Konspirationsteoretikerne Kuppet af Deep State - Trumpisme, Q-anon onanisme, Alex Jones Disinfowars

af ChaosNavigator
'On June 28, 2018, a Time magazine article listed the anonymous "Q" among the 25 Most Influential People on the Internet in 2018'
- QAnon - Wikipedia
'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves'
- Lenin

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Abstract: Q-anon som PSYOPS = Pro-Trump * Massemedierne publcerer historien om Qanon i en massiv korrdineret aktion * Alex Jones bandlyst fra alle internet platforme * Cicada 3301 og Qanon *
Defango skrev 50% af Q's svar * Joseph P. Farrell and Dark Journalist: Q-anon er en Deep State operation * Q er det hidtil største LARP (Live Action Reality Play) (u)virkelighedseksperiment - Trumpisme som Q-messiansk kult * Kognitiv infiltration af konspirationsteoretikere - elitens værste fjender * Q krypto connections * Weaponization of conspiracy theorists * Limited hangout *   Trumpisme-Messianisme resulterer i Deep State-analfabetisme * Cambridge Analytica * Hvorfor folk tror at Trump er i opposition til the Deep State * Wilbur Ross - Rothschild handler * Trump som lakaj for Rothschild * Trumps Mentor var specialist for mafia og CIA pædofili afpresning * Trump spiller 3D skak er gakkeligak * Alex Jones er kontrolleret opposition * Hvad er den virkeligt farlige elitære NWO gameplan? * NEOM - verdens største transhumanistiske by * Zionisme og Chabadniks * Wikileaks * Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson *  

Artiklen er flere steder lidt indforstået og er research noter. Noget er skrevet på engelsk sidst i artiklen. Pga. tidspres publiceres artiklen alligevel nu, omend en del af indholdet er ustruktureret.

Q-anon, også blot kaldt Q, er angiveligt en militær intelligence insider (et team) i Trump's indercirkel, som poster kryptiske ledetråde, der også bliver kaldt 'krummer' eller 'drops' på internet fora, primært 4chan og 8chan. Idéen i historien er, at Trump kæmper for folkets frihed og bekæmper The Deep State og vice versa. Til dette får han hjælp af en elitær gruppe af rebelske militærofficerer fra NSA, de sande patrioter, også kaldet White Hats hackere er en del af operationen. The bad guys er CIA og andre sammen Black Hats hackere. Q-anon er Trump's hemmelige insider og uofficielle talsmand, en moderne opgraderet Deep Throat whistleblower, der afslører magtkampen overfor offentligheden, og forudsiger Trumps handlinger i et kryptisk og til tider evangelisk bibelsk sprog.
Hillary Clinton og Obama er forrædere (hvad de også er), som snart arresteres sammen med tusinder af amerikanske Deep State forrædere. Ingen er dog arresteret endnu, men Q og Trumpisterne insisterer på at man skal 'stole på planen'. Q kalder udrensningen af The Deep State, 'Stormen'. Dramaet får John Le Carré-Tom Clancy-James Bond til fremstå som navlenuller. Det utrolige er, at Q angiveligt har forudsagt flere af Trumps handlinger succesfuldt, og Q-sagaen har afstedkommet en gigantisk bevægelse blandt millioner af mennesker.

Ovenstående er en meget afstumpet beskrivelse af konceptet, idet kompleksiteten er enorm.

                           Nogle af Qanon-kultens mantraer: TRUST THE PLAN, TRUST Q, TRUST POTUS,

UPDATE: Indenfor de sidste 24-48 timer har ALLE de mest kendte mainstream medier i verden - som en massivt koordineret aktion - oversvømmet offentligheden med Qanon historien (DK sover endnu):

QAnon: latest Trump-linked conspiracy theory gains steam at president's rallies -The Guardian - for 16 timer siden

Why People Believe QAnon's Trump Conspiracy Theory | Time for 7 timer siden

What is the '#QAnon' conspiracy theory? - BBC News - BBC.com
for 2 dage siden

#QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory, explained - Vox
for 1 dag siden

What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among ...NBC
for 13 timer siden

From 8chan to YouTube and Trump rallies: how a right-wing conspiracy theory is going mainstream - CNN
for 1 dag siden

What is QAnon, the conspiracy theory group showing up to Trump..Fox News

for 8 timer siden

What Is QAnon: Explaining the Internet Conspiracy Theory That..The New York Times
for 2 dage siden

What is QAnon? The origins of the bizarre conspiracy theory claiming
- The Independent
for 1 dag siden

QAnon at Trump Florida rally: What the Q signs mean - USA Today
for 2 dage siden

QAnon: How the conspiracy theory spawned by a Trump quip got so big and scary - Washington Post for 2 dage siden

QAnon: the secret Trump conspiracy theorists - The Telegraph- 2 dage siden

QAnon and Donald Trump rallies: What's that about? -Politifact - 2 dage siden

Is QAnon, the Latest pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory, anti-Semitic? -Haaretz - 1 dag siden

Ovenstående er kun et meget lille udvalg fra alverdens etablissements-medier og mere til.  Se resten på Google De har alle publiceret Q-anon indenfor et meget kort tidsrum.

Timingen er ikke tilfældig og signalerer noget stort som er på vej..

Hvis de ønsker at bøffe op for internet restriktionerne hurtigt nu, er det fordi mere censur selvfølgelig er planen, idet internet i sig selv er et gigantisk problem for eliterne og israel. Denne censur, når den endelig træder i kraft på et langt mere massivt plan end nu, vil mørklægge den sidste bastion for frihed, evt. ledende op til en ny angrebskrig. Det betyder også, at de har behov for (yderligere) 'retfærdiggørelse' for yderligere drakonisk censur. Hvornår den store false flag terror aktion, som får 9/11 til at blegne kommer, ved vi ikke, men at den kommer er 100% sikkert (det er de samme eliter som er på spil, som har fået frit pas siden mordet på Kennedy, invasioner, 9/11, etc. ad infinitum (i mellemtiden kører mindre false flag aktioner konstant som salamitaktik). Et maskeret tyranni vil ikke længere fungere med tiden, når internet reformationen konstant gennemhuller den Goebbelske firewall (censur og sindelagskontrol). Derfor er der kun elitens selektive internetrestriktioner tilbage som mulighed, dvs. med bødestraffe, filtre, ghost banning, blokering, kriminalisering og censur med 'fake news' og 'hate speech' som påskud.

VIGTIG UPDATE 6. august:
Det står i alle verdens medier, at Alex Jones, den mest kendte såkaldte konspirationsteoretiker, er blevet bandlyst fra ALLE platforme på internet,  i en massivt koordineret aktion (NB! lige i kølvandet på publiceringen af Qanon, som Alex Jones har støttet i gigantisk grad).

Alex Jones banned from YouTube, Facebook, and Apple, explained

- Vox.com, 6. august 2018

Men vi ved også 100%, at Alex jones fungerer som COINTEL og kontrolleret opposition i favør for The Deep State og Israel.Med denne bandlysning får også han langt mere troværdighed i sandhedsbevægelsernes øjne, hvilket er bull shit, da han er forræder, omend truet måske (og det sidste er det 'bedste' man kan sige, men resultatet er det samme).

'CNN and Youtube are coming after us. They are going to come after him [Alex Jones]. like af beta test, and then they are going to come after the rest of us'
- Adam Green, 2. april 2018, 
Christopher Bollyn Calls Alex Jones a Zionist "Gatekeeper"

Mange tidligere ansatte, ex-redaktører, interviewees afslører Alex Jones som kontrolleret opposition: Infowars Employees Expose Alex Jones

Alex Jones' rolle i Trump-PSYOPS'en - KÆMPE øjenåbner:

During a live radio interview with George Noory on Coast 2 Coast AM on August 9, 2017, Alex Jones openly stated that he worked for U.S. Special Operations Command in a secret military psychological operation to assist Donald Trump in becoming President of the United States.



Q-anon tilhængernes eget narrativ: Q: The Plan To Save The World - YouTube


Så snart en Qanon discipel på afveje [læs: Agent Provocateur eller nyttig idiot] går amok i større stil  (allerede sket i mindre grad ved Hoover dæmningen og andre episoder), vil den slags episoder tørres af på alle konspirationsteoretikere: Kollektiv afstraffelse via kunstigt skabt guilt by association - og Del og Hersk via kognitiv infiltration af sandhedsbevægelserne. Etablissementets intention har hele tiden været at miskreditere dissidenter. Qanon/ Alex Jones tilhængere = konspirationsteoretikere = 'terrorister.'

Åbent brev til Trump-tilhængere.  Matthew North's censurerede video (kopi), hvor han lynende klart eksponerer Trump og forklarer, hvorfor man finansierer 2 modsatrettede oppositioner samtidigt, nemlig kontrol og del & hersk. En kvik Matthew North, 21 år gammel, giver håb om, at den fordummede nyere generation kan vågne op (som om de ældre mainstream generationers fordummelse ikke er slemt nok). Jeg køber ikke alle Matthew North's pointer, men han er i mange henseender lysår foran mange nyopvågnede (og også mange veteraner) North er ikke 'anti-semitisk'men belyser enorm og skjult zionistisk indflydelse.

 Der er ingen tvivl om, at Qanon onanisterne - de kognitivt kuppede konspirationsteoretikere og sandhedssøgende - vil blive brugt til (yderligere) miskreditering af konspirationsteoretikere per se, såvel som at støtte Trump yderligere. Mange af sandhedsbevægelsernes mest kendte memer og mærkesager og researchere bliver associeret med Q, som  forsøger at tilrane sig troværdighed ved at associere sig selv med sandhedsbevægelsers mærkesager, samtidigt som at Trump fremføres som en helt, en 'truther''/rebel' på executive level. 

Definitionen på kontrolleret opposition:

A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ''"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Count Mirabeau was part of the controlled opposition, because although everyone thought he was supporting the revolution, in reality he supported the monarchy and was a personal friend of the king. He was a government agent.

En kontrolleret opposition foregiver at være en protestbevægelse/person, men er i virkeligheden en aktør kontrolleret af regeringen eller anden instans. Mange regeringer har benyttet denne teknik for at undertvinge modstandere. En falsk opposition kan bortlede opmærksomheden fra den sande opposition, miskreditere den, manipulere offentligheden, sabotere, etc.

Hvis en kontrolleret opposition skal fremstå som autentisk, skal sand info om råddenskaben selvfølgelig fremføres, for at lade personen/personer/organisationen fremstå som autentisk dissident. Dette tjener formålet at opnå troværdighed blandt de sandhedsøgende dissidenter, street cred, som man siger på engelsk - MEN samtidigt skal den kontrollerede opposition tilføje falsk info, samt aflede og/eller udelade afsløringen af de virkeligt farlige kronjuveler for at styre oppositionen i den retning som eliten ønsker.

9/11 Truth, QAnon, and how Pre-Scripting
Is Used to Discredit Movements
(6. august 2018)

 Duran med Alex Christoforou som ofte er på RT's Crosstalk med Peter Lavelle))

Is QAnon real?

QAnon has posted some remarkable predictions proving his “authenticity” as someone working inside the Trump Administration…

* QAnon predicted Trump’s Twitter shutdown

* QAnon predicted an incident with a helicopter at a Rothschild estate in the UK two days before it happened

* QAnon posted original photographs taken from Air Force One. Timestamps and flight paths match the POTUS Trump’s recent trip to Asia. One photo appears to have been taken while flying over North Korea.

* QAnon has posted key phrases that the President used in future tweets, with many of his phrases and terminology independently confirmed as belonging to military intelligence.

Der foregår i en Qanus onanists hovede et spring kognitivt, den psykologiske ankring (de få forudsigelser som er lykkedes), bruges til at hi-jacke personens overbevisning om, at de (99% forfejlede) andre af Q's postulate er ssande. Man antager, at de få forudsigelser også beviser Qanons status som 'sand patriot', hvilket ikke er tilfældet, MEN når man kigger på real-politiske handlinger (hvilket Qonanister er lidet bevidste om), så er Trump inkrimineret af sine notoriske Chabad-connections, Roy Cohn, Wilbur Ross, Elliot Abrams, William Barr (BÅDE HVIDVASKER AF BUSH OG CLINTONS), IKKE MINDST endda, at George Soros udkautionerede Trump i den største udkautionering i USA's historie (IKKE i mainstream), og et HAV af ting som Qanus folk er analfabeter i per Deep State design - og DETTE er meningen (bl.a.) med denne PSYOPS (uagtet at dette kognitive spring er non sequiteur), ved at hijacke imperiets fjender via kognitiv infiltration i en enorm social engineering operation.

Jordan Sather har vistnok indrømmet, at Q er en PSYOP (bl.a. kan Lifting the veil, Titus Frost, m.fl. henvise til dette), men som med mange kultister, i.e. Q-kultister - efter at de kan se, at Trump IKKE handler i modstrid med the Deep State (på trods af medie cirkuset og på trods af in-fights, som der altid er anyway) - påstår flere, at det er en 'positiv PSYOP', afmagtens komiske ali-argument....

Men tiden er gået for Qanus, som er ved at være en bagskid. Deres største håb er - ironisk nok (men ikke hvis man ser PSYOPSen) - den 180 graders største vederstyggelighed for de orginale (og ukorrumperede) sandhedsbevægelser: militære domstole, som deres største håb, hvilket er højforræderi: https://paradigmet.blogspot.com/2019/02/trump-undtagelsestilstand-og-deep-state.html

Cicada 3301: verdens sværeste gåde -  Qanon og Defango
'I øjeblikket arbejder tusindvis af matematiske genier, professorer, amatører og professionelle kodeeksperter på højtryk for at finde svaret på den næste ledetråd i cikadens hemmelighed.....Deltagere spekulerer i, om det er en efterretningstjenestes måde at rekruttere nye kræfter til deres cyberkrig-afdelinger på; om der er tale om et uhyre intrikat reklamestunt; eller måske en hemmelig loge for særlige begavelser.'
- 'Cikadens' mysterie er en gåde for internettets underverden', Politiken, 10. januar 2014

Who is behind Cicada 3301? A brief history of the hardest puzzle on the internet, The Telegraph, 16. januar 2016

Defango, en meget intelligent, excentrisk og kendt kodebryder, ekspert i Cicada 3301 (pol.dk, januar 2014) udtalte i janaur 2018, at Qanon konceptet blev skabt af eller er forbundet med Cicada 3301 gruppen. Defango blev rekrutteret af Cicada, som headhunter verdens mest hardcore kodebrydere/genier/autister. Kun meget få personer har nogensinde løst Cicada gåderne. Overview of Cicada 3301 [The Past 5 Years] 2012-2017
'Tackling the puzzle would lead Eriksson to rely on a host of skills from steganography to cryptography, to an understanding of ancient Mayan numerology and a familiarity with cyberpunk speculative fiction. As he worked his way from solving one piece of the puzzle to the next, the journey would lead him to discover that the answers lay not just in the digital domain, but in the real world: From clues left on the voicemail of a Texas telephone number to flyers taped to telephone poles in 14 cities around the world. The quest would ultimately return to the deepest layers of the digital world: the dark web.'
- 'Meet The Man Who Solved The Mysterious Cicada 3301 Puzzle', 2014

Defango var ifølge eget udsagn
Defcon konferencen i august 2017, hvor han skrev halvdelen af Qanons spørgsmål. Dette var 4 måneder før Qanon operationen blev lanceret (28. oktober 2017)

Defango's eget vidneudsagn
: 'Q Identity Revealed', You Tube 35:26-38:00

'What is most interesting about Q-Anon narrative is its links and similarity (think "Q crumbs") to the annual Cicada 3301 mystery puzzles that have been circulating on the Internet. Cicada 3301 is believed by some to be run by an intelligence group that creates extremely complex puzzles to be decoded by incredibly well versed cyber sleuths....Q-Anon is gaming the populace
Regardless of whether you believe Cicada 3301 or not, what can't be denied with all the dropped Q crumbs to date is the gamification effort in play with Q. In gamification (just like with Cicada 3301), the intent is to engage and addict people to games that test the intelligence and problem solving abilities of those that engage with them. Gamification is one of the biggest trends in psychological manipulation of populations and employees today due to its addictive nature...
..The fact that Q is employing gamification is a significant red flag pointing to Q as a sophisticated psy-op that is intended to screw with people's heads and addict them to passively following Q. The real underlying Q motive is to keep people playing along and all the while to get them to stick with and "trust the plan" of Q and Trump while passively ignoring the actual duplicitous actions of the Donald and his Zionist war hawks getting ready to attack Iran. Even Q has stated in his "Q-tips" that the next target is Iran, but of course this is totally OK because its just part of the super duper Agent Orange plan that you just need to trust.. naturally.'
- The Trump / Q-Anon psyop - Good guy / bad guy theater on the way to a one world government: Part 2 - Q the Zionist psy-op
Det er i øvrigt sandsynligt, at Q-operationen blev planlagt i 2017, som en del af en damage control, fordi mange mennesker indså (specielt sandhedsbevægelserne), at Trump ikke kæmpede mod The Swamp, men at han er The Swamp.

“Hope Porn” Is The New “Fear Porn” As Deep State Shifts Strategy To Penetrate Alternative Media With “Q”

Mange dygtige deep politics veteraner lader sig ikke narre af Qanon - Farrell og Dark Journalist neglede historien allerede i janaur. MUST-see:

2 cents:

* Qanon og Alex Jones har lykkedes med at kuppe mange dissidenter i favør for Trump.

