabuki game of fractured mirrors.
Many Q-followers, by now, are so ultra-hooked hardcore that they simply are impervious to any contradictions and worldviews outside Q, and highly reactive and die-hard hardcore dismissive of any other information and 'syllabus' presented to them outside the sphere of the Q-oracles
Its a messianic cult religion to orobably millions by now, the common denominator being that Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness!
NOT: Now there are wild bezerker uruk-hai digital Q-legions of
gamification truther addicts in their teens, and newer generation of
conspiracy theorists in their 20's and 30's, 40's, whose minds are
being hi-jacked through limited hangout and PSYOPS on a scale never
seen before, creating tremendous Pro-Trump confirmation bias and
selective omission of Trump's iniquity. Many Q-followers, by now, are so ultra-hooked hardcore that they simply are impervious to any contradictions and worldviews outside Q, and highly reactive and die-hard hardcore dismissive of any other information and 'syllabus' presented to them outside the sphere of the Q-oracles
- AI - Artificial Intelligence is involved
- Astroturf (What is Astroturf? It is an increasingly widespread technique, a perversion of the grass roots - these are the false grass roots. Astroturf is when political agendas, companies or other special interests disguises and publishes blogs with Facebook and Twitter accounts, publisher , advertisements and reader letters or simply write comments online, to try to trick you into thinking that it is an independent movement or a grassroots movement, the whole point of Astroturf trying to give the impression that there is a large spread of support that speaks for or against an agenda when it is not the case, however, it can create a snowball effect where Q-useful idiots grow in number
- NLP techniques are involved
- Trumpism contains strong elements of Messianism, Qanon strongly promotes this form of 'God-Emperor' meme
- Q is using Bible memes played on the Bible Belt and the Christian evangelists - Q is using Biblical Memes and Religious Psychology - Trump Messianism. Whitewash of Zionism via Christian usful idiots.
- 'Trust the Plan, Trust Trump, Trust Q' is an 'activist' passive mantra designed for paralysis and Trump trance.
- Limited Hangout + PSYOP (Recognizable Elements Including Untruthfulness)
- Hope Porn - Fear Porn doesn't work well anymore
- Feedback loops that use AI Bots (artificial intelligence robots on the internet), gamification (all major companies use this mega mindfuck technique), nudging and social sciences are utilized
- Cambridge Analytica, Palantir, PsyGroup, NLP techniques, etc. and perhaps even the excessively legend-wrapped program, Mossad's Talpiot 8200 units, are involved.
- Datamining of dissidents' worldview, location, orientation and psychology via Cambridge Analytica and Palantir, AI and the like.
- Few predictions are perceived by Q-followers as a 'proof' that Q's stories are true AND therefore that he is a 'true patriot' (logical fallacy), BUT, in fact, it is only evidence that Q has insider knowledge, but the Qanon disciples interpret it as evidence that Trump and the Q team are fighting The Deep State, a logical fallacy
- The conviction hijackes the world view of the conspiracy theorists: It is Qanon's version of reality that feeds and shapes their perception, ie. 'How the internal power struggle looks within The Deep State', 'Trump is a hero', 'who the central figures are', 'what to fight for', 'what rabbit holes to research', etc. Basically, what to think and think about Deep State, Trump, etc.
- Q-cornerstone of hope; Q's predictions; Clinton, Obama and members of The Deep State will be arrested have not come true
- Qanon and Alex Jones have managed to hi-jack many dissidents in favor of Trump.
- Q creates tremendous support for Trump
- Q creates huge resistance to any criticism of Trump
- Q portrays Trump as victim and hero
- Q creates division among the truth movements
- Q has become a Comical Ali cult
- Q creates enormous error in logical typing due to confirmation bias (one adapts reality to one's own preconceived image) This results in Comical Ali reactions, which are often grotesque, absurd explanations of Trump's insane actions, explained by 3D chess, 4D, 5D, etc. - Trump at war with The Deep State (a giant and insane lie)
As I wrote last year: Q-anon will be remembered as one of the biggest destructive criminal cognitive cluster fucks in social engineering against the people- completely dwarfing the Flat Earth PSYOP - and from the point of view of the truth movements, it will be studied (and is already being studied and exposed by many erudite veterans) as a case study in social engineering PSYOPS and cognitive infiltation of the truth movements, a damning prima facie case against Q doing untold harm to the truth movements and the people , division and disRuption - supporting the gruesome Trump-tool of TPTB, the CIA, especially the Zionists, etc.
