RADIO PARADIGMET 05 - Globalt opbrud

interview af The Team
kommentarer af ChaosNavigator

RADIO PARADIGMET fortsætter ufortrødent udgravningen af verdenssituationen.
Der er mange segmenter på den geopolitisk køkkenmødding.
Nogle er ældgamle, andre er smidt for nylig.
Det kan være svært at holde skrot, skidt, skeletter og skatte ude fra hinanden.

  • Overview [00:00]
  • Østeuropa i opbrud [3:00]
  • Tyskland holder igen [9:27]
  • EU, den synkende luksusliner [12:12]
  • Det store skakspil [14:43]
  • Embargokrig versus det 'nye Østen' [18:13]
  • Narkopusheren NATO og Afghanistan [20:55
  • Narkopusheren CIA og Columbia [24:51]
  • Luk ned for NATO [27:12]
  • De tre store narrativer [28:10]
  • Mossad, russerne og blæksputten [30:22]
  • Hvem kører rumstationerne? [32:00]
  • Genoplivning af religionskrigene, en ny middelalder [36:29]
  • Armenien, Tyrkiet og angreb på ortodokse kristne - Rusland som ortodoksiens forsvarer [38:33]
  • Terrorimperialisterne taber krigen i Syrien
  • En anden model for genopbygning af et krigshærget land [45:19]
  • Tyrkiet, den genoplivede osmanniske agressor [46:39]
  • Ukraine og Vestens medieløgn, en komparativ analyse [00:00]
  • De tre afslørende udsagn [05:58]
  • Den tyrkiske 'læk' - et false flag om et falsk flag [07:51]
  • Deep State - oprindelsen til begrebet [14:23]
  • FN, myten om det 'gode folkeforbund' [18:00]
  • EU, England og separatismen [22:43]
  • Bilderberg i København [23:39]
  • Global-europæisk 'deep state' [30:05]
  • Something wrong in the state of Denmark ... [32:45]
  • Orwells tese [35:51]
  • EU, ekstern og intern imperialisme [38:57]
  • Mikrostat, balkanisering, del-og-hersk [42:06]
  • Geopolitikkens hovedtese: The Heartland [45:34]
  • Raceideologiens oprindelse [46:09]
  • De gode nyheder - QEG har ramt planeten [50:39]

Nogle få kilder til RADIO PARADIGMET 05:

Korrektion: Det var ex-Mossad chefen Meir Dagan, ikke Rafi Eitan, som blev opereret i Belarus (levertransplantation).

YouTube ban: How Turkish officials conspired to stage Syria attack to provoke war

Turkish Political and Military Leaders ADMIT to Planning False Flag Terror to Justify a War with Syria

CONFIRMED: NATO's Plans for False Flag Attack on Turkey Revealed

Scandal: Mass Media Censors Shocking Admission of Turkish False Flag

Turkey court overturns YouTube ban, except on 15 videos

The Turkish comunication regulator ordered the blockade of YouTube on March 27.
It came shortly after a video was published on it, allegedly of several top government officials discussing a possible false flag operation in Syria to justify a military incursion.
- 4. april 2014, RT
YouTube ban: How Turkish officials conspired to stage Syria attack to provoke war

Ang. Politiken-artiklen:
Ukrainske urobetjente anholdt for massemord på demonstranter
12 ukrainske betjente er tilbageholdt, mistænkt for at skyde demonstranter.
Letbenet dansk teleprompter-journalistik med manglende kilder og udeladelser af hele billedet. Her er nogle aspekter der udelades i Politiken-artiklen:
'The identity of the ‘Maidan snipers’ is a hot political topic both domestically and internationally. A leaked conversation between EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet discussed a “stronger understanding” that somebody among the new Ukrainian authorities were behind the snipers.....
...Earlier Aleksandr Yakimenko, the man who headed the Ukrainian Security Service at the time of the confrontation, said the so-called Maidan Self-Defense Force was controlling the building, from which snipers killed people in the Kiev streets. He said he believes the snipers could be mercenaries from former Yugoslavia.......Moscow sees another likely culprit in the killings. The radical Right Sector group is responsible for many crimes during the protest and was likely behind the snipers as well, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview on Sunday.......Both Russia and the West, at odds on many issues over the Ukrainian crisis, agree that an impartial and comprehensive investigation into the sniper case was essential for future stability in the country. But with signals coming from the investigation looking incoherent, the Ukrainian authorities may be tempted to spin the case for political gains, either domestic or international.'
Studies found a total of 250 mainstream sources lied that the snipers belonged to Yanukovich. Only seven of the entire mass media even mentioned the bombshell leak and those that did framed the report to suggest it couldn't possibly be true.'

Ang. det tredje narrativ- nogle få fortløbende anomalier ud af mange:
The CIA is orchestrating a scenario aimed at breaking up sovereign countries into a number of small states, a political analyst tells Press TV.


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