* Qanon har allieret sig med sandhed, dvs. opnået 'troværdighed' blandt mange årvågne ved at kopiere mange af sandhedsbevægelsernes bullet points. Q taler deres sprog og i de begreber som de i forvejen kender, og er med til at hijacke mange sandhedssøgende (rekruttering til Qanon/Pro-Trump-narrativet)

* Q-kultens hjørnesten af håb; Q's forudsigelser; at Clinton, Obama og medlemmer af The Deep State vil bive arresterede, er ikke gået i opfyldelse. Q-disciplenes mantraer, Trust, Trust Q,  the Plan, Trust Trump, kører dog stadig. Catherine Austin Fitts kalder Q 'Hope porn'

* Q er feedback loops som bruger AI Bots (kunstige intelligens-robotter på internet), gamification (alle store danske virksomheder bruger dette mega mindfuck contrpl), nudging og sociale videnskaber er i spil. Cambridge Analytica, Palantir, NLP-teknikker, etc. og måske det excessivt legende-ombruste program, Mossad's Talpiot 8200 enheder, er involverede. Dataminering af dissidenters lokation, orientering og psykologi,  hvor headhunting af spil/kodebrydere/genier muligvis sker via Cicada 3301, etc.
Cheferne for Cambridge Analytica blev taget på skjult kamera, hvor de pralede med, at de fik Trump valgt ind. Psygroup, det israelske firma, arbejdede tæt med Cambridge Analytica.

'Those US and British politicians who are bashing Russia for foreign “election meddling” could use a more honest set of talking points. It is Israel, not Russia, China, or North Korea, that hosts a blossoming industry of cyber-election meddlers who operate from corporate offices in Tel Aviv, Cyprus, London, Washington, and Tortola. Most, if not all, of these firms, received their start-up funds from Israeli government-backed business development venture capital funds, some of which are solidly linked to right-wing American financiers like Robert Mercer, Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, and Donald Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner...PSY-Group's motto was "Shape Reality." Part of their strategy was to create a false narrative that saw Russia blamed by the Western corporate media for US election meddling, when, in fact, it was Israel that was the culprit..'
- Wayne Madsen, Israeli Cyber-Election Meddling Is Its Newest Industry, 12.07. 2018

* Qanon injicerer løgne samtidigt, hvis formål er at styre de kuppede Qanon tilhængeres mindset. Ofte er det bizarre narrativer, såsom, at Robert Mueller og Trump arbejder hemmeligt sammen for at retsforfølge Clinton og Obama.

* De forudsigelser og clues, som Qanon bruger, viser angiveligt, at Q er en insider i Trumps inderkreds - dette bliver herefter opfattet af Q-tilhængere, som et 'bevis' for, at han er en 'sand patriot',
men det er kun bevis for, at Q har insider-viden. Qanon disciplene tolker  Q's insider status, som et bevis for, at han bekæmper The Deep State, en overbevisning som bruges til at hijacke konspirationsteoretikernes verdensbillede, hvor det er Qanon's version af virkeligheden som fodrer og former deres opfattelse, dvs. 'sådan ser den interne magtkamp indenfor The Deep State', 'Trump er en helt', 'hvem de centrale figurer er', 'hvad man skal kæmpe for', 'hvilke rabbit holes man skal researche', etc.

Q-anon bevægelsen tog yderligere fart big time, da Alex Jones og Jerome Corsi* støttede op om Qanon. Mange Q-tilhængere anså - og anser stadig - Corsi for at være en sand patriot, en vismand. Corsi var i lang tid selvbestaltet talsmand og 'oversætter'/'decoder' af Q-anons kryptiske meddelelser.

"I just got a message (from) Israel. I said; We are going a break the news on Alex jones'Infowars broadcast... They said one word: 'Great'.
They are thrilled that we gonna break the news on Alex Jones'Infowars and that comes diretly from a source who is really ABOVE MOSSAD." Infowars, Video evidence: 6:05 - 7;24: Christopher Bollyn Calls Alex Jones a Zionist "Gatekeeper"

* Hvem er Jerome Corsi? Han støtter bl.a. op om Israels brug af atomvåben mod Iran, er fast ansat inventar på Alex jones' Infowars. Nogle få mere ukendte facts om Corsi.: Corsi presented himself once as a "creator of the B’nai B’rith Mutual Fund in Israel...Corsi was also the first person I heard use the phrase “preparing the minds” to describe what I had been profiling, including their use of cinema to manipulate the national consciousness." - kilde 
Corsi is a Mossad operative: : Jerome Corsi, while speaking to a QAnon related group, mentions that he helped organize along with an Israeli group with “intelligence above Mossad” a meeting between then candidate Donald Trump and Henry Kssinger, and that Kissinger is pretty much the mastermind of the Trump Administration’s middle east policy.: https://youtu.be/6s4Yq_y2BFY?t=1365 (
22:45) and his background and book titles says it all: "Why Israel Can't Wait: The Coming War Between Israel and Iran" by Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D. on Amazon.com, etc.....)

                                        Infowars Employees Expose Alex Jones

Jerome Corsi og Alex Jones foretog dog en 180 graders kovending, da de tidligere på året pludselig udtalte, at den originale Q's konto var blevet hacket, Nu siger de, at den 'nye' Qanon er CIA og NSA's ledelse, som bruger den hackede konto til at sprede disinformation, at den nye Q er en PSYOP.

“Stick a fork in the avatar of QAnon,”  “It is now an overrun disinformation front.” - Alex Jones

" Abusive anti-Semitic strain growing daily among the New Q followers – is a clear flashing red sign for concern. PSYOP DS wants to turn Q movement AGAINST Israel."
— Jerome Corsi (@jerome_corsi) May 11, 2018 

Noget tyder på, at deres kovending skyldtes, at der opstod for mange anti-zionistiske kommentarer blandt Q-tilhængere (Q nævner aldig Israel), og at Q's forfejlede forudsigelser var et blowback for deres troværdighed, hvorfor de bakkede ud. Nogle Q-disciple vil påstå det modsatte; at Corsi fremstod som selvbestaltet Q-talsmand med det formål at ville miskreditere Q efterfølgende.  Fraktal forvirring i et fragmenteret spejlkabinet og kabuki game. Både Q, Alex Jones og Jerome Corsi er pro-zionistiske, pro-Israel (dette har desuden intet med 'anti-semitisme' at gøre, men retskaffen nødvendig kritik af zionisme, som har kuppet de fleste jøder i øvrigt)

* Bl.a er Zionisme udeladt i Qs poster, så her bliver man ikke klog på denne del af konspiranaut-pensummet (Tablet Mag, det pro-jødiske magasin, er det eneste mainstream magasin, som sympatiserer med Q-anon: 
The Story of Q" june 2018)

* Q-anon spiller på de mest hellige aspirationer af årvågne individer og sandhedsbevægelserne; Q sætter benzin på bålet af håbet om at nedrive det mest formørkede tyranni som verden nogensinde har set - slutningen på usigelig lidelse påført af eliten gennem århundreder.

* Mange Q-tilhængere er nu så fanatisk ultra-hooked, at de simpelthen er uimodtagelige for enhver modsigelse og anderledes tolkning af Trump, hvis det ikke forstås indenfor det præ-fabrikerede verdensbillede som Q-oraklet fodrer dem med. I denne saga er Q nærmest Morpheus og Trump, Neo, the One.

* Q er blevet til en messias-kult religion, hvor fællesnævneren er, at Q egenhændigt fremtvinger et kollektivt bevidsthedsskift. Der er nu vilde beserker uruk-hai digitale Q-legioner af gamification truther addicts, teenagere og yngre (og ældre) generationer, som er del af en opvågning, men hvis sind er blevet hijacked af Q's limited hangout og PSYOPS på en skala, som er hidtil uhørt, og dette skaber enorm confirmation bias og selektiv udelukkelse af alt negativ info om Trump, som regnes for at være nærmest guddommelig repræsentant i kamp mod de onde magter. At betivle Q-anon og Trump anses for utilgivelig synd og kætteri, som resulterer i øjeblikkelig stigmatisering, ekskludering og angreb.

    ' Trust the Plan' er et af Qanon-kultens mottos - stol på Trump og Q.

* Mange foretrækker Q's  'virkelighed' fremfor en underliggende virkelighed, som er mere grum, nemlig, at de er blevet bedragede af Q. En ENORM desillusionering at sluge, hvorfor Qanon onanisterne slår knude på sig selv, hver gang Trump ikke handler i pagt med deres verdensbillede, som Q fordrer dem med  ('A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.'- Saul Bellow.)

* Q er sandsynligvis den mest flashy afhængighedsskabende CIA/Mossad produktion hidtil, og opført som en globalt LARP-PSYOP hybrid med prædiktiv kryptiske koder, frådende spænding, da det er bygget op som en interaktiv LARP (Live Action Role Play), iblandet aspirationer om sandhed MEN tilsat Q's injicerede PSYOPS løgne, som meget svært kan skelnes fra hinanden af Q-tilhængerne (hvilket jo er intentionen). Det svarer til at tage begge piller i The Matrix på én gang, en form for skizofreni.

Qanon disiciple har muteret og morphet allehånde messianske memer om Trump, som har sit udspring i alt fra alt-right, exopolitics til rapture:

John Le Carre/Tom Clancy film og romaner blegner i sammenligning. Q er det hidtil mest ekstreme og raffinerede gamification eksperiment (sammen med Cicada 3301), hvor hjernens dopaminsystem (belønnings-system) går i overdrive. De dybeste aspirationer af sandhedssøgende er det centrale element for Q-operationen, alt imens Q udelukker en afgrund af informationer og skaber et simulacrum af sandheder, limited hangout sandheder tilsat injicerede falskheder, og en bevægelse som er distraction, limited hangout fake awakening, social engineering

Resultatet er, at en del sandhedssøgende [læs: psykopatokratiets værste fjender], er blevet kuppede af mainstream medie-cirkuset omkring Trump samt kontrollerede oppositioner (Q, Alex Jones, m.fl.) skabt af The Deep State/Mossad. De 'nyopvågnede' er endnu mere psykologisk kuppede fordi deres opvågning er indtruffet på et sent tidspunkt, hvor memer kognitivt spredes som weaponized mental vira, og COINTEL, disinfo og PSYOPS teknikker er mangedoblet og uhyggeligt raffinerede. Dette måtte ske, idet den første store post-9/11 bølge af årvågne mennesker blev en trussel for etablissementet.  I forvejen blev 9/11 grupper infiltrerede i 0'erne med Alex Jones, som primær promoveret kontrolleret opposition. COINTEL havde da allerede kørt i 5 årtier (officielt termineret i 70'erne, men meget få seriøse researchere køber denne forklaring).

Trumps præsidentkampagne var i store dele et copy-paste job fra sandhedsbevægelsens mærkesager, da endnu flere vågnede op til den dybe stats råddenskab under den bedrageriske kransekagefigur, Obama. Folk blev - ligesom under Obama - fortalt det, de gerne ville høre.
 John Pilger påpegede for 9 år siden denne infantilisering - og dette gælder selvfølgelig også for Trumpisterne:

"President Obama..does one thing and Brand Obama gets you to believe another. This is the essence of successful advertising. You buy or do what the advertiser wants because of how they can make you feel.” And so you are kept in “a perpetual state of childishness.”.. “junk politics.”
- John Pilger: 'Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation' + Transcript, September 2, 2009

Cambridge Analytica spillede en vigtig rolle i aflæsningen af folkedybet (se længere nede). Valgkampagnen var memetisk mind control og psywarfare..

Billedet foroven er bl.a. en henvisning til, at regeringer og efterretningstjenester vildleder, ikke kun eksterne fjender, men udfører PSYOPS mod egne befolkninger via mainstream og sociale medier, ikke mindst en hær af betalte shills og keyboard-krigere: Glenn Greenwald og NSA-Whistleblower, Edward Snowden har i 2014 dokumenteret, at efterretningstjenesterne bruger såkaldte  'cyber magikere', der poster disinformation og falsk materiale på internettet, vildleder offentligheden, miskrediterer kritikere af regeringen, og bruger de sociale videnskaber og andre teknikker på den mest virulente måde for at manipulere on-line diskussioner og aktivisme (i sig selv en limited hangout, da alt dette var velkendt blandt de 'konspiranoide' de årvågne lang tid før afsløringen fandt sted). Strategier såsom COINTEL, Operation CHAOS og Operation Mockingbird sluttede aldrig, men muterede eksplosivt videre ind i den digitale tidsalder er sikkert - se også nogle få disse chokerende afsløringer her, her,  og her. 

Kognitiv Infiltration
Siden den enorme politiske opvågning om hvad som er foregået bag kulisserne i årtier er kommet frem i lyset, har Cass Sunstein (Obamas officielle såkaldte 'Informations-Zar', Harvard-professor, og NSA-rådgiver, højesteretsdommer-nomineret, og som pt. anses som intellektuel autoritet af universiteter i DK, gift med Samantha Power - US ambassador to the United Nations), under Obama foreslået at bekæmpe 'konspirationsteoretikere'.

Hans forslag består i at statslige aktører skal udføre 'kognitiv infiltration' og bandlysning af konspirationsteoretikere. Fra Sunsteins oprindelige akademiske skrift:

'What can government do about conspiracy theories? Among the things it can do, what should it do? We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, mars haling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help... However, our main policy idea is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories ......We suggest a role for government efforts, and agents, in introducing such diversity. Government agents (and their allies) government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises”
- Cass Sunstein

Sunstein's berygtede forslag om 'kognitiv infiltration' fik kritik af flere opinionsdannere, akademikere og journalister, bl.a. en sønderlemmende eksponering skrevet af Professor David Ray Griffin.

'Breitbart News [born in Israel] exists today as a living success story of Cass Sunstein’s cognitive infiltration doctrine. It infiltrated [and IMITATED] the increasingly independent and influential alternative media, and reasserted establishment talking points under right cover.'
- Tony Cartalucci, Global Research, November 15, 2016

Eksempel: Under Sunsteins forslag pt. 3, plæderer han for, at efterretning/disinfo agenter selv skal fabrikere falske konspirationsteorier, for at miskreditere konspirationsteorier. Det er tydeligt, at Sunsteins kognitive infiltrations-teknikker mod sandhedsbevægelserne er på spil:

Case study: Teorien om den flade jord f.eks. har siden 2014 fået overtaget på mange gode mennesker- det er kognitiv infiltration, specifikt med skyld per association in mente - det er nærmest en unifom manual med bullet points:

* Nævn Klimabenægtelse i forbindelse med Flat Earth (underforstået: fordi klima-tesen er forløjet, vil det mindske den farlige kritik af klima-tesen ved at associere al kritik af klima-tesen med Flat Earth)

* Nævn vaccineskepsis i forbindelse med Flat Earth (underforstået: fordi vaccineparadigmet er forløjet vil det mindske den farlige kritik af vacciner ved at associere al kritik af vacciner med Flat Earth fordi tilhængere af Flat Earth nævner alt dette)

* Nævn medicinsk cannabisolie i forbindelse med Flat Earth (underforstået: fordi cannabis kan helbrede cancer og medicinalindustrien er morderisk forløjet, vil det mindske den farlige kritik af medicinalindustrien ved at associere al kritik af cannabisolie med Flat Earth fordi tilhængere af Flat Earth nævner alt dette)

* Nævn 9/11 i forbindelse med Flat Earth (underforstået: fordi den officielle forklaring ang. 9/11 er falsk, vil det mindske den farlige kritik af 9/11 ved at associere al kritik af 9/11 med Flat Earth fordi tilhængere af Flat Earth nævner alt dette)

* Nævn Zionisme i forbindelse med Flat Earth (fordi Zionisme er morderisk vil det mindske den farlige kritik af Zionisterne ved at associere al kritik af Zionisme med Flat Earth fordi tilhængere af Flat Earth nævner alt dette)

Det samme med Pizzagate - fordi Pizzagate er PSYOP disinformation og LIMITED Hangout om pædofili, vil det desensitivere den virkeligt farlige kritik af elitens virkelige pædofili ved at associere al kritik af pædofili med Pizzagate -  Pizzagate er i sig selv disinfo og kognitiv infiltration.

'Of course, the idea that any kind of child sex ring – especially one involving high-level political operatives and politicians – would ever be operated out of a heavily trafficked consumer-facing commercial location or orchestrated over Gmail using identifiable email addresses (whose passwords weren’t even changed until months after leaks began) is patently absurd on the face of it. But this of course didn’t stop legions of self-styled “independent investigators”, “pedophile watchdogs” and “internet sleuths” from running with the idea and continuing to elaborate and build out the bogus conspiracy by correlating generic logos for Comet Ping Pong and surrounding restaurants with pedophile symbols, attempting to construe pedophilia references from Instagram posts, falsely claiming that several outlandish paintings appearing to reference pedophilia were owned by John Podesta, etc., etc. Pizzagate as well virtually every other sensational conspiracy blathered on about by the Pizzagate ilk are cleverly implanted in people’s heads through the introduction of bizarre observations that wouldn’t have been made by anyone hadn’t the idea been suggested.'
- fra denne fremragende artikel

Tanken igen er at miskreditere det meme eller den organisation/person, man tilsyneladende støtter, men som i virkeligheden er ens fjende (typisk COINTEL), latterliggøre fjenden, dæmonisere dissidenter, for at kontrollere narrativet og begivenhedernes gang. Med andre ord; mange mennesker vil smide 'børn ud med badevandet' pga. den negative association til den fabrikerede Flat Earth.