NB! The term 'conservative' in the following as used by Brandon Smith below, should be understood broadly as liberty movements, truth movements, etc.
Brandon Smith: Trump Is A Pied Piper For The New World Order Agenda,
Alt-Market via Zero Hedge, 4th of january 2019
In my last article, 'The Fed Is A Suicide Bomber With A Deeper Agenda', I explored and dismantled recent propaganda surrounding the Federal Reserve's tightening actions, including the propaganda that Jerome Powell is some kind of rogue central banker who is rebalancing the system for the good of the nation. To summarize the points made in that article:
The Fed deliberately created the "Everything Bubble" so that it could be deliberately imploded at the proper time - in other words, the crash we have been witnessing so far during the final quarter of 2018 and continuing into 2019 is a controlled demolition of the economy. Jerome Powell is not some "rebel" going against the easy money dictates of the Fed. Jerome Powell is playing the role that has been given to him. Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen's job was to inflate the bubble. Jerome Powell's job is to crash the bubble.
This is a tactic used by the Fed and the globalists that run it for over 100 years - conjure a debt bubble, deflate the debt bubble, cause a crisis, siphon up hard assets for pennies on the dollar, use the panic to gain more power and centralization, introduce new control measures while everyone is distracted, rinse, repeat.
This process of controlled demolition needs a considerable distraction so that the central banks and the globalists ultimately avoid blame for the painful consequences of the event. Enter Donald Trump and the false Trump vs. Globalist paradigm. As I mentioned last week, the Fed is only one side of the equation for the crash; Trump is the other side.
Confidence games are highly varied affairs. They can be extremely simple and often obvious to everyone but the most inept and unobservant, or, they can be highly complex with many moving parts of deceit combined into a single elaborate con-machine. It is important to understand that confidence games are not just a means to steal money or valuables from unwitting people; they are also a vital part of economic manipulation, government dominance, and warfare in general. Almost all mainstream economic “authorities,” politicians, military tacticians and covert operatives are con men in one way or another.
With the exception of military tacticians acting in defense against an aggressor, con men are predominantly sociopaths. In order to carry out a “grift” against innocent people, an extreme lack of empathy is required. Understanding the mind and motivations of sociopaths and narcissistic sociopaths makes it possible to identify them faster and allows us to see their con games ahead of time.
In terms of social control, elitist con men are highly preoccupied with preventing spontaneous organization of rebellion. But this does not always involve the outright crushing of dissent. Instead, the elites prefer to use co-option and misdirection (con games) to lure rebellious movements to focus on the wrong enemy, or to trust the wrong leadership.
I am often reminded of the infiltration of the Tea Party movement by neo-conservatives in the years after the 2008 election. Neo-con-men exploited the desire among Tea Party activists for mainstream legitimacy and more widespread media coverage. They gave the activists what they wanted, by injecting their own political puppets into the movement. It did not take long for the Tea Party to abandon its initial roots in individual sovereignty and the Ron Paul campaign and adopt a decidedly statist tone. The smart people left the movement early and went on to launch their own efforts, but the goal of the establishment had been accomplished — the grass roots organized threat of the Tea Party was no more.
That said, the principles of conservative economics, small government and personal liberty remain entrenched in the American psyche and continue to grow. These ideals have a life of their own, and almost seem to act autonomously at times from any particular group or leader.
