Når sandhedssøgende splittes frydes mørket

The good is not the opposite of the evil. It has never been touched by that which is evil, though it is surrounded by it. Evil cannot hurt the good but the good may appear to do harm and so evil gets more cunning, more mischievous. It can be cultivated, sharpened, expansively violent; it is born within the movement of time, nurtured and skilfully used. But goodness is not of time; it can in no way be cultivated or nurtured by thought; its action is not visible; it has no cause and so no effect. Evil cannot become good for that which is good is not the product of thought; it lies beyond thought, like beauty. The thing that thought produces, thought can undo but it is not the good; as it is not of time, the good has no abiding place. Where the good is, there is order, not the order of authority, punishment and reward; this order is essential, for otherwise society destroys itself and man becomes evil, murderous, corrupt and degenerate. For man is society; they are inseparable. The law of the good is everlasting, unchanging and timeless. Stability is its nature and so it is utterly secure. There is no other security.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti, 'Krishnamurti's Journal' - 21st September 1973
Gamle skriblerier i William James' stream of consciousness stil pastet her, et hurtigt hofteskud:
Har ofte reflekteret over, at emotionernes magt oftest er stærkere end menneskers bedre jeg. Endnu en kort typologi - en anden end de kendte 4 temperamenter.
Snittet ligger i det følgende et andet sted, og er en lærdom jeg har iagttaget gennem 25 år i form af 5 typer - en sandhed med modifikationer:
* En type som det er let at gøre vred, men let at mildne - hans dyd opvejer hans brist
* En type som det er svært at gøre vred, men svær at mildne - hans brist opvejer hans dyd
* En type som det er svært at gøre vred, men let at mildne, er viis og varm - hans dyd er intakt
* En type som det er let at gøre vred, men svær at mildne er hård og uviis - hans dyd er bristet
* En type som det er let at gøre vred, men umulig at mildne er malign - hans dyd er fortabt
Mange splittes blandt sandhedssøgende mennesker - de er ligeså disponerede for emotionernes magt, som de sovende mennesker er, som de forsøger at vække. Blot frydes mørket langt mere over de sandhedssøgendes indbyrdes konflikter,
Noget jeg har noteret mig i tiltagende grad; at der i denne tid i dissidentmiljøerne, er tiltagende mange grupperinger, partier, fraktioner, brud, indbyrdes konkurrence, narcissisme, stolthed og dumstolthed, nag, mistænksomhed, emotioner som tager over, etc. - og mellem personer indenfor grupperinger selv i dissidentmiljøerne, også veteraner, som i denne tid burde have været mere konfliktløse i relationer fordi der er behov for det.
Disse konflikter og brud, spændinger, etc. er bemærket og nævnt af flere i DK. Dårlige vibes og splittelse..

'Konspiranauter' er ikke mindre emotionelt reaktive end andre mennesker, 'blot' langt mere vågne 'horisontalt' (how the world works) ang. de mange ting som sker i verden bag forhænget, og måske derfor ofte mere emotionelt ramte, fordi de er bevidste om, at en 'Sauron' faktisk eksisterer, i overført betydning. De sovende er ikke i stress, for de har ikke kigget ned i the rabbit hole, men lever på overfladen...ignorance is bliss
Skyggen indefra vokser i sådanne tider som vores - derfor tror jeg, at de 'konspiriituelle' ' bliver ekstremt sjældne dissidenter, selvom der er flere nu af denne '3. kategori' end for 10 år siden.
Som om det åndelige bliver meget sværere i denne tid, og dette bevirker også skjulte konflikter mellem mennesker. Emotioner (det astrale) er som en autonom mægtig kraft, der styrer den slags. Stoicisme hjælper, men bedre er iagttagelse, og endnu bedre; mindfulness kombineret med transformation og integration af den indre skyggeside.
Som en Bruno Grönning ekspert sagde til mig i sidste uge: 'Hvis man rykker ved mørket med lys, pådrager man sig ikke kun mørkets opmærksomhed, nej, man bliver direkte angrebet.'