Det samme gælder false flag terror,pædofili,  osv. og alle andre ting som sandhedsbevægelserne nævner, og som er en virkelig trussel mod etablissementet - af samme grund slettes Flat Earth videoer ikke (eller hvis de gør, er det pga andre ting i videoen - det samme gælder Qanon videoer). Diabolsk, mens de ægte sandhedsbevægelser og sande whistleblowers bliver forfulgte, slettede, myrdede, censurerede, så læg mærke til, at Flat Earth og de nye fake 'Disney Land' dissidenter bliver promoverede, aldrig slettede, betalt, videovisninger inflateres ekstremt.

En del 'nyopvågnede' (og veteraner også) er røget på limpinden, og er udsat for kognitiv infiltration, som disinformationsteknik, hvis sigte er disinformation rettet mod de vågne pga. den enorme opvågning, som har fundet sted de sidste 17 år, og som har affødt det fænomen som nogle kalder sandhedsbevægelserne (Truth/Freedom/Justice-movements).

Tidligere var disinformationen primært rettet mod intetanende sovende mennesker, der skulle forhindre dem i at vågne op - hvilket det stadig er i tiltagende grad via massemedier og kampagner - det nye er, at i kommunikationsæraen tid, er udviklet nye typer af disinformation og manipulation rettet mod de vidende vågne mennesker, samt at disse nye teknikker (kognitiv infiltration) også har til sigte at latterliggøre og miskreditere de vågne mennesker i de sovendes øjne (så at de fortsat forbliver sovende og drømmende).

Af samme grund er det på nogle områder derfor meget sværere idag at gennemskue disinformation end for 10 år siden o.a. fordi løgnene og manipulationer er tiltaget i intensitet og sofistikering, som vestlige regeringers modsvar på den enorme opvågning, der har fundet sted siden 9/11 om et utal af løgne og manipulationer, man ikke ønsker at mennesker skal blive bevidste om.

Hvis vi følger formularen i den moderne klassiske variation af elitens velkendte problemløsningsmodel; problem-reaktion-løsning, vil teorien om Qanon som kontrolleret opposition og PSYOPS, se ud som følger:

Skab problemet. Start en massiv kampagne -
kontrolleret opposition - med en bestemt problematisk konspirationsteori. Helten Trump i kamp mod The Deep State og medierne, er det centrale scenarie i historien.

Lad Q-anon være en imitation af uafhængige konspirationsteoretikeres verdensbillede tilsat egne falske oplysninger. Enhver kontrolleret opposition skal altid sprede meget sandhed om elitens rådne natur, dette for at opnå troværdighed blandt elitens fjender, dissidenter - men udelad vigtig information, og injicer samtidigt 20% løgne i elitens favør (Alex Jones og Infowars - dokumenteret kontrolleret opposition - har fulgt denne formular i mange år).

Cass Sunstein's 'kognitive infiltration (hvis metodologi er, at The Deep State bl.a.  fabrikerer egne konspirationsteorier og injicerer dem i konspiranaut-sfæren),
gamification, storytelling, limited hangout, astroturf, etc. tages i brug.

Lad Qanon kulten vokse sig meget stor på 'græsrodsplan' (agenter, astroturf og ekookammer effekten, nyttige idioter) -  lad 
massemedierne publicerere info om Qanon overfor offentligheden (NB! farlige eksponeringer af The Deep State sker ikke via mainstream).

2. Reaktionen: Alle massemedier kritiserer [læs: promoverer bevidstgørelsen]  Q-anon lige nu big time, så offentligheden gøres bekendt med Q (social engineering). MSNBC ønsker f.eks. at forbyde Q-anon teorierne (20 juli 2018)
Apple har lige bandlyst en Q-anon app også. Google Play nægter at fjerne Q-app'en fra deres platform (wink wink)

Mere modstand mod 'konspirationsteoretikere' fra zombiernes side bliver resultatet OG mere modstand fra dissidenternes side mod The Deep State ud fra Q's præmisser - som er inficeret med løgne og social engineering af dissidenter i favør for Trump.

Samtidigt skabes der også intern splittelse i sandhedbevægelserne, Deception, distraction, disruption, divide & conquer is the name of the game.

'That governments would turn to these strategies is hardly a shocking development. In fact, the use of government shills to propagate government talking points and disrupt online dissent has been openly advocated on the record by high-ranking government officials for the past decade. In 2008, Cass Sunstein, a law professor who would go on to become Obama’s information “czar,” co-authored a paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” in which he wrote that the “best response” to online “conspiracy theories” is what he calls “cognitive infiltration” of groups spreading these ideas.
“Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action. In one variant, government agents would openly proclaim, or at least make no effort to conceal, their institutional affiliations. […] In another variant, government officials would participate anonymously or even with false identities.”
It is perhaps particularly ironic that the idea that government agents are actually and admittedly spreading propaganda online under false identities is, to the less-informed members of the population, itself a “conspiracy theory” rather than an established conspiracy fact.'
- Episode 332 – The Weaponization of Social Media
Løsningen Retfærdiggør og foreslå løsningen - som fra starten var planen; implementering af (yderligere) internet censur på sociale medier og begrænsning af ytringsfrihed under dække af skadelig 'fake news'. 'Vi kan ikke have den form for farlig irrationalitet på sociale medier - se hvad det kan lede til med millioner af tossede Q-anon disciple', 'hvis du er konspirationsteoretiker, bør du ikke have våbentilladelse', osv.

Læg mærke til, at populariseringen foregår ved hjælp af både psykopatokratiets keyboard warriors OG psykopatokratiets ofre, deres fjender: Konspirations-teoretikerne, som uafvidende rekrutteres og hijackes under falsk flag til at popularisere denne Q-operation. Dette kan passende kaldes the weaponization of conspiracy theorists, kognitiv kapring af sandhedsbevægelsernes bullet points (som med Trump under valgkampagnen)  - eksempelvis kan dette lede til, Q-anon onanister sympatiserer med Qanons udsagn om, at brud på Iran-aftalen  er nødvendigt, hvor Israel's dehumaniserende handlinger også usynliggøres eller formindskes, etc. At dette forstærker chanchen for angreb mod Iran, og er i pagt med Neocon/Israels hensigt, synes ikke at genere de mest fanatiske Q-anon onanister.

Passivitet, paralyse og popcorn (læn dig tilbage og nyd Q-anon show'et) er et andet aspekt: 'De Deep State kriminelle vil blive arresteret... snart... imorgen... vær tålmodig...vent...stol på planen, stol på Trump, vær tålmodig. Vi har hørt den samme historie fra Benjamin Fullfuck (Fulford) og David Suckcock (Wilcock), Drake og andre i ÅREVIS uden at der sker en skid af 'arrestationer' andet end at de tilfangetagne mind controlled truthers er blevet paralyserede, delte og kognitivt infilterede af dette latterlige katatoniske Q-Anon popcorn show, PSYOPS prætenderende 33D chess show, i håb om at deres lyserøde neptunske drømme kan blive opfyldte....NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN... andet end symbolske confirmation bias af popcorn smuler falder fra bordet til at holde troll-kedlen i kog og forstærke det kollektive Trumpistiske Apologetiske Stockholmsyndrom. The Deep State fører 4. generations krigsførelse mod befolkningen via Trump-cirkuset, Q-anon, Alex Jones og andre lakajer.

Når millioner af mennesker kan hoppe på PSYOPS operationen; at jorden er flad, er det let at indse, at Q-anon operationener  langt sværere at gennemskue, idet denne er en langt mere avanceret og ekstremt sofistikeret PSYOPS.

UPDATE: Q's bogliste:
Indenfor de sidste par dage har man fundet ud af, at Qanon operationen har tilknyttet udvalgte bøger til hvert eneste ID og tripcode, som Q har postet. Dette skal nok tilføje endnu mere 'troværdighed', ultraspænding til det i forvejen nøje udtænkte og raffinerede über-hypede story telling drama, som Qanon operationen udgør.

Et meget lille udvalg af Q's TRIP CODE LINKS leder til disse bogtitler:1, 2, 3, 4

Disse Q-anon tripcodes i Google books refererer til bøger, såsom William Coopers 'Behold a Pale Horse', Wladimir Megre, Joseph P. Farrell, Alfred Lambremont Webre - bøger om GLADIO, og allehånde  alternative memer - sandsynligvis kopieret fra gamfication og dataminering af Q-tilhængere, dissident sites, etc.

Mange af disse alternative forfattere som er i opposition til the Deep State skal åbenbart give Q yderligere 'troværdighed' - men i den uvidende offentligheds øjne, skal nogle af disse forfattere og bøger (som er farlige for systemet) som 'konspirationsteori', associeres med Qanon, dvs. miskrediteres, lidt ligesom med 'Bin Ladens boghylde'*

 Når Qanon operationen crasher for alvor vil massemedierne karakterhenrette alle de associationer og memer som Q har spredt gennem snart et år. Man kan påstå, at Q gør en 'god ting' ved at sprede disse bøger, at han oplyser folket, men den slags materiale er velkendt i forvejen gennem mange år blandt dissidenter.

Husk på den oprindelige definition af Limited Hangout:

En variant af perception management og kontrolleret opposition betegnes som ' Limited Hangout' - en begrænset læk eller delvis hangout, er ifølge den tidligere specialassistent til vicegeneraldirektøren for CIA, Victor Marchetti, spion-terminologi for et favorabelt ofte brugt trick af efterretningstjenester. Når sløret af hemmeligholdelse er afdækket i offentligheden, og de ikke længere kan opretholde en falsk dækhistorie for at misinformere offentligheden, tyr de til indrømmelse - undertiden endda frivilligt - af noget af sandheden, mens de stadig er i stand til at tilbageholde nøglebegivenheder, og de virkeligt skadelige fakta i sagen. Men offentligheden er som regel så fascineret af de nye oplysninger, at de vigtigste informationer ikke yderligere efterforskes.

Eksempel: Den officielle historie om Pentagon Papers og whistleblower Daniel Ellberg, var et falskt præmis som også var directed history med limited hangout. False awakening.

What is relevant to the discrepancy is the that in June 1971, Daniel Ellsberg leaked the aptly named Pentagon Papers, shifting blame for the increasingly unpopular Vietnam War from the CIA to the military, while distracting public attention from the investigations of the CIA's Phoenix Program and the CIA's involvement in drug' smuggling.https://www.counterpunch.org/2003/03/08/will-the-real-daniel-ellsberg-please-stand-up/

* Bin Ladens bogliste
Fra i forgårs ang. Frits Springmeiers bog om Illuminati, som blev uploadet på CIA's officielle server, og som tolkes af Qanons som havende forbindelse med Q's 'eksponeringer' af eliten  - og forbindes med Sean Stone;

Author of Bloodlines of Illuminati on CIA site (info) (Key?).. interviewed by Sean (Stone)? Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info Key+Stone= Q"

Nogle facts: Upload af Springmeiers bog er en del af CIA's upload senest den 2. februar - se dokumentation på Wayback Machine.

Og læg mærke til at uploaden stammer fra Osama bin Laden raidet i 2011 (som også er en phony historie, da det er velkendt, at Bin Laden døde i 2001 eller et par år senere):

De vil have os til at tro, at Bin Laden læste disse bøger - inkl. Springmeiers bog - og kriminalisere disse forfattere som guilt by association (sandsynligvis det samme princip med Qanons tripcode referencer til udvalgte bøger, som anses som genuint farlige, foruden potentielle bøger, som systemet kan latterliggøre):

Derudover bliver upload af Springmeiers bog på CIA's server brugt af Q-anon onanismen, dvs. som en del Q-onanismens mega store PSYOP tissemand som Q-onanisterne konstant gumler på med større og større fanatisk ildhu, som MK Ultra ubevidste slaver - og uanset om Springmeiers (kendte) bog er sand eller delvist sand, er Q-onanisten én megafed stor PSYOP, som bruger denne upload i eget favør. Q-anon bot-uruk-hai hæren er allerede ude i fuld force og bruger uploaden til at bekræfte 'ægtheden' af Q-onanisten og Trumps 'ægthed' (typiske reaktioner såsom: "Potus showing us what he is up against", "Wow, looks like a signal from the white hats to the black hats", etc. bla bla). Og hvordan kan det i øvrigt være White Hats, når CIA er the black hats, Trumps fjender i Qanons fantasy univers!?

Endnu et RED FLAG ang. Qanon's bogliste: "How did Q know what the trip code would be? Isn't it random? If NSA/Q can crack it, is this what they are showing us? How then is it secure if it can be cracked - was Q not worried about someone else knowing how to crack it and hijack the drops? Top definition Trip Code A trip code is a code used in anonymous threads like 4chan to determine whether or not the anonymous poster is authentic or not. It assigns a code to the end of your name. When you add the pound (#) symbol to the end of your name followed by a word, like a password that only you know, it scrambles the word into a code. That way it's undetectable and can be used over and over again. On AnonIB, using the trip code "#banana" translates to the code shown to Anons as "!5RRtZawAKg".

'I recently made my first posts to Steemit about Q Anon, which I believe to be a Zionist psy-op. It's a near 20K word, 4 part series bringing to light just some of the reasons why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op...This is not to say that much of Q's posts haven't included a lot of truth. Much of it is very true. But it's what isn't discussed or highlighted by Q Anon, coupled with the alternative narrative being applied to influence peoples' understanding of the events transpiring. If you actually bother to read these pieces I explain how the psy-op is functioning and develop out some theories of my own about what is really taking place. It's pretty clear that the Cabal's new world order agenda is unfolding despite the faux hero Trump being in office.

Part 1 - 4: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-1

Læg mærke til en typisk Q-anon discipels øjeblikkelige stockholmsyndromistiske rationalisering i følgende kommentar;

"So what if Q is a LARP [Live Action Role Play]  The amount of real research and knowledge spawned from Q's actions still make it a great thing. If Q was a psyop, what purpose would it serve evil actors to have everyone suddenly digging for the truth and exposing hidden agendas, secret alliances of power and countless rabbit holes of corruption everywhere? Q doesn't give us answers. Q just asks the right questions and steers us to do our own research. It really matters not who Q is. The gained knowledge we have all acquired by our own doing has lead to this great awakening and huge increase in numbers. THAT is the real treasure and that is what's important. Whether this administration actually drains the swamp or not, there are now exponentially more of us than a few years ago, and we have even greater understanding. This does not serve to benefit anyone wanting to pacify and lure us into enslavement, but quiet the contrary."

Jeg skrev: The commentator's got it all wrong while being half right. It's the other way around; it's AFTER the fact. A limited hangout operation is exactly done and damage control because the truth was ALREADY out, the awakening was ALREADY exponentially happening (se definitionen af Limited hangout foroven)

Nogle eksotisk mega-vilde krypto-postulater om esoteriske Q connections:


High Q Level Clearance NSA Security Force Protects Sex Abuse and Attacks Whistleblowers

Posted on January 12, 2011 by Dr. Eowyn
NSA's threat operations center, Fort Meade, Maryland, 2006
- kilde

Trumpisme-Messianisme resulterer i Deep State-analfabetisme
truth-veteraner, der har gennemskuet, at Trump er The Swamp, har måttet indrømme, at de skal deprogramme sig igen.  Fra at dumpe ned gennem lamestream overfladen, som man har levet på hele livet - hvor næsten alt er løgn - befandt man sig pludselig i et underjordisk rabbit hole udenfor The Matrix. Imperiet måtte derfor ty til kontra intel, idet der pludselig var for mange mennesker som vågnede op. Man intensiverede - siden ca. 2008 -  falske rabbit holes, hvor de blev lokket via sandheder, som allerede var kendte, men nu tilsat Q's egne rabbit holes.

Mange Trumpister blandt sandhedsbevægelserne er nu ironisk nok i alvorlig fare for at blive Deep State-illiterære og analfabetiske i det virkelige Trump-pensum, specielt hans skjulte biografi, og andre kendte (men glemte) og skjulte rabbit holes i Deep State (som Q ikke nævner), som de mener sig vidende om, alt imens de blevet fodret en falsk opvågnen. Q-anon's tilhængere fodres med nogle pseudo-konspirationer og blindgyder OG sandhed. En Walmart-præfabrikeret og udvandet idiocracy version(er) af konspirationsteorier med limited hangouts, flat earth, etc. Samtidigt distraheres de fra de virkeligt farlige rabbit holes
, ting som slet ikke er på radaren hos i det vildledte Jones- Q-segment, som Daniel Liszt kalder 'junk conspiracy'. De 'nyopvågnede' som er kuppede af Deep State, er dog så vant til flashy forkromede CGI Flat Earth videoer, eksotiske Qanon produktioner og blindgyder, etc. at de ikke vil dykke ned i det pensum som Deep State søger at dække til med deres glitter-lag af PSYOPS, etc. Det som det til gengæld giver mulighed for er at studere Qanon som et case-studie i elitens PSYOPS mod sandhedsbevægelserne.
Predictive Programming?

I filmen, The Matrix, er en af de usagte hemmeligheder i øvrigt, at 'the real world' udenfor The Matrix også var en simulation, som arkitekten skabte for at holde styr på undvegne, så oprørerne troede, at de var undsluppet - men meningen var at opretholde magtstrukturen med limited hangouts, for at undgå virkelig flugt ud af The Matrix. Man konstruerede en begrænset og falsk opvågning, som var forvekslet med en virkelig...nøjagtigt som planlagt (et clue og red flag er bl.a., at oprørernes stronghold og frihedssted i The Matrix hedder 'zion', wink wink). Begrænset fake awakening.

