Smart Meters & Mobilstråling = overskydende calcium i dine celler = sygdom
af ChaosNavigator
Blot fordi du ikke umiddelbart kan mærke noget, betyder ikke, at du ikke er påvirket.
Se den prisbelønnede film som Josh del Sol har lavet, som fortæller, hvorfor sygdomsfremkaldende Smart Meters er en meget dårlig idé - og et spionmeter - slutningen på privatlivets ukrænkelighed - ABSOLUT RADIKALT MUST-See.:
NB! Sæt de danske undertekster til i nederste højre hjørne - Final Cut
Martin Pall, Ph.D - biokemiker, fysiker og genetiker - har brugt 20 år af sit liv på grundigt at analysere
ALLE DE VIGTIGSTE STUDIER om mobilstrålingens/WiFi/EMF effekt på kroppen og hjernen. Konklusion: Når
du eksponerer cellerne for EMF, er der stigning i intercellulært
calcium. Der er også stigning i calcium signaler. I de sidste 25 år
påstås det, at ikke-ioniserende stråling er harmløst. Pall’s research
viser utvetydigt at denne antagelse er 100% usand.
EMF aktiverer visse kanaler i kroppen, såkaldte voltage-gated calcium channels
(VGCCs). Dette er kanaler i den ydre membran af cellen, plasma
membranen som omslutter alle vores celler. Når disse aktiveres åbnes de
op og tillader calcium at flyde ind i cellen.
Det er dette overskydende calcium i cellen som er ansvarlig for de fleste, hvis ikke alle af de skadelige biologiske effekter.
effekter (angst, depression, neurodegenerative sygdomme, m.m.) Hjertet
- kardiologiske forstyrrelser (arytmi, tachykardi, m.m).
Reduceret spermtal og infertilitet, cancer, etc.
Mange andre negative virkninger....
Smart Meters og 5G er langt VÆRRE END MOBIL:

En celle har det bedst i kroppen har det bedst i kroppen, når den har en optimal overfladespænding i forhold til osmose mellem det ydre og indre (intracellulært). Cellen opretholder selv balancen mellem det elektriske indre/ydre.
Hvordan alt dette et interrelateret med 5G ved jeg ikke, men at Smart Meter og 5G er STASI 2.0, sygdom og krænkelse af privatlivet er sikkert.
Du har ret til at nægte Smart Meter installation. Lad dig ikke narre af trusler. Nævn blot bekendtgørelse 1358 og hold dem ude indtil 2020 (hvor det bliver obligatorisk) og nævn at MANGE ANDRE har fået undtagelse fra installation, dvs. der er præcedens for at beholde analogmåler! Nævn dette i brevet!
På det politiske plan: Brug "Liability" overfor Energistyrelsen. Informer dem om, at de vil blive draget til ansvar - henvis eller på anden vis inddrag dette i kommende skrivelser til Energistyrelsen ang. 5G:
Stop Smartmeter
Rådet for Helbredssikker Telekommunikation
EHS Foreningen
Folk foretrækker løgnen om, at myndighederne altid taler sandt end virkeligheden; at de ikke gør, og DET er som borger sundhedsskadeligt for en selv og andre at lide af Stockholm syndrom, ofte dødeligt. Man forstår godt denne psykologiske mekanisme fordi tvivl om myndigheders etik forårsager utryghed, men at vende hovedet bort fjerner ikke sundhedsfarerne. Disse sundhedsskadelige virkninger er ofte snigende, men spil ikke hazard med neurodegenerative sygdomme for dig selv og dine børn! Hvis du forveksler din egen frygtreaktion med budskabet, at det er 'frygtbaseret', er det din egen manglende rationalitet. Fakta er fakta først - hvilke emotionelle reaktioner der kommer efter, er sekundært!

Man kan muligvis pointere, at disse 'elektro sensitive' mennesker IKKE er elektrosensitive, derimod, at de fleste mennesker er desensitiverede. De mærker ikke de destruktive virkninger af stråling bevidst - virkninger som dog har effekt UANSET, om man mærker det eller ej, idet det er snigende effekter og ellers uforklarlige symptomer.
Det er i ens egen sundheds interesse, mildest talt. Ikke mindst, hvis man har børn, er det menneskers hellige pligt at se den. Man kan ikke handle i kærlighed, dvs. i praksis beskytte sig selv eller andre, hvis man ikke har bevidsthed om det som er skadeligt. Man går heller ikke overfor rødt mens bilerne kører konstant. Det er hamrende vigtigt.
Det er dette overskydende calcium i cellen som er ansvarlig for de fleste, hvis ikke alle af de skadelige biologiske effekter.
Reduceret spermtal og infertilitet, cancer, etc.