Sådan er det ikke kun på det okkulte plan. men helt nede på jorden i det konkrete, hvor man forsøger at miskreditere alle dissidenter, som kaster lys over de forfærdelige magtstrukturer, at gøre dem til kættere, etc. Forfærdeligt. De lunkne fisk med strømmen forbliver uberørte (men har et stort ansvar pga. af tavshed og zombieficering)
'Om et samfund er frit bestemmes ikke ved behandlingen af dets selvtilfredse, føjelige borgere – sådanne mennesker er ikke angrebet af autoriteterne – men snarere ved behandlingen af dets dissidenter og dets marginaliserede minoriteter. I USA, er det de mennesker, der er tilbageholdt i lufthavne, og har deres bærbare computere og notebooks beslaglagt uden dommerkendelse på grund af de film de laver eller den politiske aktivisme de engagerer sig i – eller som er udsat for masse-invasiv statslig overvågning, trods ingen beviser for forseelser, eller som retsforfølges og fængsles i årtier – eller endda henrettes uden rettergang – for at udtrykke politiske og religiøse overbevisninger som skønnes farlige af regeringen. Folk der modsætter sig den naturlige menneskelige tendens til at følge, ære og adlyde den fremherskende myndighed, har typisk et meget anderledes syn på, hvordan et undertrykkende samfund er, end dem, der underkaster sig disse impulser. ...Fristelsen til at underkaste sig autoritet…styrker den autoritære kultur ved at forvandle dets ledende institutioner til magtens tjenere, snarere end dem, der er sat til at holde magten i skak. Men værre er; det skjuler tilstedeværelsen af undertrykkelsen ved at sikre, at de fleste borgere, der vælger at følge, stole på og adlyde autoritet, ikke personligt oplever undertrykkelse og derfor ikke tror - nægter at tro - at den virkelig eksisterer'.
-'Film highlights the temptations and perils of blind obedience to authority', Glenn Grenwald, The Guardian, 26. august 2012
Vær en usynlig kold nuddel i lunkent vand, og magtens mørke rører dig ikke. Mørke er løgn og ubevidsthed, lys er sandhed og bevidsthed. Magten trives som altid i skyggerne...
Kan huske, at Jes Bertelsen i 70'erne citerede Tibetanske Rinpoches for at sige:
'Omkring os er der altid onde ånder'
(sådan fungerer det desværre på det astrale plan i vor tid, selvom man kan argumentere for, at ondskab ikke findes på det non-duale plan, og at ondskab ikke har egeneksistens men skyldes vildfarelse og uvidenhed - ja, men pædofile sadistiske mords årsager i form af mørke - uvidenhed - manifesterer sig som ondskab her på jorden, på det duale og astrale og dermed fysiske plan - den højeste virkelighed, non-dualitet og oplysning, etc. uagtet.)
Derfor findes bl.a. stærke magiske protector praksisser/traditioner indenfor Tibetansk Buddhisme. etc.
Der er ingen tvivl for mig om, at mange bliver angrebet, chikaneret, etc. af negative energier – astralt, fysisk, digitalt, etc.
Mine kilder til disse påstande er egne oplevelser, men de tunge drenge siger det klart; Yogananda, Bruno Grônning, Jeff Green, Stuart Wilde (som jeg talte med privat), Aurobindo, Rudolf Steiner, og talløse andre vidt forskellige kilder....selv Krisnamurti som havde mange oplevelser af såkaldt mørke kræfter.
Som det siges i okkulte læredoktriner; noget kan noget krybe ind umærkeligt indefra mellem mennesker som Trojanske heste via emotioner. En intern usynlig måde at ville splitte 'lys-miljøer' (sandhed og kærlighed) ad via emotionalitet (det astrale).
Jo mere skygge (ubevidsthed om egne emotioner, sider, etc., jo mere usynlig magt har emotioner (det astrale) og projektioner over vedkommende, noget som lav-astrale energier benytter, de selvsamme som dissidenterne bekæmper i deres mere externaliserede former.

For at blive i den kulørte analogi; det er dét som sker mellem mennesker, dværge, elvere, etc. i Ringenes Herre, hvor de enkelte grupperingers quest bliver saboteret af indre skygger (pga. Sauron's magt over ringen og det tiltagende mørke på Jorden) via emotioner, som igen splitter mennesker ad, mens de lavere energier frydes...

Hvis man tror på den slags, vel at mærke...angiveligt hader Archons kærlighed, mod, sandhed, selv kærlighedsfyldt sexualitet, etc. mere end noget andet.
Også når lys i mennesker kan skyde frem i åndelig individuel udvikling, virker det som om der er astrale kræfter som trækker nedad.
Man skal bruge sin vilje mod de modstandskræfter som fratager ens drive til transcendens. En dag kommer man ikke videre og stagnerer, og selvom man ønsker det, finder man ud af, at man næsten ikke kan, og man sidder fast i mudderet indtil døden i værste fald.