The Weaponization of Conspiracy Theory

In an article written by professor Michel Chossudovsky called “Manufacturing Dissent” he focused on the process of “manufacturing dissent” (rather than “consent”), which plays a decisive role in serving the interests of the ruling class. Prof. Chossudovsky argues that it is in the interest of the corporate elites to accept dissent and protest as a feature of the system inasmuch as they do not threaten the established social order. The purpose is not to repress dissent, but, on the contrary, to shape and mold the protest movement, to set the outer limits of dissent. To maintain their legitimacy, the economic elites favor limited and controlled forms of opposition, with a view to preventing the development of radical forms of protest, which might shake the very foundations and institutions of global capitalism. In other words, “manufacturing dissent” acts as a “safety valve”, which protects and sustains the New World Order according to Prof. Chossudovsky.

Trump is the mainstream executive version of Alex Jones, along with pundits, Q-anons, etc. and millions of hijacked Trump-believers to shape the dissent and Divide & Conquer.

Den store episke djævelske ironi er således, at den elite som mange konspirationsteoretikere eksponerer og bekæmper, kognitivt har infiltreret sandhedsbevægelserne via sociale medier (siden ca. 2008 er det intensiveret), dét i en sådan grad, at de er blevet weaponized mod dem selv og andre i undergrunden - the weaponization of conspiracy theory - uden at de ved det.

Total Recall - Mind Control af Dissidenterne

Solaris, en Science Fiction roman af Stanislaw Lem (og filmatiseret), fortæller historien om mennesker, der støder på et ikke-menneskeligt intelligent ocean på en fjern planet, og i menneskehedens forsøg på at kommunikere med det, præsenterer intelligensen hvert medlem af rumskibets besætning med en helt realistisk, levende person fra deres fortid, som de interagerer med. Historien viser, at intelligensen kender hvert enkelt besætningsmedlem bedre end de kender til sig selv. Menneskene får selvreferentielle feedback loops og finder ikke meget ud af intelligensens sande natur. Med andre ord; de er alt for involverede og snart så totalt absorberet  i de "virkelige hallucinationer", som de bliver præsenteret for, at de næppe kan finde noget perspektiv på hvad der sker. Intelligensen forsvarer sig ved at vende fjendens opmærksomhed på fjenden selv. Noget lignende sker i filmen Oblivion, hvor Tom Cruise uafvidende arbejder for tyranniet og bekæmper oprørerne.

I den virkelige verden 2018 er en variant af dette, hvad James Corbett kalder en Filter-boble.
Know it or not, we are increasingly living in filter bubbles that are being determined by algorithms we know nothing about. Worse than that, we are increasingly retreating into the online echo chamber bubbles of our own making.
- Jmes Corbett, juli, 2018

I vores kontekst foregår en ubevidst compartmentalization, der anvendes mod egen flok;
'konspirationsteoretikerne' (elitens farligste fjender), som uafvidende bliver rekrutteret af disinfoagenternes PSYOPS divisioner og deres meme magi, rekrutteres som nyttige idioter for Deep State imperiet. Alt imens mange sandhedsøgende er kuppet, tror de i falsk selvforståelse, at de kæmper imod imperiet. Våbengørelsen af ​​konspirationsteoretikere. Pure mindfuck på et plan som ikke er set før.

Cambridge Analytica
 Trump's præsidentkampagne via Cambridge Analytica brugte '40-50.000 varianter af annoncer hver dag, der løbende måler svar og derefter tilpasser og udvikler sig ud fra dette svar' - flere analyser viser, at efteretningstjenesterne bruger de samme teknikker mod sandhedsbevægelserne via Q-anon, aflirer deres generelle grammatik (viden om verden), specifikke syntaks og sprogstil, verdensbillede, og skaber episoder af Hollyweird-fabrikerede falske rabbit holes/falsk opvågnen/limited hangouts, OG  injicerer sandhed også for at 'validere', at Q-onanisten er virkelig og en 'sand patriot'.  Feedback loops som bruger AI Bots (kunstige intelligens-robotter på internet), gamification (alle store danske virksomheder bruger dette mega mindfuck contrpl), nudging og sociale videnskaber til at påvirke befolkninger er i spil. Cambridge Analytica, Palantir, NLP-teknikker, etc. og sandsynligvis endda det excessivt legende-ombruste program, Mossad's Talpiot 8200 enheder, er involverede i denne enorme Q-anon operation. Den Deep State-skabte COINTEL simulacra operation bliver således anset for at være virkelig af oprigtige sandhedssøgende, der er blevet hi-jacked og konstant høje på dopamin i et gigantisk LARP-drama (Live Action Role Play), som overgår de vildeste Tom Clancy og John Le Carré-romaner. Social engineering og weaponization af konspirationsteoretikerne. Oh, the epic evil irony…
'Fordelen ved den slags data er, at det tillader dataselskaber som Cambridge Analytica at udvikle mere sofistikerede psykologiske profiler fra internetbrugere (flere datapunkter betyder mere prædiktiv forudsigende power). Disse online-annoncer blev spredt primært gennem bots, robotter på sociale medieplatforme. De annoncer, der blev ønsket, delt og retweetet mest, blev gengivet og omfordelt baseret på, hvor de var populære og hvem de appellerede til. Cambridge Analytica kunne også bruge denne real-time information til at bestemme hvilke meddelelser, som brugere fandt genklang i, og (geografisk) hvor, og da forme Trumps rejseplan omkring det.  Så hvis der var en stigning i klik på en artikel om indvandring i et amt i Pennsylvania eller Wisconsin, ville Trump flyve dertil og give en indvandringsfokuseret tale. ....I en 2016-profil for Das Magazin, et zürichbaseret kulturblad, talte Kosinski om prædiktiv (forudsigende) kraft i sin model. Sådan har forfatterne opsummeret det: Styrken af ​​deres [Kosinski og hans Cambridge kolleger] modellering blev illustreret af, hvor godt det kunne forudsige en persons svar. Kosinski fortsatte med at arbejde på modellerne uophørligt: ​​han havde længe været i stand til at evaluere en person bedre end den gennemsnitlige arbejdskollega, kun på grundlag af ti Facebook "likes". Halvfjerds "likes" var nok til at overgå, hvad en persons venner vidste, 150 likes, hvad deres forældre vidste og 300 likes, hvad deres partner vidste. Flere "likes" kunne endda overgå, hvad en person troede, de vidste om sig selv.
Kombiner denne form for prædiktiv kraft med en hær af bots, og du har et stærkt propaganda værktøj. "En person, der kontrollerer tusind bot-konti, er i stand til ikke kun at påvirke folkene i deres umiddelbare cirkel, men også potentielt algoritmen for det sted, hvor de opererer." Bots er endnu mere effektive, da de er i stand til at reagere øjeblikkeligt på trends-emner på Twitter og Facebook, der producerer målrettede indlæg, billeder og endda YouTube-videoer. "Teknologierne kan fange, hvad folk tænker på et bestemt tidspunkt," "og serverer dem tilbage til dem igen og igen." Og fordelen for psykografisk profilering tilføjer han, at de kan levere " indhold på individuelt grundlag på Twitter og Facebook - feeds, hvor folk bliver fanget og trukket i bestemte retninger gennem visse typer indlæg og historier. '
- Palantir Panopticon - Saruman, Trump, Facebook, PET, HEC, SKYNET & Psykometrisk Mind Control

'Man morpher kandidaten til befolkningens sindelagsændringer i real-time ved at have en kandidat, som artikulerer disse sindelagsændringer - og på hvert givet tidspunkt har man således en kandidat i elitens hus - the house takes it all'

- Paradigmet om Trump som kontrolleret opposition, 2016

Kontroller sindet, og man kontrollerer begivenhedernes gang samt gør ellers vågne sandhedsøgende til sovende Trumpister,  Q-Anon onanister, Alex Jones' disinfo warriors, Wikileaks-troende, Flat Earth-ofre, etc.  der drømmer, at de er vågne (false awakening) -  dermed er millioner af ellers vågne mennesker blevet til Deep State-sheeple (deltvis). Mind control af dissidenterne. Genialt, men diabolsk deception, disruption, distraction, divide & conquer. Se blot den splittelse som Trump har forårsaget blandt sandhedssøgende danskere også, for ikke at tale om amerikanere. Q-anon onanisterne  vil foretrække håbet og uvirkeligheden fremfor virkeligheden om den grumme sandhed; at virkeligheden ser anderledes ud, at Qanon er verdens hidtil mest sofistikerede PSYOPS. Godt hjulpet på vej af alternative medier, såsom Alex Jones og Q-Anon (tilsammen mange millioner læsere dagligt), m.fl. OG de massepsykotiske  mainstream medier, er det svært at tro, at Trump ikke er sand opposition til the Deep State - eller snarere; at medierne (og dermed eliten) ikke står i opposition til Trump.

Massemedierne VS Trump
Den massive massepsykotiske mainstream kritik mod Trump, anses af Trumpisterne oftest som et bevis for, at Trump ikke kan være i lommerne på eliten, 'for han har jo alle massemedier imod sig' (stort set). På rygmarven tænker Trumpisterne i følgende enkle syllogisme:

1. The Deep State ejer massemedierne
2. Massemedierne bekæmper Trump (og vice versa)
Konklusion: The Deep State bekæmper Trump


1. Trump bekæmper massemedierne
The Deep State ejer massemedierne
 Konklusion: Trump bekæmper
The Deep State

Konklusionen er umiddelbart formallogisk gyldig, men man må spørge sig selv; hvilke præmisser er udeladt her? Overordnet er det følgende tommelfinger-regler:

* De kritikpunkter mod Trump, som man IKKE kan finde i mainstream medier (og heller ikke i mange alternative medier)

* De connections som eksisterer mellem Trump og The Deep State som mainstream ikke dækker, og de fleste alternative medier ikke dækker heller, og som er uforenelige med hans 'outsider'-profil.

Trumps biografi involverer navne på nogle af de mest notoriske og mest magtfulde skyggespillere i
verden . At forblive uvidende om disse connections -  hvad, hvem, hvor, hvornår - betyder at sætte lid til en mand, hvis retorik måske er det man gerne vil høre, hvis man lytter til Alex Jones, Alt-Right eller Qanon, men hvis karriere er forbundet med magtpersoner, hvis handlinger har formet det 20.pg 21. århundrede på en måde, man ikke kan forestille sig. Det kan man kalde tilfældige associative connections i sin naivitet, hvis man vil, men disse højkriminelle nøglepersoner tegner et billede som er inkriminerende in extremis. Man kan rationalisere dette ved at kalde det 'fortid', at Trump var uvidende om sine egne forbindelser, etc. - men at tro, at Trump pludselig foretager en transformation fra benhård businessmand med højforbryderiske mafia og intel-connections til pludselig at blive en moderne J.F. Kennedy fra det øjeblik han fører valgkampagne, er topmålet af blind forsætlig ønsketænkning, ignorance og stupiditet. Qanons portrættering af Trump er hopium sygelig PSYOPS mindfuck.

Nogle få vigtige biografiske bullet points.

* Trump opkøbte sit første kasino, Resorts International, i 1987 (93% aktiemajoritet). Trump var ikke tidligere associeret med gambling, men med ejendomme.I 1978 rapporterede Spotlight, at de primære investorer i Resorts International var den über-notoriske Mossad-CIA connectede gangster og mafiaboss, Meyer Lansky, super zionisten og Mossad's fremmeste våbenhandler Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, og Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

Resorts International was established and controlled by front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their “enforcers” in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its allied intelligence agency, Israel’s Mossad...St. George pointed out that many of these casino resorts run by the mob through a variety of front men have actually been engaged in a de facto partnership with behind-the-scenes mobsters who have assisted the CIA and the Mossad in massive laundering of drug and gambling profits that have been channeled into covert operations of the two allied intelligence agencies. In return, the CIA and the Mossad, using their own influence, have provided “protection” for the illegally fixed gambling operations, preventing law enforcement authorities from cracking down on this corruption.

Where does would-be president Trump fit into the picture? To find the answer, one must turn to the murky origins of Resorts International.

Resorts evolved from a CIA front company set up in the early 1950s by then-CIA director Allen W. Dulles and his close associate, three-term New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey, political functionary in the so-called “Rockefeller Republican” wing of the GOP.

The front company in question was the innocuously named Mary Carter Paint Company, which operated a national chain of paint stores but was set up to function as a covert CIA money-laundering operation.
- Who Towers Behind Trump?

Da Resorts International under Trump gik bankerot, var det Wilbur Ross, som insisterede på at beholde Trump via Rothschild inc.  Wilbur Ross er multimilliardær og var Rothschild's fremmeste fikser-specialist i finansiel restrukturering/bankerot deals gennem årtier (senior managing director of Rothschild Inc). Wilbur Ross er USA's handelsminister idag.

familien er kendt for at være verdens rigeste og mest inflydelsesrige familie med en ufattelig biografi og historik af åbenlys (og skjult) magt. De er - faktuelt set - overalt, også i Danmark (
Staten vælger Rothschild igen og igen | Berlingske). At de ikke står på Forbes skyldes, at Forbes måler formuer efter enkeltpersoner (angiveligt).

Wilbur Ross var
i øvrigt en af Serco’s tidligere investering bankiers for N M Rothschild, som stadig står bag Serco,  et af de mest ufatteligt magtfulde foretagender i verden (som næsten ingen har hørt om): Company Advisers - Serco . Serco ejede Metroen i KBH *

Rothschild og Rockefeller er fusioneret i 2012 (The Rockefellers and Rothschilds "fused" while no one was looking) , men har været i alliance meget længe  med Rothschilds som overlegen i magt og inflydelse.David Rockefeller's nekrolog viser en titanisk og forfærdelig indflydelse.

"According to Niall Ferguson and his recent – and slightly too friendly – biography of the Rothschild dynasty: The House of Rothschild: Money’s Prophet: “The rate of growth and size of their capital in the period before 1850 were unprecedented in banking history.” By 1818, the combined capital of all the five Rothschild houses was 500,000 pounds. Just ten years later it had reached 4,330,333 pounds. The figures for the time were truly staggering. And it obviously makes one wonder what kind of wealth we are talking about almost 200 years later. The British Empire itself could never have existed without the financial assistance of the Rothschilds. To all intents and purposes this family was the Empire and the imperialism that followed. Equally, the presence of the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Carnegies and Morgans would have been substantially slower without their backing. [8] The same could be said for many of the destructive events of the last one hundred years which had the House of Rothschild continually seeking leverage for monetary control.'
- World Revolution V: The House of Rothschild (2)

A Brief Summary of the Rothschild Crime Syndicate's Activities

Metroen ejes af Metroselskabet. Driften varetages af Metro Service A/S, der i de første 5 år efter åbningen var ejet af engelske Serco Group,

Enhedslisten raser over atomvåbenproducent i metro  DR, 2009

Nyt selskab skal holde Metroen på sporet  Bus Danmark og britiske Serco stifter om kort tid Metro Service A/S, som med 170 medarbejdere skal servicere kunderne i Metroen og vedligeholde jernbaneanlægget.

De har tæt samarbejde om atomvåben med Lockheed Martin.
SERCO er ikke at finde på Global Research, Zerohedge, Veterans Today, Activist Post, SOTT, Red Ice Creations, ikke engang Whatreallyhappened.com og Rense.com som har mega-enormt output!  Særdeles heftigt i betragtning af de andre oplysninger som findes på det via Abby Martin (kun ét klip) og Corbett (kun én udsendelse også). se PPS nederst.

Roy Cohn
* Roy Cohn var en skarp mand der var altafgørende for Trumps liv. De mødtes i 70'erne (Cohn siger dog i 1980, at han da havde kendt Trump i 15 år). Cohn var Trumps mentor og advokat. De var nære venner, og Trump var dybt afhængig af Cohn's rådgiving konstant hver eneste dag, hvor de talte sammen 15-20 gange om dagem. Cohn var også frygtindgydende advokat for Senator Joe McCarthy. Han var McCarthyismens storinkvisitor. Cohn var notorisk berygtet for sin anløbne moral, dybt infiltret og advokat mafiaen, homosexuel, og kørte afpresnings-operationer for CIA, som involverede pædofili.  Cohn var vild med Trump og tog ham under sine vinger.

Cohn og milliardæren Rupert Murdoch var i tæt samarbejde, og havde Israel som fælles fetish.
How Roy Cohn Helped Rupert Murdoch – Consortiumnews

Murdochs enorme medie imperium blev formodentlig finansieret af Rothschilds.

                                                        Trump og Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn fortalte den legendariske NYPD detektiv, James Rothstein, at han åbent brugte børneprostitution til afpresning af politikere - den meget velkendte metode, som efterretningstjenester og andre mørkemænd har brugt igen og igen til at kontrollere højtstående magtpersoner.