Smart Meters og 5G er langt VÆRRE END MOBIL:

En celle har det bedst i kroppen har det bedst i kroppen, når den har en optimal overfladespænding i forhold til osmose mellem det ydre og indre (intracellulært). Cellen opretholder selv balancen mellem det elektriske indre/ydre.
er sensitiv overfor WiFi routers, mobilsråling. EMF åbner når
mobilsignalerne rammer dem, hvorved at cellen bliver oversvømmet med
calcium, hvilket simpelt set betyder et intracellulært chok. Den igangsætter forsvarsmekanismer, som normalt kun ses ved overophedning. Der sker ingen opvarmning men den opfører sig som om den bliver kogt. Superoxidering ved AT sprøjte frie radikaler ud i selvforsvar, og dette betyder DNA skade. Det ser ud som ioniserende effekt men sker via non-ioniserende indflydelse på cellen. Samme effekt men via cellens eget forsvar og ekstremt komplicerede biokaskader.
Flere har fået cancer i DK ved at være tæt på master, i USA er det overvældende.
Snigende eller hurtige
neurodegenerative sygdomme, accelereret ældningsproces, carcinogenesis (cancer), og alle mulige andre fucked up ting.
Man er påvirket 100% selvom man ikke kan mærke det bevidst. Lad mig gentage dette:
Man er påvirket 100% selvom man ikke kan mærke det bevidst.
Det er langsomt snigende frøkogning. De 'sensitive' er barometer for dette også.
Man er påvirket 100% selvom man ikke kan mærke det bevidst.
Det er langsomt snigende frøkogning. De 'sensitive' er barometer for dette også.
Ubehag, træthed, etc. etc.- som ikke let kan diagnosticeres.
"Det ansete italienske forskningsinstitut,Ramazzini Institute,
har netop afsluttet en stor undersøgelse ud i sammenhængen mellem
udsættelse for stråling fra mobilmaster og kræft. De endelige resultater
ventes publiceret i kommende uge. Konklusionen1 kender vi
fra Ramazzini forskernes præsentation på en videnskabelig konference i
oktober 2017. Det skal påpeges at alle disse feltstyrker er under de i
gældende grænseværdier samt at feltstyrken på 5 V/m er sammenligneligt
med det strålingsniveau som Rådet har målt i en dansk skoleklasse hvor
eleverne anvendte Wi-Fi i undervisningen3. Næppe et tilfælde. Ligesom Ramazzini undersøgelsen, fandt NTP også schwannomaer i flere
vævstyper i de eksponerede dyr. Udover kræft i hjertet – en ellers
ekstremt sjælden kræftform – blev der fundet kræftstadier og svulster i
kirtler, på trigeminus-nerven, i øjnene og i hun-dyrenes kønsorganer.
Det sidstnævnte er bekymrende idet mange unge placerer deres
mobiltelefoner i bukselomme."
Jeg vil kraftigt anbefale Faraday baldakiner og blokeringsmaling i minimum soveværelse, derudover Dr. Mercolas og andres råd om bestemte substanser som kan blokere denne celle-calcium superoxidering.
De sunde organismer er sikkert
ofte de 'sensitive' men de 'insensitive' er påvirkede ligeså meget, de
kan blot ikke mærke det så tydeligt.
Smart Meter er et STASI spionmeter,
sygdomsfremkaldende, og sindsstemningsændrende, og en del af IoT (Internet of Things), et
kommende centralistisk AI netværk i fremtiden på steroider.
1. Kampstrup systemet (DONG) er født med mesh networking, et radiokommunikationssystem. Måleraflæsningsdelen i signalet er lille - måske 4 gange i døgnet, dvs. svagt ouput MEN transmissionen mellem metrene (i min karre er der over 100 Smart Meters nu) er meget mere voldsom.
Der er meget 'snak' mellem smartmetrene
konstant (undersøgelser fra Norge) og i USA er der målt over tusinder af
bursts i døgnet. - dvs. radiobølger i mikrobølgeområdet.
Modulationsfrekvensen - når Smart Meters kommunikerer - er UKENDT. Man
ved det ikke (de ved det men det skifter indtil der er fundet en
konsensus standard)
Modulationsfrekvens er det som er
indlejret i bærebølgen, og har en biologisk effekt, en bioreaktiv
effekt i langt større grad end bærebølgen. Modulationsbølgen foregår i
2. Et af
metrene i kæden udnævner sig selv til at være primær afsender for alle
målinger i det bestemte område, blok, etc. - dvs. når der skal sendes målinger til Kampstrup - og det sker automatisk - så kan man an ikke forudsige
hvilken beboer som udvælges, når de sender til Kampstrup. Dvs. en
beboers sender bøffer pludseligt vildt op, fordi den er udvalgt til at
sende, men det sker tilfældigt.
Den samlede transmission til Kampstrup er via 800 mhz - eller via mobilnettet (2G).
3G forgår på cykliske frekvenser i modulationsbølgen 100, 1500, 15000 hz, hvor der er værre symptomer om natten end om dagen.
En 3G mast er i synkronisering om natten i samme styrkeforhold. Om
dagen er det tilfældig støj. Om natten skruer den ned i amplituden, men
timingen bliver synkroniseret i det samlede signalet om natten, så det
ser ud som et sildeskelet, hvorved folk får det det værre. Bioreaktivt big time om natten mere end om dagen. Dette blev bekræftet i kraft af manglende indsigelse i en engelsk retssal!
