RADIO PARADIGM 06 - Light On Conspiracies
by morton_h, the blogger
interview by The Team
interview by The Team
With us today from Spain we have OleDammegaard, who is one of the profound and independant investigative journalists of our time.
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His work has been going on for decades, and the aim and results of his work is to be regarded as one of utmost importance. Ole has a Danish and Swedish background, and the latter gave him special qualifications to look into one of the strangest cases of the twentieth century, the murder of the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme.
This case is officially solved by smearing it onto some lonely bum from the streets of Stockholm, but a majority of people have quite a strong feeling, that this is not the true story, and that the case is more likely to be unsolved.
What we will see today though, this strange case is far from unsolved.
Ole Dammegaards main work till now is his astonishing book 'Coup d'Etat In Slow Motion', where he in thousand pages filled with events, details, names, persons and connections shows to the World, that this case can be solved by connecting the right dots. AND by allowing yourself to see, which Ole has done, the broader connection to the pattern, that seems to be underlying almost all cases of this type. This pattern is the footprint of the small group of people, that call themselves the global elite.
With these words we welcome Ole Dammegaard to the broadcast here on RADIO PARADIGM.
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Video-interview - Click to open in YouTube-window |
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Radio-interview - Click to open in new window |
In Danish
Vi har i dag inviteret Ole Dammegård, som er en af de mest dybdeborende og grundige og uafhængige undersøgende journalister i - tror jeg godt vi kan sige - i vor tid.
Hans arbejde har stået på i årtier, og både formålet og resultatet bør anses for at være af yderste relevans og betydning. Ole har både dansk og svensk baggrund, og især den sidste har uden tvivl givet ham særlige kvalifikationer, som han har brugt på allerbedste vis til at kulegrave en af det mærkeligste og mest markante sager i det det tyvende århundrede: mordet på den svenske statsminister Olof Palme.
Sagen er officielt 'opklaret' ved at smøre skylden af på en mere eller mindre tilfældig gadebums i Stockholm, men de fleste har alligevel en fornemmelse af, at dette ikke er den sande historie, og at sagen nok snarere må betegnes som officielt uopklaret.
Hvad vi kommer til at høre i dag er noget helt tredje: at sagen er langt fra at være uopklaret.
Ole Dammegårds hovedværk til dato er hans forbløffende bog 'Coup d'Etat In Slow Motion', på dansk/svensk: 'Statskup i Slow Motion'. Den findes både på svensk og på engelsk, men Ole anbefaler selv den engelske, da der den er 200 sider længere. Her er tale om næste 1000 sider fyldt med events, detaljer, navne, personer og forbindelser, som demonstrerer for verden, at denne sag kan beskrives og opklares ved at forbinde de rigtige komponenter. OG ved at gøre det, som Ole gør: sætte fokus på det bredere mønster, der ved nærmere eftersyn dukker op i næsten alle sager, der involverer likvideringer, massemord og terrorhandlinger. Dette mønster er finger- og fodaftrykket fra den forbløffende lille gruppe af mennesker, der kalder sig selv for 'den globale elite'.
Vi har dedikerer titlen på denne blog til Ole Dammegårds website: Light On Conspiracies
Vi har dedikerer titlen på denne blog til Ole Dammegårds website: Light On Conspiracies
Med disse ord siger vi velkommen til Ole Dammegård.
Hereafter in English
RADIO PARADIGM 06 - Light On Conspiracies
Interview: morton_h, Cvitch, ChaosNavigator
[00:50] morton_h: Introduction
[03:28] Ole: The primary motivation for the work
[06:30] Seeing the old pattern of assassination
[07:06] They shot Olof Palme
[11:13] Investigation in Stockholm
[13:56] morton_h: Did you experience threats close to yourself ?
[14:10] Ole: Absolutely. Two friends were murdered.
[21:40] morton_h: Is this comparable to the mob ?
[24:26] Ole: It is like a huge corporation
[26:08] Cvitch: Is it connected ?
[27:30] Ole: It's very much interconnected
[29:38] Cvitch: Bofors and Rajiv Gandhi ?
[29:38] Ole: It was the biggest arms deal for Sweden ever!
[30:16] Cvitch: At the funeral ...
[31:03] Ole: The Stay-Behind Gladio
[41:38] morton_h: Mobs, Romans and fascists
[44:11] Ole: The trojan horse
[45:15] Sweden is a testing ground
[46:50] Cyprus was an example
[46:86] morton_h: Belgian statement on Cyprus
[48:13] Cvitch: Offshore attacks on Russian interests
[48:13] Ole: Who Created these organisation, we must ask
[51:31] morton_h: The sinking of Estonia ?
[51:70] Ole: It was a massive operation
[54:08] Military smugling
[55:45] morton_h: Michael Witte and Jutta Rabe
[55:85] Ole: There is always a drill going on
[60:00] Cvitch: South Africa and Chile
[60:10] Ole: Operation 40
[1:15:58] Cvitch: The American ITA
[1:16:20] Ole: They were coordinated
[1:17:26] Cvitch: Makarios, Guatemala ?
[1:18:11] Ole: Why change a winning team ?
[1:19:20] Bush Seniors private assassin, Chip Tatum (whistleblower)
[1:21:00] morton_h: Regrets of the employees
[1:22:45] Ole: Standard procedure of compromize
[1:24:28] Peoples courts are showing up
[1:25:26] The Pope and the Queen on trial
[1:27:23] Ole: I now speak to members of the elite
[1:30:31] I now speak to people in uniform
[1:36:15] morton_h: Thank you
[1:38:33] Ole: Show braveness and honesty
[1:42:28] The books
[1:44:35] A final prayer
[1:45:06] Support is most welcome after cyber attack
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