'Rothstein had an opportunity to have a sit-down with infamous McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn. During this sit-down, Cohn admitted to Rothstein that he was part of a rather elaborate sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes.'
- The Ghost of Roy Cohn

Roy Cohn's navn er nævnt i forbindelse med:

1. Franklin-skandalen - pædofili og cover up op i Omaha
2. Dutroux pædofiliring i Belgien
3. CIA's fascistiske stay-behind Gladio - false flag terroristgrupper
4. CIA's pædofili operationer

Det var Roy Cohn som introducerede Roger Stone til Trump. Da Cohn døde i 1987 blev Roger Stone en afgørende skyggespiller og samarbejdspartner med Trump, og spillede en stor rolle  i præsidentkampagnen og op til idag. Roger Stone er ofte på Alex Jones ' Infowars idag.

Donald Trump og Roy Cohn, mafia connections
F. William Engdhal

Roy Cohn - The CIA Pedophile Ring Leader - An Evil Mechanism of Political Control

Ivanka Trump var kæreste med Nathan Rotschild, søn og arving af Jacob Rothschild (blot en 'tilfældighed')

Jared Kushner er Chabadnik, det religiøse operativsystem for Mossad og cover for notorisk drug-sex-child trafficking  (se PS)

Clintons er tæt på Rothschilds (Sir Evelyn de Rotshchild bl.a.). Trump har været nære venner af Clintons gennem mange år.

Donald Trump, Chabad-Lubavitch and the Oligarchs

Alt dette er blot toppen af isbjerget

President Trump Called For Roy Cohn, But Roy Cohn Was Gone : NPR, 7. januar 2018

(denne sektion er ufærdig - bliver opdateret)

Et kort udvalg af sirligt udvalgte links - meget vigtige connections og afsløringer:

Trump-Rothschild connection

Who Towers Behind Trump?

How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump

Rothschild-Trump Connection – Major Revelations

The Trump / Q-Anon psyop 1 – 3

Trump Dossier 2018


Trump controlled by Mossad 1 – 5

Hidden Agendas Part Two: Wikileaks and the Trump propaganda infrastructure

Mens mainstream fastholder distraktionen i det orkestrerede Truman-Trump Show for de sovende mennesker, og Alex Jones og Qanon fastholder de ellers vågne sandhedssøgendes fokus i falske rabbit holes, er ovennævnte punkter ikke på radaren.

Massemedierne annoncerer via det digitale Colloseum, hvad og hvordan man skal 'tænke' kritisk om Trump -
specielt i USA, hvor 90% af massemedierne er fordelt over 6 ejere. Massemediernes portrættering er, at han er den store diktator-klovn, mens Trump konstant eksponerer massemedierne som falske.

‘Fake news media is the enemy of the people’ – Trump - RT, 3. aug 2018

Da oplyste mennesker  i forvejen ved, at medierne er talerør for The Deep State, er dette ikke noget nyt, men af samme grund vælger mange den modsatte position; Trump er under massivt massepsykotisk mainstream angreb, angriber massemedierne, og må følgelig være en 'rebel', der 'kæmper' mod The Deep State. Dette skema er falsk binær sort-hvid tænkning baseret på omvendt psykologi.

Den tredje position - at Trump ikke blot er blevet kuppet, men er puppet og perception manager for The Deep State, er derfor en utænkelig position for både mainstream OG mange alternative medier.
NB! Om Trump er Deep State-offer eller Deep State-aktiv, er i sin konsekvens akademisk ligegyldigt - resultatet er det samme, når de har ham om nosserne (bortset fra, at det første skaber falsk alibi og (falsk) håb om mulighed for 'revolution' fra oven, hvis han er det sidste).

William Engdahl udtalte i juli 2018, at globalisterne ikke forsøger at få præsidenten afsat. Han siger, at  Trump gør deres bud og at Trump aldrig ville være i Det Hvide Hus, hvis han var en sand trussel mod deres dagsorden.

Før Trump kom til magten udtalte Engdahl dette:

William Engdahl: "Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London 'City', in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American Establishment would stay concealed."

'Under Trump, the State Department reportedly severed links to Soros and his organizations, but something strange ensued. The Trump administration is still engaged in regime change operations around the world and, furthermore, it is using some of Soros’s favorite entities, such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to install pro-American governments in Nicaragua, Venezuela, and other countries...... Soros and Trump administration are coordinating their efforts to fund anti-government Nicaraguan groups in the public sector, labor unions, student groups, religious organizations, and media. The same scenario is being enacted by Soros and Trump in Venezuela,...'“We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn’t be involved with.” Trump’s words, along with his other rhetoric, were and remain as hollow as his personal integrity and ethics. But they are music to the ears of the military-intelligence-industrial “deep state” that Trump claims he abhors.'
- Wayne Madsen, 2018

Multimilliardæren og zionisten, Sheldon Adelson, er også Rothschild's mand. Adelson støttede Donald Trump med enorme beløb, mens George Soros finansiererer opposition mod Trump, såsom ANTIFA.

Protesters chanting George Soros wheres is our money - YouTube

At eje begge modsatrettede kontrollerede oppositioner er ikke usædvanligt.
Det samme sker med Antifa og English Defence Leaque, som står i modsætning til hinanden (men som begge vejrer israelske flag på gaden mens de skriger af hinanden ved demonstrationer - groteskt morsomt)
Pro-Israel think tank funds Tommy Robinson’s legal costs

Der er i øvrigt ikke grænser for, hvem der er blevet støttet økonomisk  og organisatorisk af f.eks. Morgan, Rockefeller og resten af slænget. De har støttet alt muligt, for at  opnå  indflydelse og indsigt i hvad der foregår, og have mulighed for at dirigere forehavendet. Det  er en simpel strategi, der virker stort set hver gang. Subsidiære forehavender vil vedblivende have behov for en strøm af flere midler, og i den situation er der altid mulighed for at pengemændene  kan stille betingelse, støtte én retning og udsulte en anden, indsætte egne agenter i administrative  eller strategiske positioner, og meget mere. At nogen (personer eller bevægelser) er blevet støttet,  siger intet om hvorvidt det oprindelige forehavende var udtænkt af pengemændene, eller i hvilken grad det er blevet orienteret og fordrejet i uheldige retninger. Stort set alle kommunistiske,  kollektivistiske og socialistiske bevægelser der har virket i United Bluff, har massivt og nærmest  udelukkende været sponsoreret af Big Money. Det har de været lige siden de opstod, fra 1920’erne  og fremefter. Big Money har påvirket dem, og styret dem i retninger der på  forskellig vis har  resulteret i, at bevægelserne har tjent pengemændenes mål.  Det er lykkedes, uden at deltagerne i diverse bevægelser har indset, hvordan de de facto er  marionetter i et spil de ikke fatter.

Alt det har W. Cleon Skousen effektivt dissekeret og redegjort  for, i bl.a. The Naked Capitalist. Et værk, der er en gennemgang af Caroll Quigleys Tragedy and  Hope.  At pengemænd har doneret store summer til personer, bevægelser, forskere, regimer eller andet,  kan man ikke altid tage som udtryk for at de støttede dermed er købt og betalte, og har valgt at  tjene pengemændenes interesser. Der er dog den velkendte konsekvens af at række fanden  lillefingeren, og på sigt er det ofte gået sådan

Trumps handlinger viser også, at Trumpisterne er hel galt afmarcherede: Den første rigtige døds-drone-præsident var landsbytosse-præsident-puppet, George W. Bush. Dernæst stak den næste Deep State-dukke, Obama, rekorden for dronemord. Trump (den 'gode' præsident) dræbte i løbet af 9 måneder flere civile med droner end Obama gjorde på 8 år (Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years!- Ron Paul Liberty report, 18. oktober 2017).

En hyggelig indskudt bemærkning om, hvad droner vil kunne blive brugt til mod egne befolkninger (det er en no-brainer og var forudsagt for længe siden - kun et spørgsmål om tid. Tjek professorens bemærkning sidst i denne korte video):


Det er Trumps handlinger og connnections, som er problematiske, og derfor bliver opretholdelsen af et billede af Trump som 'Patriot', 'The Storm', 'God-Emperor', etc., etc. tiltagende mental forkvaklet gymnastik for at få billedet til at passe. Retorikken overtrumfer modsigelsen, så folk ikke indser modsigelsen - en sørgelig doublethink position.

En sjældent bemærket pointe; Det var Clinton-sympatisøren, James Comey, FBI-chefen, som de facto skadede Killary Clinton's chance for at blive valgt, da han annoncerede, at han ville genåbne server-sagen mod Clinton kun 2 uger før valget.

  Ken O Keefe om Trumpisternes illusioner

Overvågnings-staten - Darth Vader og Big Brother på steroider, som Bush og Obama bøffede op, er kun yderligere ekspanderet big time under Trump. Han benåder korrupte mega-banker, støtter Zionisternes vanvid BIG TIME samt Saudi-barbarernes massemorderiske krig i Yemen, og fortsætter Neocon ugudeligher ( It's fact: Neoconservatives are pleased with President Trump’s foreign policy.- How President Trump Normalized Neoconservatism - Ron Paul Institute). etc.. Trump udvider politistaten og Deep State morderiske tiltag i talløse aspekter, mens Pro-trumpisterne rationaliserer hans handlinger. Den ultimative ironi er, at argumentet om, at Trump ingen magt har som præsident, idet The Deep State har for megen magt, at han må bryde valgløfter for ikke at blive dræbt, klip en tå, hug en hæl, etc. til sidst ender med, at en præsident blot er en insignifikant kransekagefigur anyway. På samme måde som Obamanitterne havde Stockholm-syndrom, på samme måde har Trumpisterne fået det.

Alex Jones' første interview med Trump. I interviewet -indenfor det første minut (Donald Trump Alex Jones Full Interview) -  forsvarer Jones Trump's løgn om de jublende arabere i New York den 11. september 201,  ikke - som han udmærket godt vidste og havde udtalt mange gange (video findes) - de dansende israelere! Han forsvarer Trumps løgn (og var medvirkende til at promovere ham som præsident big time - dette giver mening når de begge er engineered/astroturf puppets for The Deep State)' Trump Says He Saw Muslims Celebrating On 9/11 — But He Was Wrong, It Was Israeli Mossad Agents' 

'Israel had fingerprints all over 9/11'
- Alex Jones, ca. 2003

Den nye Alex Jones:

Eddie Bravo: Who put together 9/11

Alex jones: Saudiarabia

'Israel could not have carried out these [9/11] attacks'
- Alex Jones

Da AJ blev spurgt om, hvordan det lykkedes ham at interviewe Trump 3 gange, svarede han ( i sig selv et KÆMPE red flag):.

During a live radio interview with George Noory on Coast 2 Coast AM on August 9, 2017, Alex Jones openly stated that he worked for U.S. Special Operations Command in a secret military psychological operation to assist Donald Trump in becoming President of the United States.

Det er paradoksalt, at Alex Jones har været ansvarlig for mange millioners opvågnen. Relativt mange har dog gennemskuet, at han også fungerer som kontrolleret opposition, agent for zionisterne og The Deep State. Evidens er overvældende. The Rabbit Hole virkede rigtigt pga. sandhed iblandet løgn, hvor det sidste ikke blev gennemskuet af mange. Pludselig bryder gulvet i det første rabbit hole sammen, og man befinder sig i tomt rum igen, lige da man troede graven var velforvaret...men ikke at grave dybere for at komme ud af labyrinten kan netop resultere i (yderligere) enorm splittelse og sandhedsbevægelsernes grav.

Et skift er dog indtruffet; fra at tale om efterretningstjenesternes False Flag terror, skiftede emnerne forud for valget i USA 2016, hvor Trump blev favoriseret. Alex Jones har med sit enorme outreach og optjente anciennitet været medvirkende til at få Trump valgt, som om Trump var 'folkets mand', og i dag har emnerne på Infowars taget en drejning – fra at det tidligere var 9/11, The Deep State, False Flag terror, efterretningstjenesterne, o.a. som var problemet, er alt dette trådt i baggrunden - fra kritik af, at Staten f.eks. brugte muslimer som Agent Provocateurs, er Islam og muslimerne nu det store problem per se, og The Deep State er nu portætteret som i konflikt med Trump.

Christopher Bollyn Calls Alex Jones a Zionist “Gatekeeper”

Alex Jones Dossier – controlled opposition extraordinaire

Trump spiller 33D skak er gakeligak
Alex Jones, Q-Anon,  m.fl. er massive COINTEL-operationer, infiltratører af alternative medier, og dermed medskabere af TAS (Trumpist-Apologistisk-Stockholmsyndrom), hvor der aksiomatisk køres med præmisserne, at Trump er sand opposition. At Trump har medierne imod sig, er et af elementerne som bidrager til falskt alibi ( at Trumpisterne kan opretholde projektionen af Trump som en moderne JFK). Trump  som Deep State-aktiv, er et narrativ, som konflikterer med Trump-i-krig-med-Deep-State, og deraf den afledte postulerede Trump 3D-4-D-5D...uendeligheds-skak som forkvaklet rationalisering, hver eneste gang handlinger fra Trumps side falder Trumpisterne for brystet (Clinton gik fri som 'good people', Quantanamo bliver ikke lukket, Droner, Syrienangrebet, Jerusalem,  Yemen, Big Pharma, Cannabis, etc.)
Når Trump foretager en handling, som forårsager kognitiv dissonans, fordi den ikke harmonerer med forventningen om Trump som helten i kanp mod The Deep State, tolkes det som, at Trump spiller 3D skak, dvs. han angriber Syrien for at miskreditere The Deep State, et genialt træk.

Everytime the 3D chess is exposed as Comical Ali, they resort to a new theory; Trump is now playing 4D chess....and when that is debunked it is now..... 5D chess!!

Even in 2016 (and 2015) many pointed out the false awakening :

Stop Pretending Trump is Playing Three-Dimensional Chess - Patheos

It Wasn't 3D Chess - LewRockwell

'As Trump continued to look like a buffoonish NWO zio-stooge, his supporters said it only seemed that way because he was playing chess while his opponents were playing checkers.

Not long after that, Trump's supporters had to explain that he was playing 3D chess ... then 4D chess ... then 5D chess, and now ... I just saw the first claim that he is playing 6D chess!' Trump Playing 6D Chess?

'Do you know why I am absolutely certain that this popular narrative is pure bullshit? Because Obama supporters were all saying the exact same thing about him at the beginning of his administration.'
- Why I Am Absolutely Certain That Trump Is Not Playing 3-D Chess


Despite the Trump administration’s crackdown on marijuana, one user floats the idea that it could be a 4D chess move in favor of marijuana legalization:

In the comment section of the above post, one user “guesses” what Trump’s views on marijuana are:

He literally just imagined what he wants Trump’s view on marijuana to be.

A lot of conspiracy theorists dislike Trump because of his supportive stance towards the state of Israel. This means that a number of the president’s most die hard supporters have to do extreme mental gymnastics in order to defend him on the issue. In this post, a user thinks that Trump’s support of Jerusalem being made the capital is some sort of 4D chess move to direct further criticism towards Israel:

The 3D chess argument is in itself the result of a PSYOP, the usurpation and social engineering of the truth movements.

After Steve Bannon was fired by the Whitehouse, this user floated the theory that it was another chess move by the president and that Bannon was in on. Basically, it was a strategic move so that Bannon could go back and work for Breitbart and spill any state secrets that the pair had uncovered together. A few months later, this theory was disproved, as Trump publicly blasted “sloppy Bannon” and Bannon was fired from Beitbart:

Trump is playing 3D chess - ending up in....infinite regress....

Det er ikke blot Trumps ekstremt heftige intel og mafia connections, som 'tilfældige' associationer, som er problemet men handlinger; Jerusalem værende blot ét ud af mange i en akkumulativ kæde. Og jo, jeg er yderst detaljeret bevidst om, hvordan Trumps løftebrud bliver tolket som 3D af Trumpisterne, 'han har ingen power men er offer for Deep State, men udmanøvrerer dem langsomt med skaktræk, som kun et geni kan', lol, Det minder mig om 9/11-believers slåen knude på sig selv for at opretholde den amerikanske regerings officielle forklaring. 
Trumpisternes 3D-teori er en tragisk variation af Komiske Ali.

Ikke mindst når Deep State og Israels spooks, bliver instrumentelle redskaber til at få Trump valgt er det problematisk, og dét at de får ham valgt, er også udtryk for hvem der har magten. Trump er en kransekagefigur designet til at spille 'rebel' - hans uforudsigelighed som 'klovnen', er en del af dette (han er en klovn for hans Deep State handlers).

Problematikken med at opretholde den store arketypiske projektion af Trump som 'God-Emperor', er, at man kun kan gøre det ved at ignorere alt som konflikterer med dette billede, eller rationalisere det således, at tilpasning-til-landkort skal køre for fuld skrue konstant for hvert løftebrud som indtræffer (Trump spiller 3D-4D-5D skak, osv.).

Det samme med Wikileaks, hvor man kan bevise - i hht. deres egen proklamerede whistleblower profil, modsigelser der indikerer - hvad de ikke er - vis-a-vis hvad de udgiver sig for at være, når man ser på deres handlinger, konsekvenser (if it quacks like a duck, acts like duck...) og derfor formene, at de er en Deep State/CIA/Mossad operation fordi alle tegnene, som er kongruente med denne tese, passer perfekt, ikke med andre, hvorfor det ikke kan være confirmation bias (f.eks. var Wikileaks handlinger ingen trussel for Israel og USA, tværtimod - negation af deres påståede profil og præmisser).
Trump-som-rebel-myten deler aktivisterne internt, hvilket også er et af formålene - kuppede sandhedssøgere, hvoraf nogle er blevet alt-right pro-zionistiske trumpister per social enginerring design uden, at de selv er bevidste om det VS de sandhedssøgere som ikke blev suget ind i The Matrix igen efter 2016.