Barrie Trower, ex-MI5 blev
kommissioneret til at skrive en rapport til UK Police, som blev hemmelig
stemplet, senere frigivet om TETRA (operativt i DK): Barrie Trower's rapport om TETRA (samme som SINE, DK beredskabsradio):
I USA er 5G anderledes - forskellen er
2-cifrede frekvenser, måske op til 60 GZ , men modulationsfrekvensen er
skadelig uanset hvad.
5G testes i DK lige nu på Frederiksberg - 700 mhz og 3,5 Ghz er bærebølgen, modulationsfrekvensen er hidtil også ukendt.
Intensiteten i signalstyrke er ikke det afgørende bioreaktive, men modulationsfrekvensen!
Intensiteten i signalstyrke er ikke det afgørende bioreaktive, men modulationsfrekvensen!
Dr. Devra Lee Davis (ikke hvem som helst indenfor academia), siger:
5G networks will use the same frequencies as pain-inflicting crowd control weapons (men det er langt mere end dette): 5G networks will use the same frequencies as pain-inflicting crowd ...
Du har ret til at nægte Smart Meter installation. Lad dig ikke narre af trusler. Nævn blot bekendtgørelse 1358 og hold dem ude indtil 2020 (hvor det bliver obligatorisk) og nævn at MANGE ANDRE har fået undtagelse fra installation, dvs. der er præcedens for at beholde analogmåler! Nævn dette i brevet!
På det politiske plan: Brug "Liability" overfor Energistyrelsen. Informer dem om, at de vil blive draget til ansvar - henvis eller på anden vis inddrag dette i kommende skrivelser til Energistyrelsen ang. 5G:
Parallel 5G sag der tydeligt viser hvordan staten agerer:
300 borgmestre vil sagsøge 5G
Amerikanske borgmestre er gået sammen og vil trække FCC i retten om 5 G,
Amerikanske borgmestre er gået sammen og vil trække FCC i retten om 5 G,
hvis de bliver tvunget til 5 G mod deres vilje
The harmful and Orwellian nature of 5G is inspiring a groundswell of
people getting involved. Now, an alliance of more than 300 U.S. mayors
has said it will sue the FCC if they continue with plans to forcibly
deploy 5G upon cities who do not want it. -JDS
Rådet for Helbredssikker Telekommunikation
EHS Foreningen
Folk foretrækker løgnen om, at myndighederne altid taler sandt end virkeligheden; at de ikke gør, og DET er som borger sundhedsskadeligt for en selv og andre at lide af Stockholm syndrom, ofte dødeligt. Man forstår godt denne psykologiske mekanisme fordi tvivl om myndigheders etik forårsager utryghed, men at vende hovedet bort fjerner ikke sundhedsfarerne. Disse sundhedsskadelige virkninger er ofte snigende, men spil ikke hazard med neurodegenerative sygdomme for dig selv og dine børn! Hvis du forveksler din egen frygtreaktion med budskabet, at det er 'frygtbaseret', er det din egen manglende rationalitet. Fakta er fakta først - hvilke emotionelle reaktioner der kommer efter, er sekundært!

Preview: Dr. Mercola and Martin Pall Discuss the Damaging Effects of EMFs (3 minutter)
- Det er statistisk matematisk 100% UMULIGT, at uafhængige undersøgelser af stråling (mobil/master/WiFi,Smart Meters, etc.), som IKKE har økonomisk interessekonflikt, viser et HELT andet billede END de undersøgelser som kommunikations-industrien selv laver.Der er tydeligt tale om hvidvask ved ræven der vogter gæs i en 1.5 billiondollar forretning for kommunikationsindustrien (10.000 milliarder kroner).
Godkendelse ved lobbyisme og videnskabelig hvidvask af skadelige ting for gigantisk profit. 'Sundhedsgodkendt' ser godt ud på papiret men ræven KAN altså ikke vogte gæs for billioner af dollars. Tusinder af andre UAFHÆNGIGE studier viser, at der skade.
Historien VISER gang på gang, at myndighederne godkender ting, som viser sig at være dybt uansvarligt, endda mod bedrevidende (Vioxx, blødersagen med forurenet HIV blod, etc.). Asbest, DDT, Roundup (nu klassificeret som cancerfremkaldende af FN) bosættelse under højspændingsledninger, farlig medicin med enorme bivirkninger, og et UTAL af godkendte 'ufarlige' ting KONSTANT.
Se den prisbelønnede film som Josh del Sol har lavet, som fortæller hvorfor Smart Meters er en meget dårlig idé - MUST-See.:
NB! Sæt de danske undertekster til i nederste højre hjørne:
Det er i ens egen sundheds interesse, mildest talt. Ikke mindst, hvis man har børn, er det menneskers hellige pligt at se den. Man kan ikke handle i kærlighed, dvs. i praksis beskytte sig selv eller andre, hvis man ikke har bevidsthed om det som er skadeligt. Man går heller ikke overfor rødt mens bilerne kører konstant. Det er hamrende vigtigt.