Ved godt, at mange har mistet bevidst kontakt til det spirituelle, og mener, at den tiltagende konflikt globalt specielt ønsker at forhindre kontakten, mens elektrosmog, kemikalier, vacciner, etc. gør sit også, ikke kun mentale verdensbilleder. Steiner forudså også, at mange vil få et intenst had mod alt spirituelt. [1]
Aurobindo's betragtninger om, hvad som foregår på det usynlige duale astrale plan; såkaldte fjendtlige angreb indefra og udefra.
So, all in all, nothing new...kun nogle få uddrag herfra i det følgende: Aurobindo, en dyb og testet esoterisk spirituel kilde, ikke wishy-washy false candyfloss teachings, og jeg svælger ikke i det okkulte fordi det virker sensationelt, men fordi det er uomgængelige betragtninger at have med, idet de kan have langt mere på sig end man umiddelbart kan tænke, sanse og forestille sig!
Der er ifl. Aurobindo:
1. menneskets lavere natur og
2. helt andre negative anti-guddommelige kræfter.
De skal ikke sammenblandes i ens begrebsligørelse, for de er forskellige, selvom den anden forsøger at angribe via den første.
Opposition of the Hostile Forces
It is a fact always known to all yogis and occultists since the beginning of time, in Europe and Africa as in India, that wherever yoga or Yajna [Yoga skal her forstås som åndelig praksis, progression] is done, there the hostile Forces gather together to stop it by any means. It is known that there is a lower nature and a higher spiritual nature - it is known that they pull different ways and the lower is strongest at first and the higher afterwards. It is known that the hostile Forces take advantage of the movements of the lower nature and try to spoil through them, smash or retard the siddhi. It has been said as long ago as the Upanishads (hard is the path to tread, sharp like a razor's edge); it was said later by Christ 'hard is the way and narrow the gate by which one enters into the kingdom of heaven' and also 'many are called, few chosen' - because of these difficulties. But it has also always been known that those who are sincere and faithful in heart and remain so and those who rely on the Divine will arrive in spite of all difficulties, stumbles or falls.
* * *
Normal human defects are one thing - they are the working of the lower nature of the Ignorance. The action of the hostile forces is a special intervention creating violent inner conflicts, abnormal depressions, thoughts and impulses of a kind which can be easily recognised as suggestions e.g. leaving the Ashram, abandoning the yoga, revolt against the Divine, suggestions of calamity and catastrophe apparently irresistible, irrational impulses and so on. It is a different order from the usual human weaknesses.
* * *
The normal resistance of the lower Nature in human beings and the action of the Hostiles are two quite different things. The former is natural and occurs in everybody; the latter is an intervention from the non-human world. But this intervention can come in two forms. (1) They use and press on the lower Nature forces making them resist where they would otherwise be quiescent, making the resistance strong or violent where it would be otherwise slight or moderate, exaggerating its violence when it is violent. There is besides a malignant cleverness, a conscious plan and combination when the Hostiles act on these forces which is not evident in the normal resistance of the forces. (2) They sometimes invade with their own forces. When this happens there is often a temporary possession or at least an irresistible influence which makes the thoughts, feelings, actions of the person abnormal - a black clouding of the brain, a whirl in the vital, all acts as if the person could not help himself and were drawn by an overmastering force. On the other hand instead of a possession there may be only a strong Influence; then the symptoms are less marked, but it is easy for any one acquainted with the ways of these forces to see what has happened. Finally it may be only an attack, not possession or influence; the person then is separate, is not overcome, resists.
There are some who are never touched by the hostile forces. [nok fordi den slags sovende mennesker ikke udgør nogen trussel]
* * *
There is a natural movement of the ordinary human nature in the material consciousness which takes time to get rid of. Of course we call them forces of the lower nature but one must not regard them as hostile, only ordinary. They have to be changed but it usually takes time and it can be done quietly. One must be more occupied with the positive side of the sadhana than with them. If one is always thinking of them as hostile things, getting disturbed when they come, considering them as hostile possessions, then it is not good.
The things that are really hostile are few and must be distinguished from the ordinary movements of the nature. The first must be repelled, the second dealt with quietly and without getting troubled or discouraged by their appearance.