'Please stop attacking one another for the evils that have been inflicted on you by this small group of sociopaths, America. Stop buying into the two-party good cop/bad cop schtick that the elites use to turn urban Americans against rural Americans and turn your anger toward your real enemies'
Trump Isn’t Another Hitler. He’s Another Obama,
Ron Paul Institute, 6. januar 2018)

Dét, at Trump og de sociale videnskaber copy/pastede de holdninger, som folkestemningen/de opvågnede masser gerne ville høre, fordi de er sande i det store og hele  - og som i mellemtiden havde flyttet sig siden Obama - er psykologisk kapring.

Igen og igen: Den Deep State historie som generelt præsenteres - Trump versus Deep State - er forkert, og er med til at skjule den virkelige historie, som er, at Trump er i lommen på The Deep State. Det er The Deep State som har fabrikeret narrativet, at Trump er Deep State-offer, en del af make-up'en som er med til at skjule, at han i virkeligheden er Deep State-aktiv. At der så også er en intern kamp mellem de forskellige efterretningstjenester/mafiaer indenfor The Deep State, fjerner på ingen måde de Trump-Rothschild-connections, som er dokumenteret. De virkeligt farlige rivaliseringer indenfor The Deep State findes ikke i det orkestrerede mainstream cirkus som splattes ud som Den Store Løgn konstant. Hvordan en in-fight indenfor The Deep State ser ud i virkeligheden, afspejles ikke i Q-anon onanismens mytologiske fortælling heller.

Trump's handlinger fortsætter og udvider i det store og hele Bush-Obama's udenrigspolitik, blot med en totalt anden retorik og stil, men de facto fortsætter USA's handling; dominans og dødspolitik (selv John Mearsheimer og mange andre politico-pundits påviser dette)

David Swanson påpeger det samme: CrossTalk: Trump 'Unexceptional', RT, 1. august 2018

  • Trump has bombed Syria twice - both times in a mad rush before any "gassings" evidence was ever made available, yet real evidence did eventually prove that both gassing events never happened
  • Trump expelled Russian diplomats - based upon the totally bogus UK Skripal case and again in a rush with no tangible evidence whatsoever having been presented
  • Trump is back pedaling on the TPP - and now claims he is looking at enacting the Trans Pacific Partnership as part of a potential upcoming trade war with China
  • Trump states he is ready to ignore due process in taking guns - as a knee-jerk reaction to the blatant Parkland shooting false flag. He initially claims it would be for the mentally ill, but remember that pretty much anything can be classified as mental illness today (at least 1 in 6 Americans are on psychiatric drugs)
  • Trump blocked attempts at non-Obamacare insurance coverage - even though Idaho made the bold step to try to make it available
  • Trump has surrounded himself with hard core Zionists and Neocons - He's taken mass amounts of money from the likes of arch-Zionist Sheldon Adelson. He's a long time family buddy of arch-Zionist Bibi Netanyahu who could be indicted in Israel at any minute on corruption charges. He's appointed arch-Neo-Con John Bolton as the National Security Advisor. And his Zionist son-in-law and daughter ("Javanka"), in a blatant display of nepotism, have been given official seats in his cabinet
  • Trump has announced Jerusalem as the capital of Israel - helping fulfill a Zionist-Rothschild-Luciferian wet dream - so much so that Sheldon Adelson will help pay for the new US embassy there
  • Trump, his cabinet, and the Q psy-op are now all making clear threats on Iran - a pure Zionist play that has nothing to do with MAGA
    - The Trump / Q-Anon psyop - Good guy / bad guy theater on the way to a one world government: Part 1 - Trump the Zionist stooge

Hvad er den virkeligt farlige elitære NWO gameplan?
 Clinton-Bush-Obama-Trump er blot kransekagefigurer for den overordnede agenda, som er realisering af en verdensregering. Transhumanisme er ét no-brainer bud, opbygningen af det 3. tempel i Jerusalem er også en lidet kendt, men uhyre vigtig komponent for eliten,  depopulation er en tredje, angrebet mod Iran (Brookings Institute, General Wesley Clarke, m.fl.) realiseringen af en global valuta (SDR), fjernelsen af retten til at bære våben (2nd amendment), det kontantløse samfund, Oded Yinon-planen, destruktionen af national suverænitet, fortsat weaponized immigration, og ultimativt set; realiseringen af en teknokratisk og transhumanistisk New World (dis)Order a la Hunger Games/Elysium/Minority Report/Gattaca/Brave New World, m.m. Ordo Ab Chao.

En del af det zionistiske blueprint, som er sikkert som amen i kirken, er bl.a. at genopbygge det tredje temple i Jerusalem (yderst vigtig mission for frimurere og jesuitter også), og det betyder, at et løstgående missil eller en forstyrret 'lone wolf', som detonerer en eksplosion, som 'tilfældigt' rammer moskeen vil være yderst kærkomment ( false flag). Hvis man kender Zio-elitens blueprint (Oded Yinon, betydningen af genopbygningen af templet, etc.), så kender man stort set deres fremtidige handlinger i Israel, så forvent destruktionen af al-aqsa moskeen og genopbygningen af templet indenfor nogle år).

Zionisternes rolle i 9/11 - OMC København 2016:
Christopher Bollyn: The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

Se i øvrigt Alex Jones 'forudsige' moskeens ødelæggelse - Adam Green er nogle steder lidt for Rorshach-agtig, men pointen er det overordnede):

Alex Jones &  Game of Thrones Predict Zionist False Flag (YouTube)

Ang. detydningen af denne mand, Mendel Schnerson (Chabad-Lubavichernes Messias), kan ikke overdrives - han er på fra 4:42 i diskussion med en ung Netanyahu i Game of Thrones-videoen foroven. Schnerson er en GUD for Netanyahu og Chabadniks, snarere Guden! Schnerson kom desuden ud af Polen i WW2 via Admiral Canaris med über VIP treatment - bizart in extremis.

(Chabad-Lubavich huset i KBH er i øvrigt ét ud af kun i alt 3 militærbevogtede steder i hele Danmark: Danske Soldater sættes ind mod Civile for at beskytte- YouTube) Se PS om chabad-lubavictherne)

Følgende meget heftige video kan give nogle clues om et vigtigt blueprint  pt, og har vakt opsigt blandt nogle folk i de alternative medier og forvirret nogle, som ikke kan forstå anomalierne, da de geopolitiske linier ikke flugter med hverken mainstream ELLER mange af de kognitivt infiltrerede og alternative medier:

Absolutely MUST-fucking-SEE (titlen er vildledende):

Sverige, Estonien (Estland), Saudiarabien, m.fl. er en integral del af denne ultra-centralisering af magt og kontrol i pionerfasen!  NEOM, en superby, der skal være nøjagtigt 33 gange så stor som New York city, er åbenbart del af prototype blueprintet for fremtiden, og med israelsk teknologi som backbone - de nye smart cities og Minority Report/Hunger Games/Elysium/1984- systemer de har planlagt, er i fuld gang. Israel, Rusland, Saudierne, KIna, og Vesten SAMARBEJDER tilsyneladende [i dette tilfælde] om disse nye Hunger Games/Elysium smart CONTROL cities og zoner, som vil koste mange billioner af dollars og kickstartet nu:

Se den nye post om NEOM her:
Israel som Supermagt, Babylon City & Transhumanisme (Neom lyder i øvrigt betænkeligt som Edom, måske ikke underlig, idet lokationen er syd for Edom)

Hvad sker der, når lysene går ud i fremtiden? Specielt i USA?  Med værst tænkelige scenarier som FEMA og Continuity of Government, Martial Law, internetnedbrud, økonomiske nedbrudsscenarier, militære domstole, hvor 30.000 dissidenter pludselig 'forsvinder', osv.. -  vil mange af Pro-Trumpisterne, specielt Alex Jones-tilhængere og Q-anon-onanister (vi taler om mange millioner) blive fastlåst i deres mentale sindstilstand af falske narrativer, når internetrestriktionerne tager fuld fart? Formet af Deep State-fabrikerede falske opvågninger og limited hangouts (såsom Alex Jones/Q-Anon) - vil de i den virkelige verden kunne blive  "fodsoldater", hvis sind stadig er fanget i falske narrativer, og de vil blive brugt mod de virkelige patrioter og sandhedsbevægelserne, de dybe staters fjender (under internetrestriktioner, martial law, Continuity of Government.  f.eks., etc.)

Jeg foreslår, at de aktivister som tror, at Trump 'kæmper mod The Deep State' ARBEJDER HÅRDT for at deprogrammere sig selv fra pro-Trump / Alex Jones/Q-Anon's falske opvågning / kontrolleret opposition / limited hangout historiefortælling.

Jeg skrev mange kritiske poster om Trump allerede i oktober 2016 – udvalg:

'Lad-os-vente-og-se-hvad-der-sker-med-Trump-efter-den 20. januar' er det evige stockholm syndromistiske 'argument', præcis som med Obama.

Hope, hope, hype, hyp hyp, hurrra, hype, Hope you can believe in. Not!

Obama's første handlinger blev heppet på af de Neokonservative (Afghanistan, ingen lukning af Gitmo, NDAA, Posse Comitatus, etc. - listen er endeløs skizofren i løftebrud og groteskhed)

Hope - Nope!

Man kan se det på de folk Trump omgiver sig med, men dette tolkes selvfølgelig som 'klip en hæl og hug en tå', etc. - det sædvanlige.

Desillusionering vil følge, og mange af de som troede sig på spydspidsen blandt sandhedsbevægelserne, vil indse, at de sociale ingeniører har lavet en Bush/Obama goof og stockholm syndromistisk mindfuck en masse perception management på dem.

Frygter, at der nu igen er en henslæbende, drævende og forsinket erkendelsesproces, som skal trækkes i langdrag i flere år, præcis som Obama-stockholmsyndromet ("han har jo ingen magt"," alle er imod ham", etc,).


[1] In the same way as anomalies about 9/11 or Obama-as-Deep State-puppet were unoticable just after 9711, only because a minority were tracking these anomalies, the Trump-as-puppet narrative is still a minority view IMO, and the majority view; that he is a 'rebel', is one that has been carefully construed by usurpation and cognitive infiltration; Trump-as-a-rebel is part of the establishment PR weaponization against truth seekers (Alex Jones, Q-anon, etc.) and the population. This happened because awareness of the elites and conspiracies arrived at a critical mass, became a somewhat 'conspiracy populist' movement. Thus we now have a diluted and manipulated 'Walmart Conspiracy' version for the masses in which Trump functions as 'spokesman' in order to hijack, manipulate the masses (and how he 'won' the election). I view some of these rabbit holes as the 'syllabus' that's lesser known on the radar of both mainstream or most of the (now partially usurped) understream, i.e. alternative media/conspiracy websites. Thus, many conspiracy researchers are now in great danger of becoming 'conspiracy illiterate' in terms of these lesser known connections and rabbit holes.

 "Not surprisingly, Trump’s victory has been celebrated by those who believe there is a conspiracy by the power-elite to build a “New World Order” or “One World Government.” John McManus, for example, the president emeritus of the John Birch Society hailed Trump for having beaten “the odds”. McManus credited Trump with defeating “the Establishment” and the “planners who intend to create a one-world government run by themselves” (The New American, Nov. 15, 2016). During his marathon election podcast, Infowars’ Alex Jones reportedly declared Trump’s victory was “better ecstasy than bagging the prom queen”, that his “life’s purpose had been completed” and that finally, he had “won.” The American Free Press hailed Trump’s triumph as a “major step in the right direction for nationalists and populists who care about the future of America…” The Illuminati Watchdog claimed Trump’s election was a “repudiation of the Illuminati’s One World agenda.”  But this enthusiasm for Trump was neither unanimous nor unqualified. McManus, for example, caveated his praise for Trump thusly: “Assuming, of course, that he is truly anti-Establishment”. As did the American Free Press: “Assuming Trump sticks to his campaign promises…”

Others, who had been sceptical about Trump from the beginning, remained unconvinced. David Icke, for instance, declared in a podcast from Estonia: “I think that Trump will be a disaster. And I think that those who have put their faith in Trump are going to be deeply disappointed with what happens during his time in the White House.” Moreover, Icke added, “I don’t think for a second that Donald Trump is an outsider…” The anti-Semitic blogger Aangirfan, who had earlier dismissed Trump as “not what he seems”, accusing him of “conning people” and “pretend[ing] to be anti-establishment”, claimed that Trump was backed by “an alliance of certain Zionist Gays, Zionist Likudniks, Zionist Nazis and Zionist members of the Deep State…” This “Kosher Nostra”, he alleged, had “rigged the voting machines” to ensure a Trump victory; Trump’s only aim was to “make the rich richer”  Driving this wariness amongst those presumed to be his most reliable supporters, is the not unfounded suspicion that Trump, a billionaire property developer (with a net worth of US$3.7 billion according to Forbes most recent estimate) who once funded his opponent’s Senate campaign and donated $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, is no “outsider” but in actual fact, a secret insider. Though neither a member nor a participant of the Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), or any other US-based, transatlantic or global policy-planning forums or think-tanks, Trump’s key backers include a lot of people who are. And contrary to the anti-insider rhetoric of his campaign, both his transition team and proposed cabinet picks are dominated by people who are not only mostly millionaires and billionaires, but also are technically “insiders”. (from part 1)

The series above is, so far, the most versatile and nuanced report of Trump connections with a veritable treasure trove of references ass, but has less emphasis on Zionist/Mossad-connections, and sort of theorizes that Trump has been usurped by the swamp, whereas other researchers claim that the usurpation theory provides false alibi for Trump, since they claim that he was inserted as a Deep State plant from the very start.

En vigtig pointe, for alt dette har ikke at gøre med noget 'anti-semitisk' heller:

"I don’t see myself as taking on “Jewry” per se. Orthodox Judaism, yes. Israeli Zionism, yes. But since both of those institutions are at their core fundamentally anti-Judaic, I view my work as an expression of love for Judaic people and as a conduit for their liberation. A prime source of Jew hate is Talmudism itself, which oppressively tyrannizes and micromanages the lives of Judaics born through no fault of their own, into its psychic prison, while Israeli Zionism imprisons Judaics in a permanent war footing with the indigenous people of the Middle East. To free Judaic persons from these two prisons is an act of compassion and charity.... It is the Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis and Zionists who are putting Judaic people on the road to ruin.'
- 'Orthodox Judaism Is a Religion of Lying and Deceit' - The Saker Interviews Michael Hoffman

Fra de anti-zionistiske ortodokse jøder:

'It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all the lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did - They intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to the concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this. The Zionists continue to practice this strategy today. They incite anti-Semitism and then they present themselves as the "saviors"

Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians Before the advent of Zionism and Arab nationalism, Jews and Palestinians lived in peace in the holy land....It shows that us this kind existence, despite everything we were taught by the Israeli education system, is possible. https://972mag.com/before-zionism-the-shared-life-of-jews-and-palestinians/118408/

Abby Martin Interview Critical of Israel Blocked by YouTube in 28 Countries

Om ovenstående er der kun at sige: Unspeakable iniquity, sadistisk, dæmoni, massemord, en ung justitsministers direkte offentligt statserklæret folkemord som intention, betalt og støttet af USA, Danmark, etc.

ISRAEL VIL MED 100% SIKKERHED LEDE TIL ET (endnu større) PROBLEM FOR VERDEN. Som flere husker Israels (og angiveligt verdens) mest eminente militærhistoriker udtalte: Martin van Creveld: 'We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.'

More secret Israeli Deep State history:

Israel and the U.S. CREATED Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda

Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized

Mossad created Hamas
, , Mossad created Hezbollah 


Lidt mere i løs form om Q-anon, Wikileaks, etc:

'It should be clear that Assange and Wikileaks are precisely the practical realization of Sunstein’s program for “cognitive infiltration” shock troops to counteract and overwhelm any real mass understanding of oligarchical domination in the modern world,
Wikileaks Is The “Cognitive Infiltration” Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein, Webster Tarpley

"The Wikileaks is a big and dangerous US intelligence Con Job ...The New York Times even assigned one of its top people, David E. Sanger, to control the release of the Wikileaks material. Sanger is no establishment outsider. He sits as a member of the elite Council on Foreign Relations ...Indeed a strange choice of media for a person who claims to be anti-establishment. But then Assange also says he believes the US Government version of 9/11 and calls the Bilderberg Group a normal meeting of people, a very establishment view."
- Wikileaks: a big dangerous US Government CON JOB, William Engdahl

Who is Behind Wikileaks?
"The New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel are directly involved in the editing and selection of leaked documents. The London Economist (Rotshschild) has also played an important role. While the project and its editor Julian Assange reveal a commitment and concern for truth in media, the recent Wikileaks releases of embassy cables have been carefully “redacted” by the mainstream media in liaison with the US government....how can this battle against media disinformation be waged with the participation and collaboration of the corporate architects of media disinformation?
Wikileaks has enlisted the architects of media disinformation to fight media disinformation: An incongruous and self-defeating procedure."
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The Puppetworld Post has uncovered many links between Wikileaks and the international Rothschild network:
–a sister-in-law and second cousin of the Rothschilds posted bail for Julian Assange (Puppetworld Post exclusive)
–The Economist (a Rothschild magazine) gave Assange its New Media Award in 2008
–Wikileaks used the law firm Fox Rothschild to overturn a judge’s ruling to order a web host to shut down the Wikileaks site
– The Guardian and The New York Times, two of Assange’s media partners, are linked to the Rothschilds (PwP exclusive)
–the owner of the mansion where Assange was eventually put under house arrest has links to Rothschilds
–Assange’s lawyer is also Rothschilds’ lawyer
–US Senator Joe Lieberman who was ultimately responsible for making Assange the largest media personality of the decade, is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations (a Rothschild organization)

* The Q-phenomenon possibly has millions of die-hard followers - and growing....