Derfor hopper de fleste mennesker i, og bliver kloge af skade først BAGEFTER, hvor de ikke engang ved, hvorfor de er blevet syge, fordi de TROR på
En anden banebrydende film: RESONANCE is a sensational eye opening documentary which reveals the
harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless

Ph. D. Devra Davis, opgav med at bruge mobiltelefoner efter hun undersøgte farerne. Hun siger, at vi tillader vores hjerneceller at dø, hver gang vi taler i telefon og understreger, at hvis mobiltelefonen var et stof, ville det blive forbudt, fordi det kom ind i vores liv uden at være blevet testet.
Bad News about Cell Phone Radiation: Dr. Devra Davis - YouTube - RT, 2017
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Reveals the Hidden Dangers of Electric Fields - Doktor Mercola, 2018
Beskyttelse. Køb en Faraday baldakin eller brug beskyttelsesmaling dit soveværelse. Har
talt med en kyndig som har brugt mange år på IT og
strålingsproblematikken, og som er informeret om, hvad som foregår i
Folketinget og industrien ang. Smart Meters, strålingsfare, mobiler,
trådløs, IT-sikkerhed, m.m., og han anbefaler denne Yshield maling, ca.
7-8 Kvm per liter rækker den til. Derudover skal man købe metalliseret
billig pap til gulvet fra byggemarked, hvis man ikke bor i stueetage. Det allervigtigste er soveværelset. Man kan også købe en Faraday
baldakin med måtte, så man kan sove fuldstændigt afskærmet uforstyrret.
Denne T98 maling fra Geovital er angiveligt noget af det allerbedste og dyrere, og de har råd om grounding:

How To Reverse The Damage From Cell Phone Radiation, Hidden Sources Of EMF, The Best Way To
Dr.Mercola: EMF is one of the primary sources of oxidative damage
Hvad Mercola anbefaler: Faste. Transdermal magnesium. Andre substanser:
[Tidskode: 15:11] A Multiple Day Water Fast & Some of the More Powerful Interventions That can Reverse the Damage of EMF
Se mere - Transcript af video foroven
190 Scientists & Experts Urge UN to Deal with Emerging Wireless Public Health Crisis'- Stop Smart Meters UK 12. maj 2015
Europarådet advarer
Appeller og resolutioner
dokumentarfilm: 'Wi-Fi Refugees. Nowhere to run: Electrosensitive
people try to escape wireless technology'
Hvorfor du ikke kan stole på industrien selv - ræven der vogter gæs
Mange er ikke klar over, at telesektoren måske er mere velfinansieret end medicinalindustrien, og lige så politisk magtfuld. Vi taler om en billion dollar industri, der genererer ca. 10.000 millarder kroner i indtjening på globalt plan.
Deres lobbyister er meget effektive i formidling og beskyttelse af industriens version af sandheden. Industrien vil naturligvis også aktivt diskreditere forskning, der demonstrerer skade og / eller forsvarer forskningsprojekter, der begynder at afsløre sundhedsproblemer.
Faktisk var den nuværende chef for Federal Communications Commission tidligere chefslobbyist vfor telekommunikationsindustrien - et af de værste tilfælde af den modbydelige svingdør mellem industri og regering og ræven der vogter gæs.
"Jeg ved, hvordan de har angrebet forskellige mennesker," siger Pall. "I USA blev finansieringen af EMF-undersøgelsen [af Miljøstyrelsen] afskåret i 1986. Det amerikanske havforskningscenter havde finansieret en del forskning på dette område [i 70'erne]. De ... ophørte med at finansiere nye tilskud i 1986 ... Og så fulgte National Institutes of Health (NIH) et par år senere den samme vej
Jeg er faktisk chokeret over at sige, at der kun er to lande i verden, der gør en masse forskning i dette, langt ud over deres normale omfang ... Tyrkiet og Iran ... de laver en hel del god forskning i begge disse lande i EMF ... Hvad jeg har lavet, har jeg gjort alene. Jeg har bidraget min tid til det og min indsats og i hvert fald i ringe grad nogle penge til det. Men det koster ikke så meget, så jeg kan gøre det.
Så vi har det faktum, at pengene blev afskåret. Man mistænker stærkt industrien har en rolle i det. Industrien, med telekommunikationsloven fra 1996, gav forordningen til Federal Communications Commission (FCC), som ikke har gjort noget for at beskytte offentligheden.
Desuden forhindrede de offentligheden i at beskytte deres helbred med hensyn til deres eksponeringer fra mobiltelefontårne. Vi kan ikke sagsøge for at forhindre mobiltelefontårne i at blive sat i nærheden af vores arbejdsplads eller hjem. Dybest set, hvad kongressen gjorde var at sige, at vores sundhed gør ingen forskel ... Så vi er i ekstremt dybe problemer, "siger Pall.