* * *
It [the vital ego] is part of the ordinary human nature, everybody has it. It has to be purified and transformed, the ego being replaced by the true vital being of which it is a distorted shadow. The forces of the lower nature are often rebellious and resist transformation out of attachment to the familiar movements of the Ignorance, desire, vanity, pride, lust, self-will etc., but they are not in their nature hostile. The hostile forces are those whose very raison d'être is revolt against the Divine, against the Light and Truth and enmity to the Divine Work.
* * *
The forces of the Ignorance are a perversion of the earth-nature and the adverse Powers make use of them. They do not give up their control of men without a struggle.
* * *
The hostile forces have a certain self-chosen function: it is to test the condition of the individual, of the work, of the earth itself and their readiness for the spiritual descent and fulfilment. At every step of the journey, they are there attacking furiously, criticising, suggesting, imposing despondency or inciting to revolt, raising unbelief, amassing difficulties. No doubt, they put a very exaggerated interpretation on the rights given them by their function, making mountains even out of what seems to us a mole-hill. A little trifling false step or mistake and they appear on the road and clap a whole Himalaya as a barrier across it. But this opposition has been permitted from of old not merely as a test or ordeal, but as a compulsion on us to seek a greater strength, a more perfect self-knowledge, an intenser purity and force of aspiration, a faith that nothing can crush, a more powerful descent of the Divine Grace.
* * *
About the contact with the world and the hostile forces, that is of course always one of the sadhak's chief difficulties, but to transform the world and the hostile forces is too big a task and the personal transformation cannot wait for it. What has to be done is to come to live in the Power that these things, these disturbing elements cannot penetrate, or, if they penetrate, cannot disturb, and to be so purified and strengthened by it that there is in oneself no response to anything hostile. If there is a protecting envelopment, an inner purifying descent and, as a result, a settling of the higher consciousness in the inner being and finally, its substitution even in the most external outwardly active parts in place of the old ignorant consciousness, then the world and the hostile forces will no longer matter - for one's own soul at least; for there is a larger work not personal in which of course they will have to be dealt with; but that need not be a main preoccupation at the present stage.
* * *
There is always a pressure on the forces of the lower nature to change - through that the pressure is felt by the hostiles; but whether they change or are destroyed seems to be left very much for them to choose.
* * *
It is quite true that falsehood reigns in this world, that is the reason why these difficulties manifest. But you have not to allow yourself to be shaken. You must remain calm and strong and go straight, using the power of Truth and the Divine Force supporting you to overcome the difficulties and set straight what has been made crooked by the falsehood.
* * * * *
Yes, certainly. Men are being constantly invaded by the hostiles and there are great numbers of men who are partly or entirely under their influence. Some are possessed by them, others (a few) are incarnations of hostile beings. At the present moment they are very active all over the earth. Of course in the outside world there is no consciousness, such as is developed in yoga, by which they can either become aware of or consciously repel the attacks - the struggle in them between the psychic and the hostile force goes on mostly behind the veil or so far as it is on the surface is not understood by the mind.'
- se resten af de mange citater her http://intyoga.online.fr/hostile.htm
'Extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, occult powers, cannot free thought from confusion and misery; sensitive awareness of our thoughts and motives, from which spring our speech and action, is the beginning of lasting understanding and love. Mere self-control, discipline, self-punishment, or renunciation, cannot liberate thought; but constant awareness and pliability give clarity and strength. Only in becoming aware of the cause of ignorance, in understanding the process of craving and its dual opposing values, is there freedom from suffering. This discerning awareness must begin in our life of relationship with things, people, and ideas, with our own hidden thoughts and daily action. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
[1] Steiner om vacciners anti-spirituelle indflydelse skrevet for 100 år siden
"The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption ” oh, I beg your pardon, from the consumption they themselves suffered ” people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination towards spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field ” the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the spirits of light.” - Rudolf Steiner
"A longing will arise(and become)general opinion:Whatever is spiritual, whatever is of the spirit, is nonsense, is madness! Endeavours to achieve this will be made by bringing out remedies to be administered by inoculation just as inoculations have been developed as a protection against diseases, only these inoculations will influence the human body in a way that will make it refuse to give a home to the spiritual inclinations of the soul. People will be inoculated against the inclination to entertain spiritual ideas. Endeavours in this direction will be made; inoculations will be tested that already in childhood will make people lose any urge for spiritual life". - Rudolf Steiner, Lecture 3, Secret Brotherhoods
I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinate against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists. Se mere her: http://vaccineliberationarmy.com/2010/08/14/rudolf-steiner-quotes-innoculations-against-the-inclination-to-entertain-spiritual-ideas/
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