Oprah Winfrey fx. as a search term on Google has less web hits than Q-anon  + 26 million (talking about hyper-viral promotion, huh?)

The geek here is good, even though they are young: Greg McCarron & Know More News LIVE (Corsi, Q, Trump,)

Internet Party president Suzie Dawson, claimed that QAnon's posting campaign is an "intelligence agency-backed psyop" aiming to "round up people that are otherwise dangerous to the Deep State (because they are genuinely opposed to it) [and] usurp time & attention, & trick them into serving its aims" 

Just like Flat Earth, a huge PSYOP ( which I have written very extensively about in the only danish Flat-Earth-as-PSYOP article in existence), some of the patterns seem to be the same, but whereas Flat Earth is primarily guilt-by-association to make the truth movements look kooky, Q is a much more dangerous operation: It's the psychological usurpation and weaponization of the truth movements, the shaping of a fabricated false awakening with limited hangout that will be used against the enemies of the deep state. Just like Trump being the 'hero' against the Deep State is a faux narrative. Control the minds and you control everything.

* Q-anon plays on the most fervent and holy aspirations of awakened individuals and a huge chunk of the truth movements - fueling the hopes of tearing down the system that has created the most veiled and dark tyranny the world has ever seeen, the end of untold suffering inflicted on humanity. With this in mind, in so far that it's not only a grand LARP (Live-Action-Role-Play) but a real LARP + diabolical PSYOP, it's likewise - reversely and proportionally - a most unholy and cruel mind control and grand perception management scheme on the minds of millions  (and using MK-Ultra'sque (Q is using classic MK-Ultra like symbols also) and Sunstein'sque cognitive infiltration of the truth movements and something like Cambridge Analytica or Palantir in its gamifaction and social science PSYOP).

* Cybersleuth:  I been doing this for 10 years and not one anon was for real. They are controlled opposition or infiltrators. That's the truth. If you can handle it. Nothing will be done to these people unless we do it ourselves like the founders of this country set it up for us to do. We have failed by not enforcing our bill of rights. That is why they want our guns. They can't get their nwo until they get us unarmed because they cannot win against us (Icke and other veterans are saying the same thing). We outnumber them 300 to 1.

*Q is  'validating' his/their set-up via own authenticity through prediction, 'crumbs' they post, some of which might have come to pass  (NB! there are thousands of 'crumbs' -  some of them do not come to pass, some of it reads like a Rorshach test, etc.), thereby giving proof that its not just a hoax or only a LARP game, although - and this is important - its only giving proof that Q is an entity within Trump's inner circle, not that Q is a patriot for the people, but the latter is taken as evidence. And the evidence is then used to hijack people's belief in Q's version of  reality, i.e. 'how the Deep State power struggle looks like', 'who the players are', 'what to fight for', etc.

*  It's probably the most flashy addictive CIA/Mossad production 'show' so far in existence with predictive cryptic code language -  incredibly exhilarating, and any of John Le Carre/Tom Clancy films and novels pale in comparison. Its the most extreme and refined reality experiment ( PSYOP IMO) in existence so far, hooking and infusing the synaptic dopaminergic circuits, using truth and the aspirations of truth seekers (and omitting an abyss of facts) through simulacra, i.e. not the real thing.

* It has hijacked many activists and die-hard truthers, fx. Sean from SGT report who recently has uploaded a video done by another for the very first time in the history of his channel: Q: The Plan To Save The World -YouTube

Even exopolitics old-timers like Salla is hooked on Q big time with incredible interpretations against Iran: 

* Its arguably the most divisive wedge among the truth movements so far (much more than Flat Earth), creating incrowd splitting, severe conflict and defriending, polarization, etc. It's creating a climate of ultra-paranoia, and accusing truthers for being controlled oppositions and controlled oppositions for being truthers. A fractal chaos of confusion and discord, a kabuki game of fractured mirrors.

* Many Q-followers, by now, are so ultra-hooked hardcore that they simply are impervious to any contradictions and worldviews outside Q, and highly reactive and die-hard hardcore dismissive of any other information and 'syllabus' presented to them outside the sphere of the Q-oracles

* Less known but more censored researchers, and less flashy but disheartening interpretations are ditched, and many prefer Q's white hat salvation for a reality that might be a lot more grim and demanding and less flashy (
'A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.'- Saul Bellow.)

Its a messianic cult religion to millions by now,
the common denominator being that Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Now there are wild bezerker uruk-hai digital Q-legions of gamification truther addicts in their teens, newer generation of conspiracy theorists in their 20's and 30's, whose minds are being  hi-jacked through limited hangout and PSYOPS on a scale never seen before, creating tremendous confirmation bias and selective omission of Trump's iniquity.

BUT Q-anon is being exposed as a PSYOP big time simultaneously with many truthers and other anti-zionist competent awakened individuals calling it out as PSYOPS.  That's one of the reasons why Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones are pulled their support for Q recently IMO cause the exposure of critical comments against Q and Corsi are too much of a blowback
  * Jerome Corsi, christian Zionist, former WND,  is the prominent 'interpreter' of Q, now saying that Q's account got 'hijacked':

Corsi now promotes the idea that the original QAnon account was run by high-ranking military intelligence officials, who not only are ideologically aligned with Jones’ InfoWars but were also loyal to former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn. But now those days are gone, the account has now been “completely compromised” and taken over by the CIA and the NSA officials, who are using it to carry out a “psy op” by spreading disinformation that will cause division among “InfoWars listeners to “destroy the movement.”

“Stick a fork in the avatar of QAnon,” Jones said. “It is now an overrun disinformation front.”

" Abusive anti-Semitic strain growing daily among the New Q followers – is a clear flashing red sign for concern. PSYOP DS wants to turn Q movement AGAINST Israel."

— Jerome Corsi (@jerome_corsi) May 11, 2018

Of course the Q-disciples will claim it's the reverse, that Corsi usurped the Q-narrative in order to discredit it subsequently.

MAGA (Making America Great Again) MIGA (Making Israel Great Again) or MDSGA (Making Deep State Great Again) is also what makes the Q-operation mephistophelian and cruel......By Deception Thou Shall Wage War (Mossad's official motto)

* With Corsi's embarrassed departure, boosterism and re-inflation of Q has been partly initiated by the old internet scammer David Wilcox and other recent New Age con artists like Jonathan Sather and Corey Good. The right leaning, Israeli friendly Q is being married to New Age scams.

Extracts from analysis:

What is most interesting about Q-Anon narrative is its links and similarity (think "Q crumbs") to the annual Cicada 3301 mystery puzzles that have been circulating on the Internet. Cicada 3301 is believed by some to be run by an intelligence group that creates extremely complex puzzles to be decoded by incredibly well versed cyber sleuths. What's most interesting though is that in the short video below, Cicada 3301 is seen to essentially call out Q-Anon as a LARP (a Live Action Role Play game) and more specifically calls it a "neurotic display of grotesque fanaticism."

[ NB! Defango admitted in january 2018  the he was recruited by the founders of ciccada 3301to make up some of the questions asked by Q Defango claims first to have heard of the Q Anon project at the hacker convention, Defcon, which ran from July 30th-August 2nd. He claims it was presented to him there as "the next big thing" and it was from that point his involvement began. As Stolpman indicates at various points, Defango is not necessarily a reliable source. However, the link between Cicada and Q Anon seems plausible. Defango presents Cicada, (viewed by some as a CIA recruitment tool) as a vehicle for the best minds to solve problems. He presents the Q Anon project as a problem-solving extension of this, using the Socratic method and the puzzle-format as a "way to get people excited" with the ultimate aim of getting out important information. Whatever about the accuracy of Defango's account, it would seem that the Q psyop is either over or is being moved into a new phase.]

Q-Anon is gaming the populace
Regardless of whether you believe Cicada 3301 or not, what can't be denied with all the dropped Q crumbs to date is the gamification effort in play with Q. In gamification (just like with Cicada 3301), the intent is to engage and addict people to games that test the intelligence and problem solving abilities of those that engage with them. Gamification is one of the biggest trends in psychological manipulation of populations and employees today due to its addictive nature.

 As an example, China is currently engaging in one of the biggest gamification projects in the world called the Social Credit System in which every Chinese citizen gets a single score representing their trustworthiness. I suggest you watch the above videos on gamification to get a much better idea of what its about and what it suggests about intended psychological manipulation when it is used.
The fact that Q is employing gamification is a significant red flag pointing to Q as a sophisticated psy-op that is intended to screw with people's heads and addict them to passively following Q. The real underlying Q motive is to keep people playing along and all the while to get them to stick with and "trust the plan" of Q and Trump while passively ignoring the actual duplicitous actions of the Donald and his Zionist war hawks getting ready to attack Iran. Even Q has stated in his "Q-tips" that the next target is Iran, but of course this is totally OK because its just part of the super duper Agent Orange plan that you just need to trust..

'It's noteworthy that the only 'mainstream' publication to treat the QAnon phenomenon seriously and sympathetically is Tablet Mag, a Jewish pro-Israel publication. On June 19 Tablet published an article by Hollywood screenwriter Tedd Mann, whose bio lists him as having worked on NYPD Blue, Deadwood, Hatfield McCoy and more recently, Homeland. The last screenwriting credit stands out, because the producers of Homeland and actors led by star Claire Daines (who played the infamously paranoid psychiatric patient agent Carrie Matheson) haven't been shy about their public dialogue with the CIA, sometimes conducted via social media. We know that Trump has closeted as well as overt supporters in Hollywood like Twin Peaks director David Lynch, so is it too far outside the bounds of possibility that motion picture industry players are working with ex-spooks on QAnon as a guerilla/viral marketing production?:

Tedd  Mann in Tablet Mag:
'Do you know about predictive modelling in computers?... Large technology companies and government intelligence agencies do predictive modeling using the machine learning language R with ‘caret’ (CLassification and REgression Training.) In the same way autistic people easily spot connections that normal people miss, machine learning sees causality that even autistic people are not able to process. Q and his colleagues appear to have used these techniques to model contingencies and to guide the development of their plan, while providing their followers with tactical guidance and updated predictions with data continually updated from reality.
To build such a machine, Q needed services unavailable on the market at any price. He needed a few hundred intelligent, autistically-inclined people of disparate talents to network together. Try hiring those, and if you have 20 million you’re prepared to spend, how are you going to manage them? [AND millions of followers, many autistic geniuses]
I believe that Q had this figured out, too. You can’t bully an autist, and they are not primarily motivated by money. The same way an autist can’t stand something like magazines left in disorder on a coffee table, they can’t stand living with obvious contradictions and lies. So, they are highly motivated truth-seekers. I think most of us are, to the degree that we have time; but where do you find it? The truth is a needle and out there are a thousand haystacks. Q knew that if he could convince the autists he was who he claimed, they would work night and day for him. When the president made his trip to Singapore, Q had a special present for the autists. It was a photograph taken from the window of a plane, below clouds, with a bit of a mountain poking through. So what? Autistic photo analysts geo-located the photograph in an hour. It was taken on ascent out of Pyongyang airport, and suggested Air Force One had made and unscheduled stop. The president met the little rocket man and closed the deal, last November..... Q says they have done the same deal with Iran. That there is going to be peace there too. Peace throughout the Mideast. So let’s wait and see.'
- "The Story of Q" june 2018

Someone wrote:
The Q phenomenon is designed to take advantage of gullible people who are susceptible to Zionist propaganda. Q-Anon is in fact Zionist dis-info, but because Q Anons (followers of Q) are often new to the “Truth movement” game and have put emotional stock in a Mystery man (possibly men or a computer program), it’s a hard pill for them swallow that they have been duped.

Q-Anons have projected their wants and desires into Q, which is a technique discussed in Adam Curtis’ HyperNormalization. Q-Anon is a psychotherapist computer and gamification operation PSYOP that will suck people  into a false hope that Donald Trump, who is seen as the most powerful man in the world, has a master plan to conqueror the Illuminati.

As I sarcastically wrote many months ago:

Now Q-Anon is suddenly and very very very 'mysteriously' hi-jacked by hackers called 'code-monkey' and 'the bakers'
Man kan kalde det: 'Q-Anon, The Movie - brought to you by the creators of 'Flat Earth', crashes....men det generer ikke Qanon sagaen synderligt, idet den vokser.

Q-disciples are now desperate for more 'crumbs' in order to keep trusting the plan of patience. Infinite old variations of the themes by Benjamin FullFuck and David SuckCock, alt-right Vox Day and similar paralysis and cruel mindfuck schemes....

Tomorrow, tomorrow....be patient, trust....just like Vox Day followers's mantra 'be patient', the storm, etc. [Vox Day worked for WND like Corsi before becoming 'Dark Lord' and die-hard Trump supporter, millions call Trump the 'God-Emperor' in his alt-right circles]

Trust the plan, trust 4Chan, trust Trump, trust Trump...change, hope. the dream, wait, be patient, wait, wait again, be patient....THE STORM...the ....wait...mass arrests, it's coming... change, hope, the dream we can believe in...wait....be patient....wait....wait....in vain


Are the Media Ignoring Ron Paul?

And Trump's election campaign 2016 in comparison:

Donald Trump earned $400 in free media in the last month of his campaign, which is about what John McCain spent on the entire 2008 presidential campaign from start to finish. Credit:NYTimes

The media was indeed an integral part of Trump’s winning the election – the colossal, unprecedented amount of coverage (equivalent to $2 billion in free advertising) he received, regardless of whether it was positive or negative, in addition to the torrent of email leaks and scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton (many of which were seeded by Wikileaks) that were transmitted on full blast by both the alternative and ostensibly pro-Clinton mainstream media, propelled him into a position to win both the nomination and election. The ratio of negative coverage to positive Trump received was barely higher than that of any other Republican candidate’s and, contrary to what the shill altmedia says, probably lower than that of Hillary Clinton. [2] [3] Many simply dismiss a conscious media role in boosting Trump through explaining the coverage as a response to higher polling numbers. Firstly, this fails to take into account that the mainstream media began heaping legendary amounts of coverage upon Trump before he ever registered in the polls or even announced his candidacy. Secondly, statistical studies have shown that, while increased media coverage has a strong statistically significant positive effect on public support for a given candidate, increased poll numbers only exert a small (but still statistically significant) effect on media coverage, meaning media coverage is the primary driver of public support. [4]https://akamaitree.wordpress.com/2017/07/25/hidden-agendas-part-two-wikileaks-and-the-trump-propaganda-infrastructure/

The american people did not have a real choice in this idiotic (and engineeered) duopoly...


PS: Om Trump- Chabad-Lubavitch forbindelsen, historie, m,m:

"The late Rebbe’s [Schnerson] eminence as a moral leader for our country was recognized by every president since Richard Nixon. For over two decades, the Rabbi's movement now has some 2000 institutions; educational, social, medical, all across the globe. We (the United States Government) recognize the profound role that Rabbi Schneerson had in the expansion of those institutions."

Schneerson took great interest in the affairs of the state of Israel, where he was a major political force, both in the Knesset and among the electorate. Although he never visited Israel, many of Israel's top leadership made it a point to visit him. Prime Minister Menachem Begin who came to visit him before going to Washington to meet President Carter. Ariel Sharon who had a close relationship with Schneerson. Yitzhak Rabin. Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu also visited and sought Schneersons advice

Shimon Peres has stated that it’s to Schneerson’s credit that “Judaism in the Soviet Union has been preserved......
...Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn, who was also a mob consigliere, introduced Trump to clients including “Fat Tony” Salerno, boss of the Genovese crime family, the most powerful Mafia group in New York, and Paul Castellano, head of what was said to be the second largest family, the Gambinos...In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International, which evolved from a CIA money-laundering front company set up by CIA chief Allen Dulles in the 1950’s. Resorts International has a sordid history which began in the early 1950’s when it evolved from a CIA and Mossad front company which had been established for the purpose of money laundering the profits from drug trafficking, gambling, and other illegal activities. The appropriation by the mafia of casinos like those operated by Resorts International was the result of a decision by the Meyer Lansky Syndicate to expand operations outside Las Vegas.[32] On October 30, 1978, The Spotlight newspaper reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and one Baron Edmond de Rothschild.[33]

* There are approximately 3,600 Chabad institutions in over 1,000 cities in 70 countries, and 200,000 adherents. Up to a million people attend Chabad services at least once a year.

* , President Barak Obama will soon proclaim April 11, 2014 “Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.” Despite the innocuous name, this day honors the memory of a religious leader whose lesser-known teachings help fuel some of the most violent attacks against Palestinians by extremist Israeli settlers and soldiers. The leader being honored on this day is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, charismatic head of a mystical/fundamentalist version of Judaism.