Palm Beach, hvor Donald Trump og Bill Gates og resten af super eliten bor, er i øvrigt officielt undtaget fra 5G
Hele artiklen om Martin Pall på engelsk af Doktor Mercola: I’ve often noted that electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
are a pernicious, hidden health risk. But exactly how does this kind of
microwave radiation damage your health? Martin Pall, Ph.D., has
identified and published research describing the likely molecular
mechanisms of how EMFs from cellphones and wireless technologies damage plants, animals and humans.1,2 ,3,4
Pall has a bachelor’s in physics from
Johns Hopkins and a Ph.D. in biochemistry and genetics from Caltech, and
is uniquely qualified for this type of research. For the past 18 years,
he’s been scouring the medical literature, integrating and drawing
parallels between work done by others to answer this pressing question.
Pall explains:
“There is a huge amount of information out here that nobody has the time to integrate, digest and make connections [between]. That’s what I’ve been doing … I was interested in EMFs before I could understand how they worked. Then I stumbled onto two papers that told me, ‘Well, this looks like the way they work,’ and then I dug out more and more papers …
What the [initial two] studies showed was that you could block or greatly lower the effects [of EMF] by using calcium channel blockers … That was the key observation …
Now [I have found] 26 [papers] … They all show that EMFs work by activating what are called voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). These are channels in the outer membrane of the cell, the plasma membrane that surrounds all our cells. When they’re activated, they open up and allow calcium to flow into the cell. It’s the excess calcium in the cell which is responsible for most if not all of the [biological effects].”
EMFs and Intracellular Calcium
When you expose cells to EMFs, there’s
increased intercellular calcium. You also get increases in calcium
signaling, which is important as well, in terms of explaining the damage
EMFs cause. For the past 25 years, the industry has claimed that
non-ionizing radiation is harmless and that the only radiation worth
worrying about is ionizing radiation. Pall’s research unequivocally
proves that this assumption is false.
“It’s been very clear, going back all the way to 1971 and even before that, that this wasn’t true. But we didn’t know what the mechanism was. Now, we do. I think it’s very important, because the industry’s been trying to hoodwink everybody for decades. Now we know how it works. One of the other things that’s very important about this is that there is a wide variety of different health impacts that have been reported. Now we can explain how [these problems arise].”
How EMFs Damage Your Health
When your VGCCs are exposed to EMFs,
they open up, allowing abnormally large volumes of calcium ions into
the cells — about 1 million ions per second per channel. Each VGCC has a
voltage sensor, a structure that detects electrical changes across the
plasma membrane and opens the channel. EMFs work through the voltage
sensor to activate the channel and radically increase intracellular
levels into dangerous ranges.
“Because of the structure of the voltage
sensor and its location in the plasma membrane, one can predict from
basic physics that it’s extraordinarily sensitive to the electrical
forces from EMFs,” Pall notes. On average, these forces are
approximately 7.2 million times stronger on the voltage sensor than they
are on singly charged electrical groups in the aqueous (watery) part of
the cell. What this means is that current safety standards are off by a
factor of about 7 million.
That’s how these very weak EMFs, which
industry claims can’t possibly cause you any harm, are actually taking
you out prematurely. They work by activating VGCCs. This turns out to be
absolutely critical, because when there’s excess calcium in the cell, a
number of things happen. Not only do you get excess calcium signaling,
you also get increased nitric oxide (NO). While NO has many beneficial
health effects, massively excessive NO reacts with superoxide.

Superoxide levels also rise in response
to increased intercellular calcium. Together, they form peroxynitrite,
which is an extremely potent oxidant stressor. While not a free radical,
peroxynitrites break down to form reactive free radicals, both reactive
nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species (ROS) including hydroxyl
free radicals.
“You get both, because you get hydroxyl
radicals and carbonate radicals and NO2 radicals,” Pall explains. All
three do damage. According to Pall, most of the damage is likely done by
excessive free radicals, but some damage is caused directly by the
peroxynitrites. The end result is rather massive harm, as excessive oxidative stress and
nitrosative stress are involved in nearly all chronic disease. Much of
the pathophysiology also has to do with the excessive calcium signaling,
independently of peroxynitrite.
NO Signaling Pathway Versus Peroxynitrite Pathway
It’s important to realize that not all
oxidative stress is harmful. There’s a certain baseline of free radicals
that’s biologically useful and necessary. NO, for example, is a free
radical, yet it has many very beneficial effects. The problem is
excessive oxidative stress. Interestingly, Pall notes that the NO
signaling pathway and the peroxynitrite pathways inhibit each other,
which I never previously knew. This provides support for the new nitric oxide dump exercise to decrease damage from EMFs.
Why You Cannot Depend on Industry Claims
Many are unaware that the telecommunications industry is perhaps more well-funded than the pharmaceutical industry,
and just as powerful politically. Their lobbyists are very effective in
disseminating and protecting the industry’s version of the truth.
Needless to say, the industry will also actively discredit research that
demonstrates harm and/or defund research projects that start to reveal
In fact, the current head of the Federal
Communications Commission was formerly the chief lobbyist for the
telecommunications industry — one of the worst cases of the disgusting
revolving door between industry and government and the fox guarding the
hen house that I have seen in sometime.