The single most important dynamo behind the rise of sovereignty activism has actually been the liberty media, or what some might call the “alternative media.” This group of people has been working tirelessly for years to inform the masses on the REAL news and data behind global events. Over time we have earned the trust of millions based on honest reporting and accurate predictions. It was only a matter of time before the establishment attempted to co-opt us as well…
The downfall of the Tea Party was a lack of cohesive leadership. There was no one there to put a stop to the neo-con infiltration. There was no one in a strong enough position to vet incoming influencers and prevent poison pills from entering the bloodstream of the movement. The problem with leadership, though, is that it denotes centralization and a bottlenecking of decisions and action. It’s quite a quandary for advocates of decentralization.
The most effective method for the establishment to sabotage a rebellion is to place one of their own puppets into a leadership position in that rebellion. This exploits the movement’s subconscious appetite for top down leadership. It neutralizes activists by tricking them into waiting for orders from on high instead of acting on their own individually. It makes a movement lazy and impotent.
The con game of false leadership goes beyond this, though. A charismatic puppet leader can trick activists into following a path completely opposite of their foundational ideals. He can turn the movement into something they would have originally despised (like turning a limited government pro-sovereignty movement into a big government pro-state cult). He can also take actions which are self-destructive, thereby making the movement appear insane or foolhardy by proxy.
I warned of this potential dynamic with Donald Trump long before the 2016 election. In fact, I predicted that Donald Trump would win the election based on the premise that the globalists were planning a grand con; to not only use Trump as a scapegoat for the crash of the “everything bubble” they had been inflating for the past 10 years, but to also use him as a pied piper to lure conservative movements into individual inaction, as well as being named as co-conspirators in the economic collapse that Trump was about to be involved in.
In my article ‘Clinton vs. Trump And The Co-Option Of The Liberty Movement,’ published in September 2016, I noted:
“To summarize, the elites need a patsy for the breakdown of the financial system they have engineered. That patsy will not be Trump per se, but conservatives in general. Whether Donald Trump is aware of this program or not, I do not know. I have no hard evidence indicating that Trump is anti-constitution; then again, I don’t have much evidence indicating he is pro-constitution. All I have at present to go by is his rhetoric, and rhetoric counts for nothing.
What I do know is that triggering a fiscal crisis under the watch of Trump and blaming conservatives is far more useful to the elites than triggering a crisis under Clinton and risk blame falling on international banking syndicates.”
The crash has now begun in the final quarter of 2018, with housing markets, auto markets and credit markets in steep decline, as well as stock markets trending into bear territory. In the same article I also stated:
“I believe Clinton is meant to lose. If this is the case and Trump is inaugurated in January of next year, the liberty movement needs to ask itself if Trump is truly an obstacle for the elites, or if he is an ally to the elites.
The Left is already salivating over the possibility that the Trump campaign will devour the liberty movement and turn it into something unrecognizable. Just take a gander at this editorial from Bloomberg called ‘The Tea Party Meets Its Maker,’ which announces the death of the “Tea Party” at the hands of Trump…”
After two years of witnessing Trump in action, it is clear to me that he is an active participant in the new world order agenda, and not just an unwitting patsy for the economic crisis.
Trump started out his presidential campaign with two very important issues. First, he argued for the need to “drain the swamp” in Washington D.C.; which included a sharp criticism of Hillary Clinton’s ties to banking elites and globalists. Second, he criticized the fraudulent state of the U.S. economy, pointing out that the stock market was in a massive bubble created by the Federal Reserve using near zero interest rates.
Trump’s first action upon entering the White House was to invite multiple “swamp creatures” into his cabinet, going against his core campaign promise. This was not all that surprising considering his past.
Trump was saved in the 1990s by Rothchild banking agent Wilber Ross, who bailed him out of his debts tied up in his failing Taj Mahal casino. Wilber Ross is now Trump’s commerce secretary. I ask, who is Trump going to be loyal to? The American people, who can offer him nothing of consequence, or the Rothschilds, who saved his public image and his billion-dollar empire?
Trump is also currently “advised” by the likes of Steven Mnuchin formerly of Goldman Sachs, Larry Kudlow formerly of the New York Fed, and John Bolton of the CFR, among others.