* Every year since 1978, a Presidential Proclamation, often accompanied by a Congressional Resolution (the 1990 one had 219 sponsors), has declared Schneerson’s birthday an official national day of observance.   * Congress first passed a Resolution honoring Schneerson in 1975. Three years later a Joint Congressional Resolution called on President Jimmy Carter to proclaim “Education Day, U.S.A.” [Dumbing Down day] on the anniversary of Schneerson’s birth.

* Lubavitchers’ Brooklyn-based publishing house claimed to be the world’s largest distributor of Jewish books.

* Let us look at Schneerson’s words, as quoted by two respected Jewish professors, Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky....."The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”

* Shahak describes one set of facing pages in which the Hebrew text of a major Jewish code of laws contained a command to exterminate Jewish infidels: “It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands.”

* Israeli military manuals echo extremist teachings: “kill even good civilians”

* While Schneerson is honored on national “Education” days, the reality is that the elementary schools he created often failed to teach children  “basic reading, writing, spelling, math, science and history,” according to a graduate.

* Jared Kushner was the head of the Chabad-Lubavitch at Harvard - Breitbart

* Chabad's power derives from two services
1. They work with Israeli intelligence in criminal and intelligence operations.
2. They promote a supremacist ideology that encourages Zionists to do  dirty deeds

  • Lubavitchers mix with the upper echelons of each host country
  • "It's not enough that Chabad's man in D.C. knows the name and phone number of just about every congressman, senator and foreign ambassador in the nation's capital -- he also knows their legislative assistants, their secretaries and the people who clean their offices."
  • Chabad is a criminal organization with ties to Mossad. Chabad houses provides safe houses and storefronts for Israeli intelligence and criminal activity. This includes everything from terrorism to money laundering, drug running to prostitution.
  •  Jared Kushner Belongs to Racist Criminal Jewish Cult

* Maria Zakharova, Ruslands officielle talskvinde sagde dette på Russisk TV:
“If you want to know what will happen in America, who do you have to talk to? You have to talk to the Jews, naturally. But of course,” .....She then told the audience that if you want to know anything , you need to talk to the residents of Brighton Beach, a New York neighborhood with a large Russian Jewish community. [ie. Brighton Beach is stronghold of Russian mafia and Chabad Lubavitch - pedophelia, crime, drugs, trafficking]Russian Government Spokeswoman Suggests Trump Won Thanks To 'The Jews'
* Mainstream article: 'The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group [Chabad-Lubavitch] That Connects Trump and Putin-  Where Trump's real estate world meets a top religious ally of the Kremlin'. Politico, April 09, 2017

* Rabbi Marvin Antelman is a rabbi and a chemist, author of the ‘Encylopedia of Electro-Chemical Potentials’ and of the ‘Encyclopedia of Thermo-Plastic Materials’. He is a holder of numerous patents related to these topics. However, he may be most well-known for his two-volume book, ‘To Eliminate the Opiate,’ (Ole er ekspert i dette felt) an exposé of the Secret Societies who control the world and who have scapegoated the Jewish people in the process.

According to Rabbi Antelman, the Sabbateans hated Jews and sought their extinction. He cites rabbis who warned as far back as 1750 that if the Jews didn't stop the Sabbateans, they would be destroyed by them.

Antelman explains how the Sabbatean-Frankist apostate cult sprang from a Jewish community within the Ottoman Empire during the 1600s and it quickly spread to Eastern Europe. The fundamental principle of the Sabbatean-Frankists was/is(?) the belief that the Messiah would return either when all people had become good or when all people had become bad. It was the reasoning of the Sabbateans that it would be easier to hasten the arrival of the Messiah by pursuing the dark path, so they set about inverting the the practices of their own faith, with the ostensible purpose of precipitating the return of the Messiah.  Their leader, Shabbatai Zevi (aka Tzvi), born in Izmir, Turkey (the city formerly known as Smyrna) was believed to be the Messiah by his followers and he became so influential that the Ottoman sultan forced Zevi to convert to Islam.  According to Canadian-Jewish author, Henry Makow, “After his ‘conversion,’ over a million followers, who later included financiers like the Rothschilds, imitated his example. But they didn’t just pretend to be Muslims or Christians. They pretended to be Jews as well. They were the forebears of the Illuminati and Communism.” 

In 1756, the Frankists (successors of the Sabbateans) were excommunicated by establishment rabbis for their heretical and frankly Satanic practices but they re-emerged under numerous stealthy guises, as the leaders of both the Reform AND Conservative (Hasidic) Jewish movements, as explained here by Antelman.  Previously, Judaism had consisted in followers of the Torah but now, these wedges had been inserted into the Jewish faith. The largest Hasidic sect today is called Satmar and it is based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It is known for its ultra-Orthodoxy and its opposition to Zionism. Many Reform Jews share the latter view. (Rabbi Marvin Antelman does not and is a hardcore Zionist). 

An interesting aside here, is that Donald Trump’s son-in-law and his family, despite dressing like typical rich people, they are members of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, which, similarly to the Sabbateans, claim to have been led by “the Messiah” (Moshiach), one Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who although deceased since 1994, is still revered by many as the leader of the Chabad movement.  There is a vociferous group in Israel who do not consider Chabad’s ideology to be Jewish. They consider Chabad to be a white collar criminal organization, who engage in financial fraud, tax evasion, money-laundering, as well as being linked to several child abuse cases.  Chabad is based in Crown Heights, Brooklyn and they are distinguished for their “outreach” of non-affiliated Jews. ...Forty-one years after Shabbatai Zevi’s death, in 1717, they would infiltrate Masonry guilds in England and establish Freemasonry… [Zevi’s successor] Jacob Frank would have a great impact on the inner core of Freemasonry known as the Illuminati, formed in 1776. Freemasonry would become the hidden force behind events like the [American, French and Russian] revolutions, the creations of the UN and Israel, both World Wars (including the Holocaust!), and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers who, together with their father, tried to thwart the efforts of the network on American soil.’”The Sabbatean/Frankists were also referred to as the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye"

'Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, as well as Rothschild Brothers' financial empire. This is worth repeating: Frankfurt was the birthplace of both the Illuminati and the Rothschild empire. When Jacob Frank entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun. Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money. What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminatti and that the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic worlds. Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy because he was given a nice handout by the Rothschilds of Frankfurt. There is no other explanation.
And from this starting point, Rabbi Antelman gave us a blueprint for the war against Judaism...A movement of complete evil now took hold. The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind. The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet. And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions. When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted and it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment....Rabbi Antelman proves that the American President Woodrow Wilson was thoroughly corrupted by the Frankists through their agent Colonel House. It was Wilson who put an end to America's open immigration policy. Until then, despite all their despair, most Eastern European Jews rejected Palestine as an escape route, the majority choosing America as their destination. From now on very few would enjoy that option. It would have to be Palestine or nowhere.We now jump to 1933. Less than 1% of the German Jews support Zionism [Makow says 3% - of course there were Bolsjeviks but many were not but secular unaffiliated]. Many try to escape from Naziism by boat to Latin and North American ports but the international diplomatic order was to turn them back. Any German Jew who rejected Palestine as his shelter would be shipped back to his death. By 1934, the majority of German Jews got the message and turned to the only Jewish organization allowed by the Nazis, the Labour Zionists. For confirmation of the conspiracy between them and Hitler's thugs read The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black [unrefuted book], Perfidy by Ben Hecht or The Scared And The Doomed by Jacob Neuberger. The deal cut worked like this. The German Jews would first be indoctrinated into Bolshevism in Labour Zionism camps and then, with British approval, transferred to Palestine. Most were there by the time the British issued the White Paper banning further Jewish immigration. The Labour Zionists got the Jews they wanted, and let the millions of religious Jews and other non-Frankists perish in Europe without any struggle for their survival.
- Barry Chamish


PPS - research noter

RT - Abby Martin, Breaking The Set: SERCO Owns the World

Corbett Report: "....background and investigation into the Octopus that connects Serco, the Senior Executive Service, Barry Soetoro, 9/11, MH370, MH17, the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot and much, much (much) more.

SERCO er nævnt  i  forbindelse med Breivik-operationen:

"Serco er dypt inne i NATOS infrastruktur. Tross alt har Serco ansvar for atomvåpen, og kan sannsynligvis når som helst gå inn og overstyre NATO eller NATO-landenes militære og politistyrker. En rekke av de som jobber for Serco er rekruttert fra det militære- eller etterretningstjenester."
22. juli, Serco og det okkulte - Nyhetsspeilet.no

SERCO er nærmest arketypen på en verdensomspændende Octupus på stereoider!!

Verdens mest magtfulde og samtidigt ukendte corporation?
Her er nogle data på SERCO, deres opgaver og kunder - privat og offentligt; 120.000 ansatte: statssikkerhed, digital sikkerhed, i UK, USA, Australien, EU, m.fl., serviceindustrien, militær i alle 3 brancher, cutting edge nuklear og atomvåben-sikkerhed og operationer, IT (bl.a. ansvarlig for EUs paralament), 'kontrollerer' tiden (GMT), Cyber Terrorisme, ejer US Patent bureauet, ansvarlig for management og styring af Obamacare, opererer talløse detentionscentre og fængsler, elektronisk tagging og sub-dermal chip production, .m.m.m.m.m.m..

Ledet af 2 børnebørn af Winston Churchill, connected til MH17, 9/11, kører Obamacare (Serco contract to process Obamacare applications renewed), m.m.m.

De er nævnt i forbindelse med USA & UK entrapment, Banking, Corporations, Governments, Entertainment, Religions, Intel, Child Sacrifices, Sandy Hook, MH17, Freemasons, Satanisme, connection med Rothschild, m.m. Det er svimlende -

” SERCO has a hand in flights made by almost every passenger from the Queen and Prince Charles to ordinary holidaymakers. It supports the Ministry of Defence at RAF Northolt, the base of the Queen’s Flight and which is regularly used by Prince Charles. ” http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/so-you-thought-it-was-tony-and-gordon-in-charge-580043

" ...have their fingers in everything from military technology, healthcare, airline industry, US military training, systems on US Navy ships, air traffic control, prison system, railways, mortuary services, and on and on. Another very strange oddity is that they run the US Patent office. And how about giving them the contract to install the command and control systems on USS Ronald Reagan.

In the UK, Serco manages the UK Atomic Weapons Establishment, maintains the UK's Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, operates the Royal Air Force simulation centre, and operates and maintains strategic defence assets: the Skynet 5 secure satellite communications network and UK Joint Services Command and Staff College. Serco Marine Services has been providing support to the Royal Navy since 2002.

SERCO also installed this secure VOIP network in the Sheraton Hotel Pentagon that was directly in eyesight of the Pentagon destruction on 911. It has been installed in all Starwood Chain Sheratons Worldwide.

Boeing outsourced to SERCO its Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence system which was used during 911 to potentially hijack any Boeing airplane or drone.

Awarded a contract by the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR) System Center Atlantic (SSC-LANT) division to provide support and maintenance on Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles. This contract bolsters the Company’s Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) services to the Department of Defense

Serco supports the armed forces of countries around the world including Australia, the United Kingdom, and United States.

Serco Inc., a provider of professional, technology, and management services - multiple award indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (ID/IQ) contract to provide global communication systems for the U.S. Army.

The main communication systems used by our Government and Military that is run by a British Company called SERCO.
In developing this enhanced voice and data communications network, Serco’s team engineered and implemented an ATM backbone and secure voice system for each of the AFSCN ground stations. The installed network was based on a Wide Area Network (WAN) architecture utilizing IP based network capabilities and proprietary secure communication technologies such as KG-75s, KG-84S and KIV-7s. In addition, Serco ensured Defense Red Switch Network connectivity and operations throughout the AFSCN”

Under multi-activity contracts, we work across land, sea, air and space environments, integrating people, processes, equipment and technology to improve asset availability and capability at the front line.

Through our marine arm, DMS Maritime, Serco Systems provides maritime services and vessel operations, maintenance and procurement to:

•the Royal Australian Navy, under the Fleet Marine Services, Armidale Class Patrol Boat and Typhoon Weapons Systems contracts;
•the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, under the Cape Class Patrol Boat and Australian Customs Vessels Bay Class Patrol Boat In-service Support contracts;
•the Australian Fisheries Management Authority under our vessel caretaking contract; and,
•Australia's Pacific Island neighbours under the Pacific Patrol Boat contract.

Under the Training Authority-Marine Warfare (TAMW) Professional Services Contract at HMAS Watson in Sydney, we deliver simulator-based maritime warfare training, software development and technical support. Our Middle East Logistics and Base Support (MELABS) provides integrated logistics and base support services to the ADF. Medical and Dental Logistic Support Services supplies and maintains medical and dental equipment for ADF troops in Australia and overseas. And Serco Sodexo Defence Services provides garrison support services.

Serco is also linked and may even fund to Common Purpose, a group which allegedly is responsibile for subverting and infiltrating many non-government organizations says Rinf News

"Skilled resources and a global presence to execute any CONUS or OCONUS task "

Serco is dedicated to providing military support in ways that matter most to our clients' missions. The vast majority of our employees are embedded in military bases, working side-by-side with servicemen and women to deliver military support—real mission-critical and mission-support solutions.

Our customers include:

Air Force

Air Combat Command
Air Force Director of Personnel
Air Force District of Washington
Air Force Electronics Systems Center
Air Force Education and Training Command
Air Force Information Warfare Center
Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning
Air Force Materiel Command
Air Force Research Lab
Air Force Space Command
Space and Missile System Center
Tinker Air Force Base


Army Communications Electronics Command
Army Defense Ammunition Center
Army Enterprise Information Systems
Army Human Resources Command
Army Materiel Command/Aberdeen Proving Ground
Army Medical Department
Army Research Labs
Army Research, Development & Engineering Center
Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Army Training & Doctrine Command
National Ground Intelligence Center
Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command
Army Medical Command
Army Installation Management Command
Army Recruiting Command

Department of Defense

Defense Acquisition University
Defense Ammunition Center
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Missile Defense Agency
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
National Security Agency
National Security Personnel System Program Executive Office
Office of Intelligence & Analysis
Office of the Secretary of Defense
United States Air Force
Washington Headquarters Service

Joint Central Command

J6, Joint Staff
Joint Advanced Distributed Learning Co-Laboratory
Joint Forces Warfighting Center
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Northern Command
Southern Command
Strategic Command (Space Command)


Center for Surface Combat Systems - Dahlgren
Commander Navy Installations Command
Financial Management and Comptroller
Naval Air Systems Command
Naval Education and Training Command
Naval Inventory Control Point
Naval Sea Systems Command
Naval Supply Systems Command
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Navy Office of the Chief of Human Resources
Navy Public Works Center
Navy Recruiting Command
Office of Naval Intelligence
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Naval Reserves

Marine Corps

Marine Corps Reserve
Marine Corps Systems Command

Department of Agriculture

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Forest Service
Risk Management Agency

Department of Commerce

National Weather Service
Patent & Trademark Office
United States Census Bureau

Department of Energy

National Nuclear Security Administration

Department of Health & Human Services

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services
National Institutes of Health
Indian Health Service

Department of Homeland Security

Customs & Border Protection
Directorate of Preparedness
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Protective Service
Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Transportation Security Administration
United States Citizenship & Immigration Services
US-VISIT Office of Policy
U.S. Coast Guard

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Public and Indian Housing

Department of Interior

National Park Service
Office of Inspector General

Department of Justice

Antitrust Division
Bureau of Prisons
Civil Rights
Criminal Division
Drug Enforcement Administration
Executive Office for the U.S. Attorneys
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Justice Management Division
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
United States Marshals Service

Department of Labor

Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Office of the Chief Information Officer

Department of State

Bureau of Consular Affairs
Foreign Service Institute
Population, Refugees, and Migration

Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
VOLPE Transportation System Center

Department of Treasury

Comptroller of the Currency
Internal Revenue Service
United States Secret Service

Department of Veterans Affairs

Board of Veterans Appeals
Veterans Benefit Administration
Veterans Health Administration

General Services Administration

Federal Supply Service
Federal Technology Service

Independent Agencies

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Central Intelligence Agency
Congressional Commission on China
Congressional Research Service
Director of National Intelligence
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Trade Commission
Government Accountability Office
Government Printing Office
International Trade Commission
Library of Congress
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Smithsonian Institution
U.S. Postal Service
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Social Security Administration

Prime Seaport partners:

Serco operates a number of churches across the UK, and is the United Kingdom’s licensed producer of holy wine and wafers, having bought out the Vatican’s patent in 1999. The Serco Seminaries at York and Canterbury have also produced a number of notable archbishops. Serco’s New Age branch promotes alternative therapies as well as Gaiaist gatherings, and is a regular presence at music festivals in the UK and Holland. Currently, Serco Ecclesiastical Publishing are negotiating for exclusive EU rights to republish definitive translations of the Bible and Holy Qu’ran.

The Guardian - Serco: 'the biggest company you've never heard of'

The Guardian - Serco: the company that is running Britain

MH17, Abel Danger & SERCO

SERCO: The most dangerous corporation you've never heard of


  1. Er helt enig i det der, har også oplyst om trump er en del af deep state siden 2016, det er så uhyggeligt hvordan de med deres psyops netop har fået en del til at tro det, selv nu er der folk der mener USA Militær er de gode fordi Trump er bag, siger man noget mod det, eller kan bevise ting mod dem, så kommer der også, jamen han spiller 3d

    Det er trættede og hårdt og smadrer præcis oplysnings miljøet, lige deres mål med denne operation Q, Trump osv. tak for et rigtigt godt indlæg (Y)


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