“I know how they’ve attacked various people,” Pall says. “In the U.S. … the funding for the EMF research [by the Environmental Protection Agency] was cut off starting in 1986 … The U.S. Office of Naval Research had been funding a fair amount of research in this area [in the ’70s]. They [also] … stopped funding new grants in 1986 … And then the National Institutes of Health (NIH) a few years later followed the same path …
[I]t’s actually shocking to say there are only two countries in the world that are doing a lot of research in this, well beyond their normal scope … Turkey and Iran … they’re doing quite a bit of good research in both of those countries on EMFs … What I’ve been doing is I’ve been doing it on my own. I’ve been contributing my time to it and my efforts and, at least to a small extent, some money to it. But it doesn’t cost that much, so I can do it.
So, we have the fact that the money was cut off. One strongly suspects the industry had a role on that. The industry, with the 1996 Telecommunications Act, gave the regulation to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which has done nothing in terms of protecting the public.
In addition, they prevented the public from protecting their health with regard to their exposures from the cellphone towers. We cannot sue to prevent cellphone towers from being put near our workplace or homes. Basically, what the Congress did was to say our health makes no difference … So, we’re in extremely deep trouble,” Pall says.
Neuropsychiatric Effects of EMF Exposure
And this brings us to the crux of the
problem, namely the physical locations where VGCCs are the densest, and
the subsequent diseases you can expect from chronic excessive exposure
to EMFs. The highest density of VGCCs are found in your nervous system
and, indeed, studies dating back to the 1950s and ’60s show the nervous
system is the organ that is most sensitive to EMFs.
Some of these studies show massive
changes in the structure of neurons, including cell death and synaptic
dysfunction. When the VGCCs are activated in the brain they release
neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones. Hence, consequences of
chronic EMF exposure to the brain include the following, which Pall
details in a 2016 paper:5
In animals exposed to EMFs, there are
massive, cumulative effects in the brain. Genetic polymorphism studies
also show that elevated VGCC activity in certain parts of the brain
produces a variety of neuropsychiatric effects.
“I reviewed a [large number] of studies on various kinds of EMF exposures, each of them showing neuropsychiatric effects. What you find is that these effects have been repeated many times in these epidemiological studies. It’s the same thing that everybody’s complaining about, ‘I’m tired all the time,’ ‘I can’t sleep,’ ‘I can’t concentrate,’ ‘I’m depressed,’ ‘I’m anxious all the time,’ ‘My memory doesn’t work well anymore.’ All the things everybody’s complaining about.
We know all those things are caused by EMF exposures. There’s no doubt about that. Because we know their effects on the brain, we know that the VGCCs’ excessive activity can produce various neuropsychiatric problems.
Here we’ve got all of these epidemiological data that confirms this is happening in humans who live near cellphone towers, who were exposed to Wi-Fi, who were exposed to broadcasting radiation, who use cellphones, tablets and so on. That’s very important. I think we should care about this.”
Cardiac Effects
Your heart is also very sensitive to
EMFs, particularly the pacemaker cells of your heart, as they have the
highest density of VGCCs. As a consequence of this, we find that EMFs
tend to trigger the following conditions. If you have any of these
conditions (or any of the ones discussed above and below), you need to
know that EMF exposure is a major contributing factor and take immediate
and aggressive steps to remediate your exposure.
- Cardiac arrhythmias (associated with sudden cardiac death)
- Atrial fibrillation / atrial flutter
- Premature atrial contractions (PACs) and premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), also known as heart palpitations
- Tachycardia (fast heartbeat) and brachycardia (slow heartbeat)
Reproductive Effects
A third area with densely populated
VGCCs is the reproductive system, particularly the male testes. A
consequence here is impaired or reduced fertility. There is evidence
showing EMFs can cause both male and female infertility, but male
infertility has been more studied. Pall describes a classic reproduction
experiment published 19 years ago by Ioannis Magras and Thomas Xenos in Greece:
“They took young pairs of mice, one male and female. They put them in a little cage on the ground outside in an antenna park … The [radiation] levels at the ground were well within our current safety guidelines … They put them in two different locations, one with a higher level of exposure and one with a lower level of exposure.
What they found was that at the higher-level exposure, each pair produced one litter that was approximately normal sized, then a second litter that was clearly down in numbers and then complete infertility — not a single mouse born …
At lower level exposure, it was basically the same story, except it took twice as long. They produced four litters with decreasing numbers, and then complete infertility. We have now, in humans in many countries around the world, decreased male sperm count — down by over 50 percent in Western countries, and about half of that amount in other countries around the world.6,7
The senior author in that paper is saying, ‘If this keeps going, we’re going to become extinct,’ just from the drop in male sperm count. We know that that occurs in humans — in people who carry their cellphones in their front pockets, men who use their laptops with the Wi-Fi on sitting on their lap. We know that occurs. But of course, industry denies everything.”