Trump has since flip-flopped on his economic position. Instead of warning about the huge financial bubble the Fed had created, he adopted a Twitter campaign TAKING CREDIT for the bubble for the past two years.
Some people will argue that Trump has placed blame on the Fed and exposed their operations, but this is theater based on selective observations. Trump continues to set himself up as the fulcrum or source of the current crash. Just this week his administration called the market decline a "little glitch" which would be solved once a trade deal with China was solidified. In other words, Trump is saying the trade war is the cause of the crash, not the Fed. Trump then at the same time blames the Fed.
Confusing? Not really, when you understand that Trump is part of a grand con game.
If Trump was truly interested in bringing down the globalists, then he would not be consistently providing them with such perfect cover for their crimes. I have been warning for the past year that the trade war is a perfect distraction for the public as the Fed unwinds QE and raises interest rates to kill the Everything Bubble. Trump continues to attach his administration to stock market performance while also blaming stock declines on his own trade conflicts with China. But what about Trump's supposed battle with the Fed? It's all wrestle-mania.
As the stock rally crumbled in the final quarter of 2018, the script that Trump would follow in response was also rather predictable.
In my article ‘In A Battle Between Trump And The Fed, Who Really Wins,’ published in February 2017, I reminded readers that the goal of the Fed is a controlled demolition of the U.S. economy and the dollar to open the door for the “global reset.” The reset is the event that the globalists hope will allow them to introduce a single global currency system and single world economy with the IMF and perhaps the BIS at the helm.
In my article ‘Trump vs. The Fed: America Sacrificed At The NWO Altar,’ I outlined the details of the con game. The globalists WANT to sacrifice the Fed and the dollar to make way for their new world order system, but they cannot do this in a vacuum. They need a distraction. Trump’s “battle with the fed” will likely escalate into a full-blown war. But Trump’s position against the Fed is not honorable.
According to the narrative, Trump is not going after the Fed because it has created the everything bubble and is now deliberately imploding it. Trump is going after the Fed because he wants the Fed to make the everything bubble even bigger by continuing to prop up a stock rally that Trump has attached to the success of his presidency. Trump will be painted as a spoiled baby in the mainstream, throwing a tantrum and attacking the “innocent” central bankers who were only trying to “normalize markets.”
In the meantime, the globalists can slowly kill the world reserve status of the dollar while avoiding the blame for the severe economic consequences this will produce. A conflict between the White House and the central bank will be presented as a sign that faith in U.S. debt and the longevity of the dollar is a bad bet. Foreign holders of dollars and T-bills, already quietly dumping these assets, will accelerate the decoupling. Trump’s trade war activities add to the distraction, creating a brilliant theater in which conservatives are conned into supporting a puppet leader on the verge of collapse, and confirming the crazed arguments against conservative principles in the minds of globalists and leftists.
The con game is to get liberty advocates to invest themselves fully in Trump, to the point that we end up owning every mistake he makes, and every disaster that is pinned on him. There is a concerted propaganda campaign targeting the liberty movement which is telling us that Trump is playing “4D Chess;” that Trump is planning a “coup” against the banking elites, that Trump is planning to bring down the Fed as a means to save the U.S., and even that Trump is working with Jerome Powell to crash the globalist system as a means to “restore the Republic.”
While Trump throws a bone to conservatives at times, including promises of a border wall, or a pull-out in Syria, there is no evidence to support the fantasy that Trump is some kind of ingenious tactician battling the the forces of evil using his wits while inside the system. But, there is considerable evidence as I have linked above supporting my position that Trump is controlled opposition working with the globalists to initiate a collapse that will be blamed on conservative ideals and limited government liberty activists. We shall see in due course. It is unfortunate though how many otherwise very intelligent people within the liberty movement have bought into Trump as a hero on a white horse.
The activists and alternative media are the real heroes. They are the people that pushed liberty philosophy into the mainstream. Trump merely rode the wave that they created. Even if he was a legitimate conservative and constitutionalist (which he is not), the movement doesn’t need his leadership. It never did. The globalists know this and hope to chain us to Trump as he sinks into historical oblivion, destroying us all in the process.
