The Saker: About the Alex Jones & Infowars Ban

'Israel had fingerprints all over 9/11'
- Alex Jones, ca. 2003

The new Alex Jones:

'Israel could not have carried out these [9/11] attacks
- Alex Jones

Eddie Bravo: Who put together 9/11?

Alex jones: Saudiarabia

NB! The diabolical internet censorship AKA the Digital Alexandria Burning 2.0 is rampant. Therefore, when encountering a dead link, paste the orginal URL into Wayback machine (the last retainer of dead/censored links):Wayback Machine:
Other scant alternatives to Wayback Machiner:


The Saker:

Let me immediately begin that I have really no use for Alex Jones or for Infowars.  I do recognize the very important and positive role they played in the 9/11 Truth movement, but the rest of their agenda and ideology is really not my cup of tea, to put it very mildly.  Their constant hysteria about Islam and China is particularly stupid and, worse, misleading (Israel, for some reason, totally escapes their scrutiny).  But the way US corporate giants banned them sets a very dangerous precedent.

Exactly as I have been warning in my “First they came for the Nazis and pedophiles” article last year, those who hate freedom in all its forms always begin by censoring what I call a “consensus villain“: Nazis, racist nutcases, White/European supremacists, pedophiles, etc.  This way, if you speak up, you are immediately guilty by association.  The problem with that is simply that when the state or the corporations (they are really one and the same, something libertarians always fail to understand) crack down on “consensus villains” they are developing a tool which they can then turn against anybody they want.

Furthermore, this is all taking place while President Trump has appointed a Supreme Court Justice who is totally in favor of handing over the Internet to US corporations (brainwashed Trump fans don’t realize that the Second Amendment has no political value whatsoever without the First one, while the Clinton-bots don’t realize that the opposite is also true!).

What we are witnessing is a major and long-time effort to re-take control of the only media which the rulers of the AngloZionist empire do not currently control.  Personally, I am very pessimistic due to the sheep-like mentality of most of the western public who neither understands nor cares about these issues.  And, just to make things worse, neither Russia, nor China nor Iran are any better in terms of understanding and upholding Internet freedoms.

Lastly, I want to add a word of caution: be very careful not to jump to the other extreme and assume that those who do get censored are either “good guys” or correct in their ideological views.

 I am absolutely convinced that what we could loosely call the “Alt-Right constellation” is backed by the US deep state and that the so-called “European nationalist” movements are also controlled by European special services (just as most so-called “Islamic terrorists”).  Remember that in order to crush a “consensus villain” you often must first create one.  So please don’t be fooled by the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” fallacy: look not only at what they say, but also at what they do and the function they serve in society!

The Saker

Reblogged from About the Alex Jones & Infowars ban by US corporate giants____


The Saker er den vestlige verdens eminente miiltærhistoriker, geopolitisk ekspert og NATO dissident (mest populære skribent på Russia Insider nogensinde, som er på den berygtede 'Fake News' +200 liste af Imperiet, og hvis blog fortløbende er oversat til mange sprog over mange år qua sin vilde popularitet, anbefalet af Paul Craig Roberts, etc.)

Edit: Alex Jones' rolle i Trump-PSYOPS'en - KÆMPE øjenåbner:

During a live radio interview with George Noory on Coast 2 Coast AM on August 9, 2017, Alex Jones openly stated that he worked for U.S. Special Operations Command in a secret military psychological operation to assist Donald Trump in becoming President of the United States.
- Dokumentation, Coast 2 Coast, YouTube

Mange tidligere ansatte, ex-redaktører, interviewees afslører Alex Jones som kontrolleret opposition: Infowars Employees Expose Alex Jones - YouTube

Adam Green: 'CNN and Youtube are coming after us. They are going to come after him [Alex Jones]. like af beta test, and then they are going to come after the rest of us'
Christopher Bollyn Calls Alex Jones a Zionist "Gatekeeper", YouTube, Adam Green, 2. april 2018

  Alex Jones' første interview med Trump. I interviewet -indenfor det første minut (Donald Trump Alex Jones Full Interview )- forsvarer Jones Trump's løgn om de dansende arabere i New York den 11. september 201, ikke - som han udmærket godt vidste og havde udtalt mange gange før (video findes) - de dansende israelere!

Han forsvarer Trumps løgn (og var medvirkende til at promovere ham som præsident big time - dette giver mening når de begge er engineered/astroturf puppets for The Deep State)

Trump Says He Saw Muslims Celebrating On 9/11 — But He Was Wrong, It Was Israeli Mossad Agents' 

Det er paradoksalt, at Alex Jones har været ansvarlig for mange millioners opvågnen. Relativt mange har dog gennemskuet, at han også fungerer som kontrolleret opposition, agent for zionisterne og The Deep State. Evidens er overvældende. The Rabbit Hole virkede rigtigt pga. sandhed iblandet løgn, hvor det sidste ikke blev gennemskuet af mange. Pludselig bryder gulvet i det første rabbit hole sammen, og man befinder sig i tomt rum igen, lige da man troede graven var ikke at grave dybere for at komme ud af labyrinten kan netop resultere i (yderligere) enorm splittelse og sandhedsbevægelsernes grav.

Et skift er dog indtruffet; fra at tale om efterretningstjenesternes False Flag terror, skiftede emnerne forud for valget i USA 2016, hvor Trump blev favoriseret. Alex Jones har med sit enorme outreach og optjente anciennitet været medvirkende til at få Trump valgt, som om Trump var 'folkets mand', og i dag har emnerne på Infowars taget en drejning – fra at det tidligere var 9/11, The Deep State, False Flag terror, efterretningstjenesterne, o.a. som var problemet, er alt dette trådt i baggrunden - fra kritik af, at Staten f.eks. brugte muslimer som Agent Provocateurs, er Islam og muslimerne nu det store problem per se, og The Deep State er nu portætteret som i konflikt med Trump.

Definitionen på kontrolleret opposition:

A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ''"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Count Mirabeau was part of the controlled opposition, because although everyone thought he was supporting the revolution, in reality he supported the monarchy and was a personal friend of the king. He was a government agent.

En kontrolleret opposition foregiver at være en protestbevægelse/person, men er i virkeligheden en aktør kontrolleret af regeringen eller anden instans. Mange regeringer har benyttet denne teknik for at undertvinge modstandere. En falsk opposition kan bortlede opmærksomheden fra den sande opposition, miskreditere den, manipulere offentligheden, sabotere, etc.

Hvis en kontrolleret opposition skal fremstå som autentisk, skal sand info om råddenskaben selvfølgelig fremføres, for at lade personen/personer/organisationen fremstå som autentisk dissident. Dette tjener formålet at opnå troværdighed blandt de sandhedsøgende dissidenter, street cred, som man siger på engelsk - MEN samtidigt skal den kontrollerede opposition tilføje falsk info, samt aflede og/eller udelade afsløringen af de virkeligt farlige kronjuveler for at styre oppositionen i den retning som eliten ønsker.

Alex Jones Dossier – controlled opposition extraordinaire

Noun: double agent (plural double agents):

(espionage) A agent who pretends to work for one side, when they are actually working for or passing information to the other.


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