Indeed, studies have linked low-level
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure from cellphones to an 8 percent
reduction in sperm motility and a 9 percent reduction in sperm
viability.8,9 Wi-Fi equipped laptop computers have
also been linked to decreased sperm motility and an increase in sperm
DNA fragmentation after just four hours of use.10
EMFs and Cancer
Studies on cancer have also been blocked
by the industry in a number of ways, including preventing researchers
from obtaining real-world data on cellphone usage. Obviously, people who
use their cellphones the most are at greatest risk. While not at the
top of the list of concerns associated with EMF exposure, cancer is yet
another potential consequence of mitochondrial damage.
Women who carry their cellphones in their bra,
for example, risk cancer in the upper inner quadrant of the breast,
which is very atypical and not the usual upper outer quadrant.
Brain cancer is
another possibility from extended cellphone use if you keep the phone
to your ear. That said, emphasizing the cancer risk is likely
counterproductive, as most people use cellphones and those who develop
brain cancer are few and far in between. The problem is brain cancer has
a latency period of a decade or more. Arrhythmias, autism, anxiety and
Alzheimer’s, on the other hand, are extremely prevalent these days, and
we now have a mechanism that explains how EMF contributes to all of
So, even though two U.S. senators likely
got brain cancer from cell phones (Ted Kennedy and John McCain), it’s
important to understand that cellphone dangers are not just about brain
cancer. It’s all these other problems as well, including infertility.
“In my judgment, cancer is down around No. 4 or No. 5 on the list of my
concerns. It’s not that cancer is not important. It’s very important.
We’re just looking right now at the early stages because of long
latencies,” Pall says.
What Is More Dangerous, Cellphones or X-Rays?
If you are like most, the answer is
obvious: X-rays. That is because you have been convinced by the
deceptive lies of the telecommunications industry that have lobbied the
government to reinforce this delusional myth. The reality is that there
is compelling evidence showing cellphones are more dangerous than X-rays
— by several orders of magnitude.
Some of the best evidence comes from a
German study (headed by professor Franz Adlkofer), in which the effects
of ionizing radiation equivalent to 1,600 chest X-rays were compared to
24 hours on a cellphone. Surprisingly, they found both produced roughly
equivalent amounts of DNA breaks in in-vitro assays. According to Pall,
this actually vastly underestimates the effects of cellphones, because
they used a continuous wave EMF, not pulsed.
There’s extensive evidence showing
pulsed EMFs are far more damaging than continuous wave EMFs. That’s
important for a number of reasons, including the fact that all wireless
communication devices communicate by pulsations. In another paper, the
group showed that when you use pulsations designed to be similar to the
pulsation from a real cellphone, damage occurred at far lower
“This raises the question, ‘How can this possibly happen?’ I think the answer comes from the kind of diagram I’ve published, which is how EMFs produce free radicals,” Pall says. “Both ionizing radiation and the microwave frequency EMFs produce DNA damage through free radicals. They’re similar in that way. Where you get the free radicals is through the peroxynitriate pathway.
It turns out that when you go from EMFs to the free radicals on that pathway, there are three steps that involve high levels of amplification. One of them is when you open up the channels, you get about a million calcium ions flowing in per second. The second is that you get increases in NO and superoxide.
Those, in effect, will be the calcium acting catalytically, because once it’s in the cell, as long as it’s elevated, you keep getting more and more [NO and superoxide]. And then those two react with each other to form peroxynitrite. The reaction rates are the product of the two concentrations. So you have three levels of amplification. If you have three levels of amplification, you get a hell of a response to a very small stressor.”
Ionizing Radiation and DNA Breaks
The industry says there’s not enough
energy in microwave radiation to cause direct damage to covalent bonds
in DNA. This is true. There isn’t. It’s the biological amplification
resulting in excessive oxidative stress that causes the damage.
Interestingly, even most of the damage caused by ionizing radiation is
actually due to secondary free radical formation that breaks DNA. It’s
not directly from the energy within the radiation. Pall explains:
“That was published by Arthur Compton. He got the Nobel Prize for it in 1927. The way in which ionizing radiation works, it basically gets molecules and atoms and knocks electrons out, and then you get pairs of free radicals generated. That’s called Compton scattering.
There is amplification from ionizing radiation, but it’s only at one level. One energetic photon can produce a chain of free radicals. You’ve got three levels of amplification with the microwave frequency EMFs. The amount of damage you get based on those studies is truly extraordinary. Of course, Adlkofer and [Pilger] Rudinger were severely attacked by the industry.”
Practical Strategies to Limit Your Exposure
Naturally, to reduce your risk of harm, you need to reduce your exposure to EMFs.
Cellphone towers should be a major concern if you work or go to school
within 300 meters (about 1,000 feet) of one. Even just driving around
can expose you to substantial cellphone tower radiation.
Your cellphone is a major source of exposure, as are cordless phones,
Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth headsets and other Bluetooth-equipped items,
wireless mice, keyboards, smart thermostats, baby monitors, smart meters and the microwave in your kitchen. Ideally, address each source and determine how you can best limit their use.
A simple remedy is to turn off your
Wi-Fi each night. That’s just unnecessary exposure. Not carrying your
cellphone on your body, and not using your laptop directly on your lap
are other simple measures.