[1 The following is tip of the iceberg
Trump-Rothschild connection
Who Towers Behind Trump?
How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump
Rothschild-Trump Connection – Major Revelations
The Trump / Q-Anon psyop 1 – 3
Trump Dossier 2018
Trump controlled by Mossad 1 – 5
Hidden Agendas Part Two: Wikileaks and the Trump propaganda infrastructure
QAnon is a Hoax and a Psyop! Trump’s Military Tribunals Same as Lincoln
QAnon is a PsyOp designed to mislead Trump supporters and divide alternative news readers
Did George Soros free Donald Trump of a $312 million debt?: ‘Additionally to that, why have we heard almost nothing about this gigantic giveaway to Trump? And why were Soros and Blackacre, two of the three main investors in the mezzanine loan, scrubbed from media’s coverage of the final debt forgiveness deal? What backroom agreements were made concerning this mezzanine loan?...And indeed, not only was this deal made in a cloaked manner, it may have been the most generous amount of debt forgiveness ever given on a mezzanine loan to a borrower who was in good financial health’
[2] ' In 2008, Cass Sunstein, a law professor who would go on to become Obama’s information “czar,” co-authored a paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” in which he wrote that the “best response” to online “conspiracy theories” is what he calls “cognitive infiltration” of groups spreading these ideas.
“Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action. In one variant, government agents would openly proclaim, or at least make no effort to conceal, their institutional affiliations. […] In another variant, government officials would participate anonymously or even with false identities.”
...Now, a decade on from Sunstein’s proposal, we know that military psyops agents, political lobbyists, corporate shills and government propagandists are spending vast sums of money and employing entire armies of keyboard warriors, leaving comments and shaping conversations to change the public’s opinions, influence their behaviour, and even alter their mood. And they are helped along in this quest by the very same technology that allows the public to connect on a scale never before possible.'
From the original paper by Cass Sunstein: 'What can government do about conspiracy theories? Among the things it can do, what should it do? We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, mars haling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help... However, our main policy idea is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories ......We suggest a role for government efforts, and agents, in introducing such diversity. Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises”
Is is clear to me, after having spent + 300 hours of studies on Qanon, written +200 pages of extensive analysis, studied +1000 websites, that Q is a psychological operation, an elaborate highly addictive LARP game and PSYOP that result in very specific attitudes, 5-6 stereotypical Trump rationalizations (all identical) , hope porn and false beliefs.
[3] The success of Trump's electoral campaigns involve - and still involve - datamining through Cambridge Analytica (the company terminated May 2018), PsyGroup, Palantir, bots, military-developed PSYOPS (psychological operations with manipulation / psychological warfare), etc.: The CEOs of Cambridge Analytica were caught on hidden camera where they boasted that they got Trump elected. Psygroup, the Israeli PSYOPS company, worked closely with Cambridge Analytica
- Cambridge Analytica combines data mining and data analysis with strategic communication for election processes.
- Jared Kushner was responsible for overseeing Trump's digital operations and was the reason why Cambridge Analytica joined the Trump campaign
- Cambridge Analytica - and the SCL Group, a PSYOPS militarily developed company that the Cambridge Analytica is a part of - have worked / manipulated with more than 200 government elections worldwide. It is a definite PSYOPS military system applied to the civilian population using social sciences and data mining and analysis. SCL is used by USA, UK
- Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica admitted on hidden camera that they hired British and Israeli private intelligence exist with surveillance operations, honey traps, entrapment schemes, extortion scams and prostitutes for opposition research
- PsyGroup, an Israeli PSYOP Mossed company in the shadows also worked with Cambridge Analytica on the Trump campaign. PsyGroup used . fake FB accounts such as perception management against the Clinton campaign, etc. (Black Cube, founded by ex-Mossad, has the same expertise and connections with PsyGroup)- PSY-Group to Black Cube: Israel's Role in Global Cyber-Election Notice, Wayne Madsen
- Cambridge Analytica was created and owned by the billionaire, Robert Mercer - one of the biggest money donors to Trump and former owner of Breitbart, which he sold just a few days before election day. Cambridge Analytica was dissolved in May, 2018 due to the scandal of election manipulation.
- The two primary anchors in the digital Trump campaign were Robert Mercer / Cambridge Analytica and Peter Thiel / Palantir (Thiel is the inner circle of Trump and Bilderberg) - both were crucial Trump support (PET and the Danish State Police use Palantir (https: // paradigm. for collecting population data across platforms, it is a military system, a gigantic refined surveillance system, developed for not only surveillance, but mind-altering pre-suasion techniques, developed by military disinformation specialists, for the purpose of psychological warfare and manipulation of people- and integrated with Facebook, etc. Palantir is the system that has given all security services wet dreams in many countries as well as their oppressive agendas. STASI 2.0 virulently multiplied on steroids. Palantir is superior to Cambridge Analytica (and 'only' refining something that has been going on for a long time) . Governments and intelligence services mislead not only external enemies but perform PSYOPS against their own populations via mainstream and social media).
- Trump's campaign leader Steve Bannon was former Vice President of Cambridge Analytica and editor of Breitbart. Steve Bannon is die-hard Pro-Israeli, formerly Chief of Naval Operations for the Pentagon, and was a very important ideological force for Trump's all-right hinterland, not least via the influential Pro-Trumpist and Pro-Zionist Breitbart.
- Samuel Woolley, head of the Computational Propaganda Project at Oxford's Internet Institute, discovered that a disproportionate amount of pro-Trump messages were spread through automated bots and anti-Hillary propaganda. Trumps bots at the time of the election exceeded Clinton's by 5 to 1.
- David Miller, professor of sociology, expert in PSYOPS and propaganda "it's an extraordinary scandal that should be anywhere near a democracy. It should be clear to voters where information is coming from, and if it's not transparent or open where it's coming from, it raises the question of whether we are actually living in a democracy or not. "
- Cambridge Analytica has illegally harvested data from 50 million Facebook profiles (Facebook claims this happened without their knowledge, which is untrue. Facebook is the intelligence service).
- Cambridge Analytica is officially accused of abusing the data to help Donald Trump win the US presidential election. Of course, nothing comes of it. Cambridge Analytica uses advanced psychometry - profiling psychological features. They analyze what the voters 'want' and then form with the marketing candidate as tailor-made for the wishes - psychological micro targetting
- Cambridge Analytica recorded increases in clicks on FB, Twitter, etc. - if, for example,an increase in clicks on an article on immigration in a county in the United States, ensured that Trump flew there shortly after and gave a talk about immigration, which told people what they wanted to hear.
- Facebook and Twitter were data-mined - along with a number of other data on TV preferences, airline travel, shopping habits, church presence, books purchased, which magazines they subscribe to - from third-party organizations and so-called data brokers.
- Cambridge Analytica knows a person better than the average work colleague based on 10 Facebook "likes". 70 "likes" was enough to exceed what a person's friends knew. 150 likes what their parents knew. 300 likes, more than what their partner knew. More than 300 likes could exceed what a person thought they knew about themselves.
- Combine this kind of predictive power with an army of bots and you have a strong propaganda tool. A person who controls 1000 bot accounts is capable of not only influencing people in their immediate circle, but also the algorithm of the place where they operate. Bots are even more effective as they can respond instantly to trends on Twitter and Facebook that produce targeted posts, images, and YouTube videos. The technologies can capture what people think of a particular time, and serve them back to them again and again.
- Professor of Computer Science, Jonathan Albright on Cambridge Analytica: "This is a propaganda machine. It targets people's individuality in order to recruit them for an idea. It's a level of social engineering that I've never seen before, they're capturing people and then keeping them on an emotional leash and never letting them go - The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine. Jonathan Albright was the first to map out a completely 'alt-right' news and digital information ecosystem.