You can get cellphone pouches that are
shielded on one side, so putting that side toward your body gives you
some protection. Use your cellphone with a headset or on speaker phone.
Work toward hardwiring your devices so you don’t have to be in a Wi-Fi
field and don’t get unnecessary radiation from cordless mice, keyboards
and printers. It is also possible to put up shielding in your house or
apartment to lower exposures.
Once you know the mechanism of harm, you
have a better idea of how to remediate the problem. In this case, since
we now know the effects of EMFs are reduced by calcium-channel
blockers, a natural solution would be to make sure you’re getting enough
magnesium. Most people are deficient in magnesium, which will worsen
the impact of EMFs. As noted by Pall:
“It is clear that when you’re deficient in magnesium, you get excessive activity of the VGCCs. You also get excessive calcium influx through the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, caused by magnesium deficiency, which is also problematic, so it’s important to allay that deficiency.
Now, I always tell people I’m a Ph.D. and not an M.D. None of these [suggestions] should be viewed as medical advice. But I think one approach to dealing with these things is to raise the level of nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), which I published [a paper 11] on.”
How to Activate Nrf2 to Reduce EMF Impact
I am in the process of writing a very
comprehensive paper on Nrf2, which is a vitally important biological
hormetic that upregulates superoxide dismutase, catalase and all the
other beneficial intercellular antioxidants. It also:
- Lowers inflammation
- Improves mitochondrial function
- Stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis
- Helps detoxify the body from xenobiotics, carbon-containing toxicants and toxic metals
- Activates the transcription of over 500 genes in the human genome, most of which have cytoprotective functions. This includes the three genes that encode enzymes required for synthesis of reduced glutathione, which is one of the most important antioxidants produced in your body

One simple way to activate Nrf2 is to consume Nrf2-boosting food compounds, such as sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables, foods high in phenolic antioxidants, the long-chained omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, carotenoids (especially lycopene), sulfur compounds from allum vegetables, isothiocyanates from the cabbage group and terpenoid-rich foods.
Exercise, calorie restriction (such as
intermittent fasting) and activating the NO signaling pathway (one way
of doing that is the NO dump exercise) will also raise Nrf2. In his
paper, Pall notes:
“The important detoxification roles of Nrf2 mean that raising Nrf2 activity is likely to be of particular importance to the hundreds of millions of people around the globe who are regularly exposed to toxic chemicals that cause diseases characterized by oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, diseases which include most of the chronic diseases of 21st century life.”
“One of the things I argued in that paper is that the two most helpful diets known — the traditional Mediterranean diet and the traditional Okinawan diet — are both high in nutrients that raise Nrf2,” Pall adds.
Take-Home Message
I personally believe EMF exposure may be
one of the most significant factors for the observed decrease in male
sperm count, and the increased prevalence of anxiety, depression, autism
and Alzheimer’s. It is also highly likely a contributing factor to
While not widely publicized, in May
2011, the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization, the
International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified radiofrequency
EMF — such as the radiation from cellphones — a class 2B carcinogen,
meaning it is possibly carcinogenic to humans.12
Pall has made a significant contribution
to public welfare with his discovery of how EMFs cause biological harm,
and it would be wise to take notice. I personally believe he deserves a
Nobel Prize for his contribution to the science.
Again, the damage is not done through
heat or ionizing radiation; it’s done by activating your VGCCs, thereby
triggering a chain-reaction that produces excessive amounts of ROS,
peroxynitrites and hydroxyl free radicals — the most destructive free
radicals known to man, as well as through excessive calcium signaling.
Hydroxyl free radicals decimate
mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, their membranes and proteins. Too much
calcium in the mitochondria can also impact their function. The end
result is mitochondrial dysfunction, which we now know is at the heart
of most chronic disease. Since your brain, the pacemaker in your heart
and male testes have the highest densities of VGCCs, these areas are the
most prone to damage when exposed to EMFs.
What this research tells us is that
excessive microwave exposure can be a direct contributor to conditions
such as Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, autism, cardiac arrhythmias
and infertility.13 So, if you care about your heart, brain
and reproductive health, avoid carrying your cellphone in your pocket or
on your hip, avoid using portable computers and tablets on your lap and
take measures to limit or eliminate as many unnecessary EMF sources as
you can, in your home and at work.
Sources and References:
- 1 Rev Environ Health. 2015;30(2):99-116
- 2 International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management, September 2015; 2(5)
- 3 J Cell Mol Med. 2013 Aug;17(8):958-65
- 4 Current Chemical Biology 2016; 10(1): 74-82
- 5 Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 2016 Sep;75(Pt B):43-51
- 6 Washington Post July 25, 2017
- 7 Scientific American July 26, 2017
- 8 Environ Int. 2014 Sep; 70C:106-112
- 9 Central European Journal of Urology 2014; 67(1): 65–71
- 10 Fertility and Sterility January 2012; 97(1): 39-45.e2
- 11 Sheng Li Zue Bao 2015 Feb 25;67(1):1-18
- 12 IARC, Press Release May 31, 2011
- 13 Safe Space Protection, Male Fertility Impacted by EMFs
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