- Cambridge Analytica has connections to Wikileaks. Cambridge Analytica CEO, Alexander Nix, contacted Julian Assange and asked for help to "locate" Hillary Clinton's emails. The query was rejected according to Wikileaks. In February 2017, a Cambridge Analytica director who pulled did donations and cryptocurrency payments to Wikileaks, for Julian Assange to "discuss US elections." Robert Murtfeld, a legal assistant who worked under the lawyer, represented Assange in the extradition case against the Swedish government and made legal work for Wikileaks, became sales director at Cambridge Analytics New York office (the world is very small for 'random' associations).
- Roger Stone, influential and degenerate political shadow player had warnings about Wikileaks information - and possibly direct contact with Wikileaks, as they released info on the internet that was detrimental to Clinton's election campaign.
- Trump houses Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Rothschild, the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Neocons, Deep State assets, and others. in his administration, etc. The same entities that he criticized throughout the election campaign. Contrary to the naive claim of both the right and left alternative media that the neoconservatives have hijacked the Trump administration, they have been involved in it from the beginning.
All of this happened via Cambridge Analytica, Twitter, Bots, PsyGroup, Alex Jones Infowars, Breitbart, Wikileaks, Palantir, Alt-right websites, and an army of useful duped idiots, etc. AND Mass Media not least - with reverse sign, and unlike Ron Paul, who was almost censored, MSN provided Trump free and HUGE media coverage:

And for comparison: Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed - The libertarian has received the least coverage of all the GOP candidates
Donald Trump earned $400 in free media in the last month of his campaign, which is about what John McCain spent on the entire 2008 presidential campaign from start to finish.
The negative media coverage was the strengthening of Trump's 'outsider' status - at the same time, he got huge media coverage. Many millions knew that the mass media were bought and sold, and since they attacked and ridiculed Trump, and promoted Clinton (who they were also aware of was the elite's whore), they deducted that Trump must be the real deal (combined with the right talking points). A simple trick in reverse psychology performed on a gigantic scale, causing many voters to flock to Trump.
USA didn't have a choice. They thought - and still think- that my enemy's (Clinton) enemy (Trump) is my friend. This is false binary thinking, as Trump continues the march of Darth Vader's empire, a mass murderous advance.
[4] Corsi presented himself once as a "creator of the B’nai B’rith Mutual Fund in Israel...Corsi was also the first person I heard use the phrase “preparing the minds” to describe what I had been profiling, including their use of cinema to manipulate the national consciousness." - source
Corsi is a Mossad operative and once the most prolific Qanon promoter. Corsi, while speaking to a QAnon related group, mentions that he helped organize along with an Israeli group with “intelligence above Mossad” a meeting between then candidate Donald Trump and Henry Kissinger, and that Kissinger is pretty much the mastermind of the Trump Administration’s middle east policy. Book titles also says it all: "Why Israel Can't Wait: The Coming War Between Israel and Iran" by Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D. on, etc.....)
[5] 'Existence of the Rex 84 plan was first revealed during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987
” These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.”
And there you have it ~ the real purpose of FEMA is to not only protect the government but to be its principal vehicle for martial law'
- 'Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America'
Global Research, July 15, 2014 - Salon. com Blogs 20 August 2006
' Justice Antonin Scalia says World War II-style internment camps could happen again'
- Washington Examiner, 4. februar 2014
'General Wesley Clark Calls for Putting “Disloyal” Americans in Internment Camps'
- World Socialist Web Site via Global Research, 21 juli, 2015Trump - National Emergency & Deep State Attorney General announced within 24 hours
Trump's new Attoney General, William Barr, stonewalled
and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses,
MK-ULTRA, COINTEL, Mockingbird, etc.
Barr, however, is a particularly spectacular and sordid case. As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors:
Barr, however, is a particularly spectacular and sordid case. As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors:
- Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.
- CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.
- When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.
- Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.
- Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.
- Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan) Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.
- Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.
- In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations”, drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.
- Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush
- Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes
- Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically-connected international law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. K&E’s clients include sex trafficker/pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.
A strong case can be made that William Barr was as powerful and
important a figure in the Bush apparatus as any other, besides Poppy
Bush himself.
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